How is austerity doing in Europe

Wow. That was a completely irrational post. You misquoted me. On a couple of occasions. And made statements that only you will understand.
So, what you have said is that austerity does not exist in europe. Which is really, really stupid. but then, I could go back and get your statement of gas being distilled in oil tankers, and saying it like I was obvioulsy stupid not to know that.
Now I remember why I put you on ignore. Jesus, that was a lot of drivel. In my humble, but correct, opinion.

So, being the economic expert that you are, and having a large staff of economists working for you, I should probably listen to the drivel. But of course, there is just you, and a few bat shit crazy con sources that you would quote. Or, I could listen to hundreds of economists who have actually been studying the subject. I think the choice is obvious. And besides, I prefer to deal with people that have some level of integrity.
Austerity is not working in europe (and does indeed exist):
Austerity's Failure in Greece: Time to Think the Unthinkable?
Yes, Europe really is in the throes of austerity
Europe rethinks austerity - Los Angeles Times
German election will kill Europe austerity: Blackstone's Studzinski me, Todd. Is ignorance bliss???
Charlemagne: After austerity, what? | The Economist
» Deepening Economic Crisis: Austerity Policies Heighten National Divisions throughout Europe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Thousands rally against European austerity on May Day | Reuters
PressTV - Only Germany?s Merkel backs austerity in Europe: French minister
Anti-austerity forces in Europe raise their voices - Darrell Delamaide's Political Capital - MarketWatch
Why is austerity so unpopular in Europe? Because it?s not working. - The Washington Post
Austerity Not Working in Europe: Analyst - CNBC
Austerity is not working - Time for a social investment pact - Citizens For Europe
The lesson for Obama of Europe's failed austerity | Robert Reich | Business |
And on, and on, and on. I could post hundreds. And all impartial sources. No nut case conservative or liberal sources. And, if you look at a few, you will find they have what you do not: A great deal of economic background with studies and facts determined to prove the truth, not an agenda.
Sorry, me girl. What you want folks to believe is, technically, STUPID.

So not only did you not decide to response to a single thing I've said, you've decided to unleash every single thing you've bookmarked about austerity. I also thought that you wanted studies, not blogs/articles. Good to know that your debating standards can turn on a dime. Weren't you in another thread chastising me about the proper use of a source? Nothing hypocritical about that at all...

Look, I don't care what you use as a source. I really don't. But what is boring about debating you is that you can't even rely on your own 'so-called self-proclaimed economic knowledge.' You need the help of a third party to guide you. I can't debunk the person who wrote the article. And refuting sources with another source is boring...

You're free to try again when you possess a better understanding of the topic, but this was an utter waste of time...
Sorry. You do not want to admit that austerity is being tried in europe. The list I gave you is not bookmarked. Just a list from google. So, you believe in sources that support your idea of higher ue numbers, even from a rag like the ny post. But you do not bother to look at the obvious. The weight of the data is quite profound. So, you do not choose to look at it. Nothing I can do to help that. But, me dear, your assertion that if the percentage of gdp represented by gov spending goes up, it proves that austerity does not exist, is just plain stupid. It is untrue by definition. If you understand basic math.
And your assertion that I said unemployment was what caused gdp to decrease was untrue. What I said was that ue is a major reason why austerity will not and can not succeed. Because regardless of what gdp does, unemployment will cause the program to fail. People will not continue to put up with increasing unemployment.
Here is the problem, amazon. You do not make an effort at being an honest broker. You have an obvious agenda. And you post complete drivel as though it is true. Which is why I chose to ignore most of your last post. So, you can say all you want what you will about your brilliant analysis of data and not needing sources to back you up. You see, me dear, only you believe that.
Wow. That was a completely irrational post. You misquoted me. On a couple of occasions. And made statements that only you will understand.
So, what you have said is that austerity does not exist in europe. Which is really, really stupid. but then, I could go back and get your statement of gas being distilled in oil tankers, and saying it like I was obvioulsy stupid not to know that.
Now I remember why I put you on ignore. Jesus, that was a lot of drivel. In my humble, but correct, opinion.

