How is austerity doing in Europe

For me, when I've shorted for profit successfully, there are three factors

1. It's overvalued
2. It's technically breaking down
3. Fundamentals are deteriorating or are about to deteriorate

When I've lost money shorting, one of those things is usually missing.
Shorting is interesting, and yet dangerous. I normally buy puts instead of shorting, unless I have a really large amount of capital to put up as a margin. Your shorting strategy is almost identical to mine, except I look for other things like a high accounts receivable and a switching of auditors. But a trending market decay and restructuring can be good for being long of ETF's. Even if the fundamentals are bad, it only hurts the ETF in a non trending, volatile market.

When dealing with my exposure with commodities, I don't short. Prices generally surge outside of my favor, and then some wacko may decide to accept the physical commodity, instead of the cash from a winning position just to spite me.
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Not that I care, I don't jump into other debates, but right about what: the Federal Reserve, GDP or the Coupons. I only ask because I have no idea why you are picking on him. I am fulfilling my duties as a concerned spectator...

P.S. You're a very mean guy:eusa_eh:

I don't suffer fools gladly, it's true. It's a character flaw. Better here than IRL.

1. The Fed is not the devil. I'm not a fan and think they've created a lot of damage, but the conspiracy theories about the Fed are as idiotic as the twoofer and birfer theories. There is so much misinformation.

2. Most of what gasbag said in our exchange is just flat out wrong.

3. If someone who knows little (gasbag) is going to call someone who knows a lot (oldfart) an idiot hack with an agenda and to fuck off, then don't be surprised if he gets his own idiocy thrown back at him (coupons).

I'm aware of your positions on certain things. Guess I wasn't really paying attention to the full exchange. Never really you lash out on anyone you've disagreed with. And I know we disagree but we are usually okay (although you do tend to single me out on occasion). I guess if someone is being hostile then it can't be helped. Just wanted to know all the facts before artibarity jumping in on a subject.

Have a nice day, and happy trading! I hope you cut your losses in your SPY short from a month ago.

Yeah, that's been a rough one. When you can come up with a VXX product that that can print unlimited shares to be shorted bringing volatility down, what a head spin...

No, he's a troll. He uses the same tired jabs against me. That coupon thing and the fed thing, he's led with in no less that a score of trolling sessions. It's pretty sad really. I guess that's the down syndrome talking.
Oh, and considering that virtually all the profits of the Fed are swept to the government, that's a funny definition of private ownership.

You're a real genius. The Fed is a Wall Street cartel so that virtually all profits can be swept to the government? Do you even listen to yourself?
Oh, and considering that virtually all the profits of the Fed are swept to the government, that's a funny definition of private ownership.

You're a real genius. The Fed is a Wall Street cartel so that virtually all profits can be swept to the government? Do you even listen to yourself?

This is what I mean about not understanding it.
2. Most of what gasbag said in our exchange is just flat out wrong.

Everything I said was spot on. You make blanket denial statements b/c you can't handle real debate. You're here to troll, not debate.

Gasbag, most everything you wrote is wrong. I'd take the time to refute it if I thought you'd understand it.

Well you're defiant and have low comprehension to clarify the reality.
Oh, and considering that virtually all the profits of the Fed are swept to the government, that's a funny definition of private ownership.

You're a real genius. The Fed is a Wall Street cartel so that virtually all profits can be swept to the government? Do you even listen to yourself?

This is what I mean about not understanding it.


This what I mean about blanket denials because you can't debate points. You have the mind of a ten-year-old.
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics.*
"High wages and high prices in an economic slump run contrary to everything we know about market forces in economic downturns," Ohanian said. "As we've seen in the past several years, salaries and prices fall when unemployment is high. By artificially inflating both, the New Deal policies short-circuited the market's self-correcting forces."

NIRA's role in prolonging the Depression has not been more closely scrutinized because the Supreme Court declared the act unconstitutional within two years of its passage.
"Historians have assumed that the policies didn't have an impact because they were too short-lived, but the proof is in the pudding," Ohanian said. "We show that they really did artificially inflate wages and prices."
Even after being deemed unconstitutional, Roosevelt's anti-competition policies persisted — albeit under a different guise, the scholars found. Ohanian and Cole painstakingly documented the extent to which the Roosevelt administration looked the other way as industries once protected by NIRA continued to engage in price-fixing practices for four more years.
Recovery came only after the Department of Justice dramatically stepped up enforcement of antitrust cases nearly four-fold and organized labor suffered a string of setbacks, the economists found.
"The fact that the Depression dragged on for years convinced generations of economists and policy-makers that capitalism could not be trusted to recover from depressions and that significant government intervention was required to achieve good outcomes," Cole said. "Ironically, our work shows that the recovery would have been very rapid had the government not intervened."
-UCLA- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Good. You found a single economist who agrees with your agenda. How about the thousands who do not???
Nice try. But you certainly did not prove anything with that piece.

The article that you have found is well known, and is hardly well supported. For instance, wpa jobs are not considered in their analysis.
The right-wing New Deal conniption fit -

You clearly are not familiar with economists! Fucking clearly. The media always cherry picks those handful who yuck it up for FDR and you translate that as a majority. I'm seriously asking you this. Have you even taken an economics class? Because FDR policies are rife with what's called waste.
Well, it is true that if anyone should know what it is like to not understand economics, it would be you. But you see, me poor ignorant clown, that is your opinion. And you are starting to see how much people who DO understand economics a bit value your opinion. Like me, they do so value your opinion.
Back to the bat shit crazy con web sites for you, now. See if you can find some more stupid statements to post. But for my part, I am going to simply ignore you.

