How Immigration Reform Would Help the Economy


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
How Immigration Reform Would Help the Economy

But it would be a mistake to limited those admitted – or those allowed legal status and eventual citizenship – to people who already have or are in the process of getting a university-level education. To be clear, under the new system there may well be more low-wage immigrants than high-wage immigrants, but the transition to a point system for allocating green cards is designed to increase the share of people with more education and more scientific education, relative to the situation today and relative to what would otherwise occur.
We should reform immigration along the lines currently suggested and increase the supply of skilled labor in the world. This will both improve our economy and, at least potentially, help ensure the world stays more prosperous and more stable.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a lie.
Comp. Immig. Reform allows 12 million “skilled” dishwashers, hamburger flippers, babysitters, domestic, lawn cutters, construction workers, etc to compete with the million of “low skilled” Americans and their children for jobs and the state of the economy has proved that the 12 million illegal aliens that Comp. Immig. Reform would give legal status to have not improved the economy but has contributed to our failing economy. Legal immigration of “high wage earning skilled immigrants” would compete with American college graduates for jobs. We need to stop illegal immigration of low skilled workers and reverse it by depuration and limit high skilled workers that compete with American workers. Keep those families together by deportation and foreign countries need their “high skilled workers” to help their economy so that their “low skilled workers” would not want to immigrate. Good for American and other countries. Any fifth grader can understand this. Comp. Immig. Reform want to bring uneducated people into the country and educate them. A no-braine
How Immigration Reform Would Help the Economy

But it would be a mistake to limited those admitted – or those allowed legal status and eventual citizenship – to people who already have or are in the process of getting a university-level education. To be clear, under the new system there may well be more low-wage immigrants than high-wage immigrants, but the transition to a point system for allocating green cards is designed to increase the share of people with more education and more scientific education, relative to the situation today and relative to what would otherwise occur.
We should reform immigration along the lines currently suggested and increase the supply of skilled labor in the world. This will both improve our economy and, at least potentially, help ensure the world stays more prosperous and more stable.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a lie.
Comp. Immig. Reform allows 12 million “skilled” dishwashers, hamburger flippers, babysitters, domestic, lawn cutters, construction workers, etc to compete with the million of “low skilled” Americans and their children for jobs and the state of the economy has proved that the 12 million illegal aliens that Comp. Immig. Reform would give legal status to have not improved the economy but has contributed to our failing economy. Legal immigration of “high wage earning skilled immigrants” would compete with American college graduates for jobs. We need to stop illegal immigration of low skilled workers and reverse it by depuration and limit high skilled workers that compete with American workers. Keep those families together by deportation and foreign countries need their “high skilled workers” to help their economy so that their “low skilled workers” would not want to immigrate. Good for American and other countries. Any fifth grader can understand this. Comp. Immig. Reform want to bring uneducated people into the country and educate them. A no-braine

Can't disagree there. Immigration has always been used to keep the amount of workers in this country in abundance to keep wages low and to keep the working class bickering with each other. This started before the civil war even. No unity among us. It's all demorat vs. republican and we all play that game now sorry to say.
Granny says, "Dat's right - say it again, Sam...
N.C. Sheriff on Lack of Enforcement of Immigration Law: ‘Every Sheriff Will be a Border Sheriff’
April 10, 2014 – Rockingham County, North Carolina Sheriff Sam Page said the continued lack of enforcement of federal immigration law along the U.S. border with Mexico is bringing the consequences of an unsecured border to law enforcement agencies inside the United States.
“If we fail to secure our borders, basically, every sheriff in America will be a border sheriff because we’ll be fighting the issues that come through those borders,” Page told at an immigration radio town hall in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. Page said that while the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is in charge of preventing illegal entry at the border, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is tasked with enforcing U.S. immigration law inside the country. That enforcement, Page said, has been compromised since ICE’s then-director John Morton issued the first of ongoing prosecutorial discretion “guidance” from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that directs agents to concentrate on apprehending illegal aliens that are considered a threat to public safety.

“If their hands are so tied where they can’t do their job, and it’s not getting done, then we have failed because we’re not protecting the American citizens within the interior U.S.,” Page said. Public safety, he said, is the priority of the nation’s more than 3,000 sheriffs in counties around the country. “I’m speaking from public safety,” Page said. “That’s where I’m coming from.” “And yes, we have to secure our borders,” he said. “Yes, we need to have interior enforcement and we need to return to the rule of law and let those federal agents do their jobs.” “That’s how you better protect America,” Page said. “If we fail to secure our borders, basically, every sheriff in America will be a border sheriff because we’ll be fighting the issues that come through those borders.”