So, being the economic expert that you are, and having a large staff of economists working for you, I should probably listen to the drivel. But of course, there is just you, and a few bat shit crazy con sources that you would quote. Or, I could listen to hundreds of economists who have actually been studying the subject. I think the choice is obvious. And besides, I prefer to deal with people that have some level of integrity.
Austerity is not working in europe (and does indeed exist):
Austerity's Failure in Greece: Time to Think the Unthinkable?
Yes, Europe really is in the throes of austerity
Europe rethinks austerity - Los Angeles Times
German election will kill Europe austerity: Blackstone's Studzinski me, Todd. Is ignorance bliss???
Charlemagne: After austerity, what? | The Economist
» Deepening Economic Crisis: Austerity Policies Heighten National Divisions throughout Europe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Thousands rally against European austerity on May Day | Reuters
PressTV - Only Germany?s Merkel backs austerity in Europe: French minister
Anti-austerity forces in Europe raise their voices - Darrell Delamaide's Political Capital - MarketWatch
Why is austerity so unpopular in Europe? Because it?s not working. - The Washington Post
Austerity Not Working in Europe: Analyst - CNBC
Austerity is not working - Time for a social investment pact - Citizens For Europe
The lesson for Obama of Europe's failed austerity | Robert Reich | Business |
And on, and on, and on. I could post hundreds. And all impartial sources. No nut case conservative or liberal sources. And, if you look at a few, you will find they have what you do not: A great deal of economic background with studies and facts determined to prove the truth, not an agenda.
Sorry, me girl. What you want folks to believe is, technically, STUPID.

So not only did you not decide to response to a single thing I've said, you've decided to unleash every single thing you've bookmarked about austerity. I also thought that you wanted studies, not blogs/articles. Good to know that your debating standards can turn on a dime. Weren't you in another thread chastising me about the proper use of a source? Nothing hypocritical about that at all...

Look, I don't care what you use as a source. I really don't. But what is boring about debating you is that you can't even rely on your own 'so-called self-proclaimed economic knowledge.' You need the help of a third party to guide you. I can't debunk the person who wrote the article. And refuting sources with another source is boring...

You're free to try again when you possess a better understanding of the topic, but this was an utter waste of time...
Sorry. You do not want to admit that austerity is being tried in europe. The list I gave you is not bookmarked. Just a list from google. So, you believe in sources that support your idea of higher ue numbers, even from a rag like the ny post. But you do not bother to look at the obvious. The weight of the data is quite profound. So, you do not choose to look at it. Nothing I can do to help that. But, me dear, your assertion that if the percentage of gdp represented by gov spending goes up, it proves that austerity does not exist, is just plain stupid. It is untrue by definition. If you understand basic math.
And your assertion that I said unemployment was what caused gdp to decrease was untrue. What I said was that ue is a major reason why austerity will not and can not succeed. Because regardless of what gdp does, unemployment will cause the program to fail. People will not continue to put up with increasing unemployment.
Here is the problem, amazon. You do not make an effort at being an honest broker. You have an obvious agenda. And you post complete drivel as though it is true. Which is why I chose to ignore most of your last post. So, you can say what you will about your brilliant analysis of data and not needing sources to back you up. You see, me dear, only you believe that.
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I believe that my post also took a swipe at liberals for doing the equivalent. Both sides have a tendency to support policy measures and then if they fail claim the failure is because they do not go far enough. The proper time to make that argument is before the policy is implemented. Whether stimulus or austerity, you either own the program or you don't, before you have results.

There really is nothing to own if the policy you advocate isn't implemented close or exact the way you would have liked it to be. Leninst-Marxist don't refer to the the Soviet Union as Communism. Free Market economist don't refer to America has a Free Market. I wouldn't refer to government spending program which is 4% percent of GDP as stimulus. So why exactly do we call 3% spending cuts as austerity?