You willfully said a whole lot of nothing. This thread is a joke. I've proven that it was started as a propaganda piece by a libtard that knows nothing about economics. And alas, that is the world we live in now.
Except that the austerity programs sent the UK into triple-dip recession, 5 other countries are virtually bankrupt, eastern Europe's post-soviet recovery has been crushed, and Germany owns just about everything.

Gatsby, if you're going to bullshit post, make sure those reading your posts aren't more familiar with the subject matter than you are.
Except that the austerity programs sent the UK into triple-dip recession, 5 other countries are virtually bankrupt, eastern Europe's post-soviet recovery has been crushed, and Germany owns just about everything.

Gatsby, if you're going to bullshit post, make sure those reading your posts aren't more familiar with the subject matter than you are.

You're a fucking moron that doesn't know shit; let alone know more than me.

Triple dip recessions? I sincerely doubt it and challenge you to document your bull shit. But, you can't.

Secondly, you don't go on the verge of bankruptcy with decades of corruption and thne think it's all going to be okay the next quarter. It's not. All of these nations have huge debts hanging over their heads and inept regulations gridlocking their systems.
Except that the austerity programs sent the UK into triple-dip recession, 5 other countries are virtually bankrupt, eastern Europe's post-soviet recovery has been crushed, and Germany owns just about everything.

Gatsby, if you're going to bullshit post, make sure those reading your posts aren't more familiar with the subject matter than you are.
IMPOSSIBLE. NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE, knows less about economics than Gatsby. He has that honor OWNED.
Except that the austerity programs sent the UK into triple-dip recession, 5 other countries are virtually bankrupt, eastern Europe's post-soviet recovery has been crushed, and Germany owns just about everything.

Gatsby, if you're going to bullshit post, make sure those reading your posts aren't more familiar with the subject matter than you are.

You're a fucking moron that doesn't know shit; let alone know more than me.

Triple dip recessions? I sincerely doubt it and challenge you to document your bull shit. But, you can't.

Secondly, you don't go on the verge of bankruptcy with decades of corruption and thne think it's all going to be okay the next quarter. It's not. All of these nations have huge debts hanging over their heads and inept regulations gridlocking their systems.

When did "austerity" in Europe take place? What's amusing to me is that progressives now point to something that DIDN'T happen as "proof" that doing it doesn't work!
Except that the austerity programs sent the UK into triple-dip recession, 5 other countries are virtually bankrupt, eastern Europe's post-soviet recovery has been crushed, and Germany owns just about everything.

Gatsby, if you're going to bullshit post, make sure those reading your posts aren't more familiar with the subject matter than you are.
IMPOSSIBLE. NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE, knows less about economics than Gatsby. He has that honor OWNED.

And NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE, "pretends" to know more about economics than Rshermr! He's the Tommy Flanagan of the US Message Board. Yeah, that's the ticket!!!
Well, maybe someone knows equally little about economics. Almost forgot. And equally pre disposed at leading with unsupported and unsupportable insults. What a combination!!!
Except that the austerity programs sent the UK into triple-dip recession, 5 other countries are virtually bankrupt, eastern Europe's post-soviet recovery has been crushed, and Germany owns just about everything.

Gatsby, if you're going to bullshit post, make sure those reading your posts aren't more familiar with the subject matter than you are.

You're a fucking moron that doesn't know shit; let alone know more than me.

Triple dip recessions? I sincerely doubt it and challenge you to document your bull shit. But, you can't.

Secondly, you don't go on the verge of bankruptcy with decades of corruption and thne think it's all going to be okay the next quarter. It's not. All of these nations have huge debts hanging over their heads and inept regulations gridlocking their systems.

When did "austerity" in Europe take place? What's amusing to me is that progressives now point to something that DIDN'T happen as "proof" that doing it doesn't work!

Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece have all had significant budget cuts.
When did "austerity" in Europe take place? What's amusing to me is that progressives now point to something that DIDN'T happen as "proof" that doing it doesn't work!

Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece have all had significant budget cuts.

This is the problem with the austerity hawks. They have a definition of austerity which no nation will adopt and therefore avoid responsibility for the disastrous results of the policies they advocate. It's not true austerity unless the entire public deficit is erased, the central bank is dismantled and the nation returns to the gold standard, and taxes are lowered. If nations like Ireland follow their program and it seems to work for a while, they claim success. When it turns out that the program isn't working at all (in Ireland's case because it's a small economy and there is a peculiarity in its pharma export business related to tax avoidance that inflates GDP figures), then they claim austerity was never really tried.

Among other things this kind of argument is intellectually dishonest and anyone making it is doing so in bad faith. Liberals used to do the same thing; if a poverty program didn't work it was never because it was badly structured, it was because we didn't fund it adequately. Now it's conservatives who think that any problem can be solved by defunding or privatizing it.
Oh, and considering that virtually all the profits of the Fed are swept to the government, that's a funny definition of private ownership.

Hey the Fed claimed themselves privately owned. I guess that only matters when it helps them hide their crimes.

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