Zone1 How important is helping others in Christianity?

For me the end does not justify the means.
We will find out on judgement day who is right on morality.
It is way beyond his multiple marriages and affairs that I feel he is immoral. It is because he put's his needs above all else.
If your needs match his, you are OK. If they are not, you are in trouble. he is putting his needs above the country's needs.
His whole focus is how he is being screwed over. he is the victim. Help me, send money.
How about talking more about the country's needs. He trys to destroy anyone who does not agree with him. He is evil.
I am supposing that all along you have been in favor of those in the government and bureaucracies who, since 2015, have been even more determined to destroy Mr. Trump because he does not agree with them. If, as you say, destroying someone is evil, isn't it just as evil to destroy Mr. Trump? Not to mention General Flynn. Since Mr. Trump is clearly evil, Mrs. Clinton was an heroic angel to start the Russian Collusion Hoax in order to destroy him? President Trump should have rolled up in a whimpering ball and went along with the lie?
I am supposing that all along you have been in favor of those in the government and bureaucracies who, since 2015, have been even more determined to destroy Mr. Trump because he does not agree with them. If, as you say, destroying someone is evil, isn't it just as evil to destroy Mr. Trump? Not to mention General Flynn. Since Mr. Trump is clearly evil, Mrs. Clinton was an heroic angel to start the Russian Collusion Hoax in order to destroy him? President Trump should have rolled up in a whimpering ball and went along with the lie?
There are battles in life and politics where one side has to win and one has to lose. The best sceneraio is if you have a win win situation.
I have never seen any politician truly try and destroy those who do not agree with him. His fight are mean spirited and ofter do not include the truth.
I feel everyone should be held accountable for their actions but not destroyed for the sake of destroying.
I feel General Flynn is being held accountable for his actions more than being destroyed for the sake of destroying

You are not God. God will determine if I am right or wrong and if you are right or wrong.
The Scriptures actually say otherwise:

Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!
The Scriptures actually say otherwise:

Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!
I feel you are misinterpretting scriptures.
God will determine who is right. Belief should be humble not arrogant.
I feel you are misinterpretting scriptures.
God will determine who is right. Belief should be humble not arrogant.
Nope. You are.


How much more, then, matters pertaining to THIS life!

The verse most often quoted by your kind, "jude not, let you be judged" is saying we are not to CONDEMN A PERSON TO HELL because that alone is GOD'S job and we have no idea where that person is in God's plan for him/her. It is NOT saying we aren't to judge whether a person's words or actions are right or wrong.

And what you fail to see is that YOUR are doing, in this thread, exactly what you condemn in others.

You are judging them. YOU are being arrogant and you are blind to it
Because any Christian who supports Trump is just as immoral and reprehensible as Trump.

Being a Christian has nothing to do with being moral.
So can a Christian support a pedophile and a pervert who engages in incest? Showering with and kissing on the lips his granddaughter

Sorry, I won't be manipulated by the God haters

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I am supposing that all along you have been in favor of those in the government and bureaucracies who, since 2015, have been even more determined to destroy Mr. Trump because he does not agree with them. If, as you say, destroying someone is evil, isn't it just as evil to destroy Mr. Trump? Not to mention General Flynn. Since Mr. Trump is clearly evil, Mrs. Clinton was an heroic angel to start the Russian Collusion Hoax in order to destroy him? President Trump should have rolled up in a whimpering ball and went along with the lie?
You seem to judge people based on what political party they are affiliated with rather than their actions.
I see many people responding to Trump's actions they feel could destroy our country. Many of those people are Republicans.
Trump tries to destroy anyone who does not agree with him and does not compliment him..
Trump over country - Trump cult members
Country over Trump - anti-Trumpers
God is not the author of confusion and these folk are you deny that. SATAN Is the author of confusion and chaos and all that follows.
No, I think mortal man is the author of confusion and chaos.

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