I'm trying hard to agree with you. But you seem to be making the argument that only extreme programs count. If no nation has tried true austerity or true stimulus, then we have no basis for considering either a success or failure.

My point was that its bad form to wait to see how things turn out to decide if a program meets the purity test.

My point is that it's subjective. Everyone has their idea of what is sufficient enough and what is not. Using historical examples of Austerity, the EU isn't experiencing anywhere near those kinds of levels. I believe this is the idea austerity hawks are trying to get across. Only the extreme are advocating for lights out at the central government.
Wow. That was a completely irrational post. You misquoted me. On a couple of occasions. And made statements that only you will understand.
So, what you have said is that austerity does not exist in europe. Which is really, really stupid. but then, I could go back and get your statement of gas being distilled in oil tankers, and saying it like I was obvioulsy stupid not to know that.
Now I remember why I put you on ignore. Jesus, that was a lot of drivel. In my humble, but correct, opinion.

So, being the economic expert that you are, and having a large staff of economists working for you, I should probably listen to the drivel. But of course, there is just you, and a few bat shit crazy con sources that you would quote. Or, I could listen to hundreds of economists who have actually been studying the subject. I think the choice is obvious. And besides, I prefer to deal with people that have some level of integrity.
Austerity is not working in europe (and does indeed exist):
Austerity's Failure in Greece: Time to Think the Unthinkable?
Yes, Europe really is in the throes of austerity
Europe rethinks austerity - Los Angeles Times
German election will kill Europe austerity: Blackstone's Studzinski me, Todd. Is ignorance bliss???
Charlemagne: After austerity, what? | The Economist
» Deepening Economic Crisis: Austerity Policies Heighten National Divisions throughout Europe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Thousands rally against European austerity on May Day | Reuters
PressTV - Only Germany?s Merkel backs austerity in Europe: French minister
Anti-austerity forces in Europe raise their voices - Darrell Delamaide's Political Capital - MarketWatch
Why is austerity so unpopular in Europe? Because it?s not working. - The Washington Post
Austerity Not Working in Europe: Analyst - CNBC
Austerity is not working - Time for a social investment pact - Citizens For Europe
The lesson for Obama of Europe's failed austerity | Robert Reich | Business |
And on, and on, and on. I could post hundreds. And all impartial sources. No nut case conservative or liberal sources. And, if you look at a few, you will find they have what you do not: A great deal of economic background with studies and facts determined to prove the truth, not an agenda.
Sorry, me girl. What you want folks to believe is, technically, STUPID.

So not only did you not decide to response to a single thing I've said, you've decided to unleash every single thing you've bookmarked about austerity. I also thought that you wanted studies, not blogs/articles. Good to know that your debating standards can turn on a dime. Weren't you in another thread chastising me about the proper use of a source? Nothing hypocritical about that at all...

Look, I don't care what you use as a source. I really don't. But what is boring about debating you is that you can't even rely on your own 'so-called self-proclaimed economic knowledge.' You need the help of a third party to guide you. I can't debunk the person who wrote the article. And refuting sources with another source is boring...

You're free to try again when you possess a better understanding of the topic, but this was an utter waste of time...
Sorry. You do not want to admit that austerity is being tried in europe. The list I gave you is not bookmarked. Just a list from google. So, you believe in sources that support your idea of higher ue numbers, even from a rag like the ny post.

I don't really have to admit it. I've already shown why it's not. Sure, you may have some EU states which are or have implemented it, but they are part of a tiny minority. To say the EU as a whole has implemented it would be a lie.

Also, what does a quote I used from the NY post have to do with anything?

But you do not bother to look at the obvious. The weight of the data is quite profound. So, you do not choose to look at it. Nothing I can do to help that. But, me dear, your assertion that if the percentage of gdp represented by gov spending goes up, it proves that austerity does not exist, is just plain stupid. It is untrue by definition. If you understand basic math.