Sam Page, sheriff of Rockingham County, N.C.

Page and other members of the law enforcement community joined activists and a number of Republican lawmakers for a radio-row town hall event focused on immigration, hosted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The eighth annual “Hold Their Feet to the Fire” gathering comes at a time when the DHS is reviewing its deportations protocol, including the possible expansion of the categories of illegal aliens that might be immune from deportation.

On June 15, 2012, President Barack Obama announced that he would issue an executive order to allow certain young people brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents to get temporary legal and work status. “Effective immediately, the Department of Homeland Security is taking steps to lift the shadow of deportation from these young people,” Obama said in remarks about the decision. “Over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization.”

N.C. Sheriff on Lack of Enforcement of Immigration Law: ?Every Sheriff Will be a Border Sheriff? | CNS News
Well, it damn sure will help the horrible Unemployment numbers we have now...instead of 7% right now for LEGAL CITIZENS, lets shoot for 15 to 20% by giving millions law breakers (illegal immigrants) Amnesty and and then Obama can switch from insurance salesman to making commercial's how to sign up for welfare...after all it will be our fault by giving them Amnesty and there won't be any job so they'll have to learn to live off the taxpayers backs
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I have not heard one person say that the comprehensive immigration reform legislation is a partisan ploy. I have heard the process is but not the legislation itself. So what is it in the legislation itself that the Right has issue with. I have yet to hear an answer to that that has any merit? These attempts at reform the Democrats are making are not created by a few party operatives sitting in a room planning the 2014 race. They are the collection of input from the experts and people on the ground who know the situation. Because these reforms would actually help America Republicans would rather block reform because of 2014 than help America.
I think one aspect of the GOP opposition is their perception (valid or otherwise) on their part that a significant majority of current immigrants and their children lean Democratic in voting habits for a variety of reasons. In fairness to both sides on this issue, imagine if there was some vast gigantic pool of white, well-educated, Christian, future tea-party voting, wealthy, pro-life, socially and fiscally conservative people who were coming into the US already, say about a million a year, and then there was a proposal to increase this amount even more. Do we really think that left leaning Democrats would be all that thrilled, or that House GOP conservatives would be too concerned?
Beware of any legislation that bears the title, "Comprehensive." It is used when our Congresspersons have a mountain of bullshit they want to dump into a program, but don't want the public to see it. Hence we have the 2 thousand page nightmares that nobody reads until too late.

NOBODY in power wants rational immigration reform. There is no need for immigration reform. What is needed is for the Federal government to take the CURRENT immigration laws seriously.

Seal the borders. Prohibit employers from hiring anyone that they cannot PROVE is in the country legally. Deny government benefits (including public school education) to anyone not here legally. Provide for TEMPORARY work visas, with workers and employers contributing the equivalent of SS contributions into a trust fund, which the employee can access when he goes back to his home country.

It's not so difficult, really.
I think one aspect of the GOP opposition is their perception (valid or otherwise) on their part that a significant majority of current immigrants and their children lean Democratic in voting habits for a variety of reasons. In fairness to both sides on this issue, imagine if there was some vast gigantic pool of white, well-educated, Christian, future tea-party voting, wealthy, pro-life, socially and fiscally conservative people who were coming into the US already, say about a million a year, and then there was a proposal to increase this amount even more. Do we really think that left leaning Democrats would be all that thrilled, or that House GOP conservatives would be too concerned?

I have given this angle some thought. If this is indeed the consideration there are several variables to factor. Illegal immigrants would not instantly get the right to vote. As a matter of fact it might take them 2 or 3 cycles at the earliest. The legal immigrates who can vote this cycle are not taking kindly to the House not taking up Immigration Reform. Republicans seem to have difficulty making the hard choices so they are choosing not to make any choice as the default. Seems the Republican's primary strategy in this matter is to implement voter id laws.
All sorts of things are good for the economy. Strip mining, uncontrolled co2 output, fracking, depletion of the rainforests, even slavery. Liberals want their cake and eat it to, (on immigration at least). It is frustrating as hell when people that hold to preservation of the environment and respect for all cultures would encourage the devaluation and erosion of their own culture. I don't want diversity anymore. It sounded so nice once , but it's a beautiful lie.
All sorts of things are good for the economy. Strip mining, uncontrolled co2 output, fracking, depletion of the rainforests, even slavery. Liberals want their cake and eat it to, (on immigration at least). It is frustrating as hell when people that hold to preservation of the environment and respect for all cultures would encourage the devaluation and erosion of their own culture. I don't want diversity anymore. It sounded so nice once , but it's a beautiful lie.

