How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.
The party is the same from then to now in name only. I don’t fall for the idea that the same people would be members of both parties. Booth belonged to the Know-nothing party which seems appropriately like the Republican Party of today. They were far right racists out to preserve the confederacy. That’s no different then Trump today. Trump was a racist long before he became a didn’t matter what party he belonged to. The KnowNothings today imo, have been cultivated by Alies and the rest of the conspiracy theorist crews at Faux and other right wing entities out to preserve a ruling white majority. They are the equivalent to white apartheid minority ruling class of South Africa IMO.
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How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.

Well it's pretty obvious that you've done no research on Lincoln's career nor have you delved into any of his written opinions. You may be surprised to find out that Lincoln's general trend of thought is very similar to the person you see in that office now. Of course that would mean you actually did some research before you opened your uninformed Yap like some kind of obedient parrot.

How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.
In response to the Democrats turning Commie Red.....How did Democrats go Commie so fast?.....It's like going from being giant assholes to controlling giant assholes.
How in the Hell is Joe Biden the best the Demicommies have?.....Because you have that old demented pedophile on drugs and he is controlled like a puppet. We know the plan get some Commie Black Dyke as VP to take over when ol' Joe becomes completely incoherent..

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.
How in the Hell is Joe Biden the best the Demicommies have?.....Because you have that old demented pedophile on drugs and he is controlled like a puppet. We know the plan get some Commie Black Dyke as VP to take over when ol' Joe becomes completely incoherent..
He’s a competent politician with strong ties to OBama. He never did well on his own because he’s a poor public speaker. But Dems don’t care, compared to Trump, he’s a virtuous man who is just a stepping stone out of the hell of Trumpism. He’s a third term of Obama.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?


“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.
I do wonder about that 80%-plus figure, and how many of them only support him because of the (R) after his name.

It's just that I don't want to believe that a vast majority of the party thinks like he does.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

If you paid any attention, the tea party for all practical purposes doesn’t exist. It was a temporary contrivance to identify with the lower bracket fools of the GOP. They were just an offshoot of Republicans to promote controllable fools like Sarah Palin. The dumber the better. The “know nothing crowd” and tea party had a lot in common.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

Tea Party goers are steeped in racism...and they don’t even know it.
Their ideas of lowering the debt was just a front. It’s a fallacy shared by all republicans but the tea party really means is, lowering help to poor people which is code for Blacks . Their meetings always have racist overtones
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.
/——/ Well, lets start with Lincoln being murdered by a slave loving democRAT.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

If you paid any attention, the tea party for all practical purposes doesn’t exist. It was a temporary contrivance to identify with the lower bracket fools of the GOP. They were just an offshoot of Republicans to promote controllable fools like Sarah Palin. The dumber the better. The “know nothing crowd” and tea party had a lot in common.
/——/ TDS is strong with this one.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

If you paid any attention, the tea party for all practical purposes doesn’t exist. It was a temporary contrivance to identify with the lower bracket fools of the GOP. They were just an offshoot of Republicans to promote controllable fools like Sarah Palin. The dumber the better. The “know nothing crowd” and tea party had a lot in common.
/——/ TDS is strong with this one.
The southern racist found a home with tea party goers.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

If you paid any attention, the tea party for all practical purposes doesn’t exist. It was a temporary contrivance to identify with the lower bracket fools of the GOP. They were just an offshoot of Republicans to promote controllable fools like Sarah Palin. The dumber the better. The “know nothing crowd” and tea party had a lot in common.
/——/ TDS is strong with this one.
The southern racist found a home with tea party goers.
View attachment 360441
/——/ So disagreeing with a black president is racist.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

If you paid any attention, the tea party for all practical purposes doesn’t exist. It was a temporary contrivance to identify with the lower bracket fools of the GOP. They were just an offshoot of Republicans to promote controllable fools like Sarah Palin. The dumber the better. The “know nothing crowd” and tea party had a lot in common.
/——/ TDS is strong with this one.
TDS is a peculiar admission to one thing. Trump has no policies that aren’t racia

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

If you paid any attention, the tea party for all practical purposes doesn’t exist. It was a temporary contrivance to identify with the lower bracket fools of the GOP. They were just an offshoot of Republicans to promote controllable fools like Sarah Palin. The dumber the better. The “know nothing crowd” and tea party had a lot in common.
/——/ TDS is strong with this one.
The southern racist found a home with tea party goers.
View attachment 360441
/——/ So disagreeing with a black president is racist.
it is only if you use his race as a point of argument. This is what trump does, that’s what his rally does.
How has the democrat party gone from the party of slave owners to the party of Stalin?
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.

How has the Democrat party gone from what they were to the party of Marx?

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