That is not my assertion. If you didn't give up during the third round, you'd understand what the assertion is.

The assertion is that these economies are contracting. All components of GDP either falls or becomes worse (in the case of a current account balance) when the economy shrinks. And I've already shown using Private/Government Final Consumption expenditures, as well as Gross Fixed Capital Formation that Government spending is not driving the contraction. It is lagging behind the contraction, as other components of GDP is shrinking faster than government spending. I have also already explained because these components of GDP are shrinking faster than Government Spending, Government Spending is now larger as a percentage of GDP, despite the fact that Government Spending is falling too.

I don't know why you consider a shrinking economy austerity, but that's never been the premise before. Most components either fall or remain stagnant when an economy shrinks.

And your assertion that I said unemployment was what caused gdp to decrease was untrue. What I said was that ue is a major reason why austerity will not and can not succeed. Because regardless of what gdp does, unemployment will cause the program to fail. People will not continue to put up with increasing unemployment.

Fine. Whatever. You didn't say it. I still do not understand why relation Unemployment has with Austerity. Unemployment will not magically become better simply because you have austerity. No one said austerity was painless.

Here is the problem, amazon. You do not make an effort at being an honest broker. You have an obvious agenda. And you post complete drivel as though it is true. Which is why I chose to ignore most of your last post. So, you can say all you want what you will about your brilliant analysis of data and not needing sources to back you up. You see, me dear, only you believe that.

My agenda is to make money. I do not see why this is wrong. And regardless of whatever sources I use, you will find a way to bitch about them like you always do. So I really don't take the time to present it. I offered the Eurostat numbers and that is all the numbers I really need.

Also, my analysis is pretty top notch. Most of all, it's my own thoughts. Not the thoughts from another blogger or economist.
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So not only did you not decide to response to a single thing I've said, you've decided to unleash every single thing you've bookmarked about austerity. I also thought that you wanted studies, not blogs/articles. Good to know that your debating standards can turn on a dime. Weren't you in another thread chastising me about the proper use of a source? Nothing hypocritical about that at all...

Look, I don't care what you use as a source. I really don't. But what is boring about debating you is that you can't even rely on your own 'so-called self-proclaimed economic knowledge.' You need the help of a third party to guide you. I can't debunk the person who wrote the article. And refuting sources with another source is boring...

You're free to try again when you possess a better understanding of the topic, but this was an utter waste of time...
Sorry. You do not want to admit that austerity is being tried in europe. The list I gave you is not bookmarked. Just a list from google. So, you believe in sources that support your idea of higher ue numbers, even from a rag like the ny post.

I don't really have to admit it. I've already shown why it's not. Sure, you may have some EU states which are or have implemented it, but they are part of a tiny minority. To say the EU as a whole has implemented it would be a lie.

Also, what does a quote I used from the NY post have to do with anything?

That is not my assertion. If you didn't give up during the third round, you'd understand what the assertion is.

The assertion is that these economies are contracting. All components of GDP either falls or becomes worse (in the case of a current account balance) when the economy shrinks. And I've already shown using Private/Government Final Consumption expenditures, as well as Gross Fixed Capital Formation that Government spending is not driving the contraction. It is lagging behind the contraction, as other components of GDP is shrinking faster than government spending. I have also already explained because these components of GDP are shrinking faster than Government Spending, Government Spending is now larger as a percentage of GDP, despite the fact that Government Spending is falling too.

I don't know why you consider a shrinking economy austerity, but that's never been the premise before. Most components either fall or remain stagnant when an economy shrinks.

And your assertion that I said unemployment was what caused gdp to decrease was untrue. What I said was that ue is a major reason why austerity will not and can not succeed. Because regardless of what gdp does, unemployment will cause the program to fail. People will not continue to put up with increasing unemployment.