But it does not devalue or erode our culture. They are here already. They have been for years. It just gives us more of our already existing culture. Everyone just gets a little more of the same. They pave their own road.
Umm. Yes it does. I have been subject to it. And, over the course of thirty years, the whole paradigm of immigration or assimilation has changed. Like a lobster boiling in a pot....Never notices the temperature. Umm, is it getting warm in here or what? I notice.
Umm. Yes it does. I have been subject to it. And, over the course of thirty years, the whole paradigm of immigration or assimilation has changed. Like a lobster boiling in a pot....Never notices the temperature. Umm, is it getting warm in here or what? I notice.

I tried to state it in a way you might accept. Beyond that it's on you.
All sorts of things are good for the economy. Strip mining, uncontrolled co2 output, fracking, depletion of the rainforests, even slavery. Liberals want their cake and eat it to, (on immigration at least). It is frustrating as hell when people that hold to preservation of the environment and respect for all cultures would encourage the devaluation and erosion of their own culture. I don't want diversity anymore. It sounded so nice once , but it's a beautiful lie.

You say that because your family is already here.
Umm. Yes it does. I have been subject to it. And, over the course of thirty years, the whole paradigm of immigration or assimilation has changed. Like a lobster boiling in a pot....Never notices the temperature. Umm, is it getting warm in here or what? I notice.

I tried to state it in a way you might accept. Beyond that it's on you.

Excuse me? "In a way I might accept"? In what "way" would that be? Curiouser and curiouser. I feel like I fell down a rabbit hole.
Umm. Yes it does. I have been subject to it. And, over the course of thirty years, the whole paradigm of immigration or assimilation has changed. Like a lobster boiling in a pot....Never notices the temperature. Umm, is it getting warm in here or what? I notice.

I tried to state it in a way you might accept. Beyond that it's on you.

Excuse me? "In a way I might accept"? In what "way" would that be? Curiouser and curiouser. I feel like I fell down a rabbit hole.

You would like to believe you live in a static world. One that ought to be. You are afraid of change as you are set in your ways. Immigration Reform is not going to all of a sudden give you a Mexican neighbor. What it is going to do is give the existing world a legal structure. Your fear that you own little world might change is really fucking things up for a whole lot of other people and you really need to just get over that.
Of course immigration would help the economy. Mitt Romney understood that. It's why he wanted to bring in immigrants with degrees.

The GOP base thinks those immigrants would "take their jobs". Hilarious. The GOP base isn't qualified for anything skilled, not believing in education, science or technology. Red States even have to lure skilled workers from Blue States. They just don't have anyone who can learn anything complex.
Well, might be right, but on the other hand, you might be a pandering fool. You have no sense of history, and blind acceptance of ANYTHING is foolish.
Change and morality seems to be dictated by who makes the most babies, and want to dominate the current culture. Boo.
Well, might be right, but on the other hand, you might be a pandering fool. You have no sense of history, and blind acceptance of ANYTHING is foolish.

But we do have facts. Republicans like to say they have the most college degrees. Well, it's not liberals going to all the right wingnut tier four universities. And a BS in Bible Study doesn't get you very far. Not these days.
I tried to state it in a way you might accept. Beyond that it's on you.

Excuse me? "In a way I might accept"? In what "way" would that be? Curiouser and curiouser. I feel like I fell down a rabbit hole.

You would like to believe you live in a static world. One that ought to be. You are afraid of change as you are set in your ways. Immigration Reform is not going to all of a sudden give you a Mexican neighbor. What it is going to do is give the existing world a legal structure. Your fear that you own little world might change is really fucking things up for a whole lot of other people and you really need to just get over that.

Static, interesting word... Mexicans charge over the border, barge in, ignore laws immigration or otherwise... move into America, and then sink into their own little static world of "pretending they are still in Mexico". You know, they ignore the laws and the preexisting culture. Oh, they are so "proud" of their culture", stuff like this, it's sickening. I will not accept illegal aliens, and that post is hypocritical and inane, it's typical of the mindset in this country. I am not screwing up anything for Mexicans, it's kinda the other way' round.
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