Fine. Whatever. You didn't say it. I still do not understand why relation Unemployment has with Austerity. Unemployment will not magically become better simply because you have austerity. No one said austerity was painless.

Here is the problem, amazon. You do not make an effort at being an honest broker. You have an obvious agenda. And you post complete drivel as though it is true. Which is why I chose to ignore most of your last post. So, you can say all you want what you will about your brilliant analysis of data and not needing sources to back you up. You see, me dear, only you believe that.

My agenda is to make money. I do not see why this is wrong. And regardless of whatever sources I use, you will find a way to bitch about them like you always do. So I really don't take the time to present it. I offered the Eurostat numbers and that is all the numbers I really need.

Also, my analysis is pretty top notch. Most of all, it's my own thoughts. Not the thoughts from another blogger or economist.
Jesus. Another Tanya moment. You do not see what unemployment has to do with austerity. Which proves why no one should listen to you. You are simply way to ignorant.
And it is great to know that your opinion of your analysis is that it is top notch. Funny. But great to know, I guess. Now, you may note that your analysis differs from the vast majority of others analyzing austerity. But what the hell. I am sure you believe someone is buying what you are saying. Delusional though you may be. And, yes, you have said before how you do not respect economists. So, good for you. And by the way, you still need to find out what a blog is. As I recall, the sources I provided were NOT blogs.
Sorry. You do not want to admit that austerity is being tried in europe. The list I gave you is not bookmarked. Just a list from google. So, you believe in sources that support your idea of higher ue numbers, even from a rag like the ny post.

I don't really have to admit it. I've already shown why it's not. Sure, you may have some EU states which are or have implemented it, but they are part of a tiny minority. To say the EU as a whole has implemented it would be a lie.

Also, what does a quote I used from the NY post have to do with anything?

That is not my assertion. If you didn't give up during the third round, you'd understand what the assertion is.

The assertion is that these economies are contracting. All components of GDP either falls or becomes worse (in the case of a current account balance) when the economy shrinks. And I've already shown using Private/Government Final Consumption expenditures, as well as Gross Fixed Capital Formation that Government spending is not driving the contraction. It is lagging behind the contraction, as other components of GDP is shrinking faster than government spending. I have also already explained because these components of GDP are shrinking faster than Government Spending, Government Spending is now larger as a percentage of GDP, despite the fact that Government Spending is falling too.

I don't know why you consider a shrinking economy austerity, but that's never been the premise before. Most components either fall or remain stagnant when an economy shrinks.

Fine. Whatever. You didn't say it. I still do not understand why relation Unemployment has with Austerity. Unemployment will not magically become better simply because you have austerity. No one said austerity was painless.

Here is the problem, amazon. You do not make an effort at being an honest broker. You have an obvious agenda. And you post complete drivel as though it is true. Which is why I chose to ignore most of your last post. So, you can say all you want what you will about your brilliant analysis of data and not needing sources to back you up. You see, me dear, only you believe that.

My agenda is to make money. I do not see why this is wrong. And regardless of whatever sources I use, you will find a way to bitch about them like you always do. So I really don't take the time to present it. I offered the Eurostat numbers and that is all the numbers I really need.

Also, my analysis is pretty top notch. Most of all, it's my own thoughts. Not the thoughts from another blogger or economist.
Jesus. Another Tanya moment. You do not see what unemployment has to do with austerity. Which proves why no one should listen to you. You are simply way to ignorant.

I'm talking about austerity. Not the effects austerity has. I really don't understand why you brought it up in the first place.

And it is great to know that your opinion of your analysis is that it is top notch. Funny. But great to know, I guess. Now, you may note that your analysis differs from the vast majority of others analyzing austerity. But what the hell. I am sure you believe someone is buying what you are saying.

I probably am. Then again, I probably am not. I can't please everyone.

Delusional though you may be. And, yes, you have said before how you do not respect economists.

Show me where I have said this...

So, good for you. And by the way, you still need to find out what a blog is. As I recall, the sources I provided were NOT blogs.

Actually, you did:


So calculated risk is not a blog?
Good for you. You found one. So now go look up "as I recall." Most would understand that it meant I was not sure. Sorry you are to ignorant to understand the meaning of the term. Then look up petty. Best of luck on that.
By the way, any source that I used is much more accepted than the ny post. Jesus, sometimes I just wonder.
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Good for you. You found one. So now go look up "as I recall." Most would understand that it meant I was not sure. Sorry you are to ignorant to understand the meaning of the term. Then look up petty. Best of luck on that.
By the way, any source that I used is much more accepted than the ny post. Jesus, sometimes I just wonder.

Either way, you spammed out links. Anyhow, you've only engaged in pseudo-economics at best to this point.
Good for you. You found one. So now go look up "as I recall." Most would understand that it meant I was not sure. Sorry you are to ignorant to understand the meaning of the term. Then look up petty. Best of luck on that.
By the way, any source that I used is much more accepted than the ny post. Jesus, sometimes I just wonder.

Either way, you spammed out links. Anyhow, you've only engaged in pseudo-economics at best to this point.
that would be your opinion. And you know how much I, and pretty much everyone else, values your opinion.
Good for you. You found one. So now go look up "as I recall." Most would understand that it meant I was not sure. Sorry you are to ignorant to understand the meaning of the term. Then look up petty. Best of luck on that.

Why would I do that? It's not my fault you are sloppy in your research. Perhaps it would be better if you didn't use Google as an economic textbook while presenting anything that just happened to have the word 'austerity' in it.

Otherwise, I don't fault you. The Calculated Risk blog actually has some good stuff in it.

By the way, any source that I used is much more accepted than the ny post. Jesus, sometimes I just wonder.

That's fine. It still does not take away anything behind the validity of the article.
Good for you. You found one. So now go look up "as I recall." Most would understand that it meant I was not sure. Sorry you are to ignorant to understand the meaning of the term. Then look up petty. Best of luck on that.
By the way, any source that I used is much more accepted than the ny post. Jesus, sometimes I just wonder.

Either way, you spammed out links. Anyhow, you've only engaged in pseudo-economics at best to this point.
that would be your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion.

I also know your lack of regard for reality and real economics.
Good for you. You found one. So now go look up "as I recall." Most would understand that it meant I was not sure. Sorry you are to ignorant to understand the meaning of the term. Then look up petty. Best of luck on that.

Why would I do that? It's not my fault you are sloppy in your research. Perhaps it would be better if you didn't use Google as an economic textbook while presenting anything that just happened to have the word 'austerity' in it.

Otherwise, I don't fault you. The Calculated Risk blog actually has some good stuff in it.

By the way, any source that I used is much more accepted than the ny post. Jesus, sometimes I just wonder.

That's fine. It still does not take away anything behind the validity of the article.

Rshermr uses Google because he doesn't know very much about economics...which is amazing since it wasn't only his major in college but he says he taught the subject at the college level. If you took away his ability to Google things old Rshermr would be as clueless as Barry without a teleprompter. :lol:
Good for you. You found one. So now go look up "as I recall." Most would understand that it meant I was not sure. Sorry you are to ignorant to understand the meaning of the term. Then look up petty. Best of luck on that.

Why would I do that? It's not my fault you are sloppy in your research. Perhaps it would be better if you didn't use Google as an economic textbook while presenting anything that just happened to have the word 'austerity' in it.

Otherwise, I don't fault you. The Calculated Risk blog actually has some good stuff in it.

By the way, any source that I used is much more accepted than the ny post. Jesus, sometimes I just wonder.

That's fine. It still does not take away anything behind the validity of the article.

Rshermr uses Google because he doesn't know very much about economics...which is amazing since it wasn't only his major in college but he says he taught the subject at the college level. If you took away his ability to Google things old Rshermr would be as clueless as Barry without a teleprompter. :lol:

He's not an econ major. I know when I'm talking to an economics major. He and Toro have made up fake credentials online and it's easy to spot!
Why would I do that? It's not my fault you are sloppy in your research. Perhaps it would be better if you didn't use Google as an economic textbook while presenting anything that just happened to have the word 'austerity' in it.

Otherwise, I don't fault you. The Calculated Risk blog actually has some good stuff in it.

That's fine. It still does not take away anything behind the validity of the article.

Rshermr uses Google because he doesn't know very much about economics...which is amazing since it wasn't only his major in college but he says he taught the subject at the college level. If you took away his ability to Google things old Rshermr would be as clueless as Barry without a teleprompter. :lol:

He's not an econ major. I know when I'm talking to an economics major. He and Toro have made up fake credentials online and it's easy to spot!

Thinks GDP growth isn't economic growth.

Thinks BEA GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation.

Doesn't know how coupons work.

Doesn't read books he doesn't have to.

So, there has been a lot of talks about the austerity programs being pushed on european countries. Lots of blame being placed on the countries where austerity is in place, from all sorts of folks. Austerity is, in general, a forced program of free market policies with the primary plan being the reduction of debt by elimination of government spending. The stated projected outcome is that debt will be reduced, GDP will grow, and employment will be increased.
I have been waiting to determine what the outcome is likely to be. My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster. But I felt I owed it a look before mouthing off about the absurdity of the whole thing. And in my opinion, my opinion is of little value until there is some proof of the likely outcome. So, I kept watching, and after a year or two, I think the verdict is close to in. Increasingly. impartial sources close to the subject have become more and more and more pessimistic. And we are close to a time when it will be the decesion of most, by a wide margin, that austerity has failed, or is failing, in pretty much every country where it has been instituted.
Here is an article out of the UK that is very representative of what is being said:
Democracy in Europe has not been suspended, and the collision course is more apparent than ever. "Stop the world, we want to get off!" was The Wall Street Journal's verdict on the mounting European anti-austerity backlash. The truth is that the real world has paid the high priests of austerity an unwelcome visit. Their policies have sucked growth out of the economy, failed to tackle debt, dramatically increased unemployment, and devastated living standards. It would be utterly baffling if people did not fight back.

No wonder Greece is at the forefront of the backlash. A modern European society is being dismembered by austerity. The economy has shrunk by nearly a fifth, and the country's debt continues to mount. Over half of young people are without work; the minimum wage has been slashed to desperately low levels; and wages have fallen by a third since 2009. Then there's the ultimate indicator of despair: the number of people taking their own lives. Greece had one of the lowest suicide rates in the world, but experts suggest it may have doubled since the crisis began. Austerity is literally killing people.
Owen Jones: This austerity backlash across Europe could transform Britain - Commentators - Voices - The Independent
We should be interested. Austerity has some major similarities to our own fiscal cliff issues. We should be interested. European austerity is the model for neo conservative policies. Looking at how things are going, from a realistic point of view, should be useful.
You are certifiably nutz.
Why would I do that? It's not my fault you are sloppy in your research. Perhaps it would be better if you didn't use Google as an economic textbook while presenting anything that just happened to have the word 'austerity' in it.

Otherwise, I don't fault you. The Calculated Risk blog actually has some good stuff in it.

That's fine. It still does not take away anything behind the validity of the article.

Rshermr uses Google because he doesn't know very much about economics...which is amazing since it wasn't only his major in college but he says he taught the subject at the college level. If you took away his ability to Google things old Rshermr would be as clueless as Barry without a teleprompter. :lol:

He's not an econ major. I know when I'm talking to an economics major. He and Toro have made up fake credentials online and it's easy to spot!
Good. Put your money where your mouth is. How about, say, $10K, I pay you if I can not produce my diploma, you pay me if I do.
Funny. You will not. You know you will loose. Just another con with no knowledge, and a desire to use personal attack in place of knowledge.
funny. But then, thing is, you should have an average iq to post on any blog. so between yourself, oldstyle, and a couple of others, maybe you get to 100. In aggregate.
So, there has been a lot of talks about the austerity programs being pushed on european countries. Lots of blame being placed on the countries where austerity is in place, from all sorts of folks. Austerity is, in general, a forced program of free market policies with the primary plan being the reduction of debt by elimination of government spending. The stated projected outcome is that debt will be reduced, GDP will grow, and employment will be increased.
I have been waiting to determine what the outcome is likely to be. My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster. But I felt I owed it a look before mouthing off about the absurdity of the whole thing. And in my opinion, my opinion is of little value until there is some proof of the likely outcome. So, I kept watching, and after a year or two, I think the verdict is close to in. Increasingly. impartial sources close to the subject have become more and more and more pessimistic. And we are close to a time when it will be the decesion of most, by a wide margin, that austerity has failed, or is failing, in pretty much every country where it has been instituted.
Here is an article out of the UK that is very representative of what is being said:
Democracy in Europe has not been suspended, and the collision course is more apparent than ever. "Stop the world, we want to get off!" was The Wall Street Journal's verdict on the mounting European anti-austerity backlash. The truth is that the real world has paid the high priests of austerity an unwelcome visit. Their policies have sucked growth out of the economy, failed to tackle debt, dramatically increased unemployment, and devastated living standards. It would be utterly baffling if people did not fight back.

No wonder Greece is at the forefront of the backlash. A modern European society is being dismembered by austerity. The economy has shrunk by nearly a fifth, and the country's debt continues to mount. Over half of young people are without work; the minimum wage has been slashed to desperately low levels; and wages have fallen by a third since 2009. Then there's the ultimate indicator of despair: the number of people taking their own lives. Greece had one of the lowest suicide rates in the world, but experts suggest it may have doubled since the crisis began. Austerity is literally killing people.
Owen Jones: This austerity backlash across Europe could transform Britain - Commentators - Voices - The Independent
We should be interested. Austerity has some major similarities to our own fiscal cliff issues. We should be interested. European austerity is the model for neo conservative policies. Looking at how things are going, from a realistic point of view, should be useful.
You are certifiably nutz.
Another profound post by a con tool. Jesus. Are you also incapable of rational argument??
Of course you are.
So, there has been a lot of talks about the austerity programs being pushed on european countries. Lots of blame being placed on the countries where austerity is in place, from all sorts of folks. Austerity is, in general, a forced program of free market policies with the primary plan being the reduction of debt by elimination of government spending. The stated projected outcome is that debt will be reduced, GDP will grow, and employment will be increased.
I have been waiting to determine what the outcome is likely to be. My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster. But I felt I owed it a look before mouthing off about the absurdity of the whole thing. And in my opinion, my opinion is of little value until there is some proof of the likely outcome. So, I kept watching, and after a year or two, I think the verdict is close to in. Increasingly. impartial sources close to the subject have become more and more and more pessimistic. And we are close to a time when it will be the decesion of most, by a wide margin, that austerity has failed, or is failing, in pretty much every country where it has been instituted.
Here is an article out of the UK that is very representative of what is being said:

We should be interested. Austerity has some major similarities to our own fiscal cliff issues. We should be interested. European austerity is the model for neo conservative policies. Looking at how things are going, from a realistic point of view, should be useful.
You are certifiably nutz.
Another profound post by a con tool. Jesus. Are you also incapable of rational argument??
Of course you are.

You said, "My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster."

How can anyone make a rational argument about your statements. Is there some liberal decoder book I can use to convert what you said into English? It's just gibberish. As much as I can tell you are trying to say governments attempting to live within budgets is absurd. If that's your point, I just have to laugh. You said it all.

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