How is austerity doing in Europe

You are certifiably nutz.
Another profound post by a con tool. Jesus. Are you also incapable of rational argument??
Of course you are.

You said, "My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster."

How can anyone make a rational argument about your statements. Is there some liberal decoder book I can use to convert what you said into English? It's just gibberish. As much as I can tell you are trying to say governments attempting to live within budgets is absurd. If that's your point, I just have to laugh. You said it all.
Simple enough. I used the wrong word. It is not my "want" that anything would fail to help an economy. And should you read what I have said throughout this post, you would find that to be obvious.
What I meant to say is that it was my belief that austerity would not work. My error. But then, if you had a brain, you would have found that very easy to understand based on the rest of my posts. And there have been hundreds by now by me in this thread.
So, are you incapable, then, of pointing to a case where austerity is working in europe?? Or are you, as I would assume, incapable of and disinterested in discussing the subject of the thread?
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Another profound post by a con tool. Jesus. Are you also incapable of rational argument??
Of course you are.

You said, "My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster."

How can anyone make a rational argument about your statements. Is there some liberal decoder book I can use to convert what you said into English? It's just gibberish. As much as I can tell you are trying to say governments attempting to live within budgets is absurd. If that's your point, I just have to laugh. You said it all.
Simple enough. I used the wrong word. It is not my "want" that anything would fail to help an economy. And should you read what I have said throughout this post, you would find that to be obvious.
What I meant to say is that it was my belief that austerity would not work. My error. But then, if you had a brain, you would have found that very easy to understand based on the rest of my posts. And there have been hundreds by now by me in this thread.
So, are you incapable, then, of pointing to a case where austerity is working in europe?? Or are you, as I would assume, incapable of and disinterested in discussing the subject of the thread?
So your "belief" is what, that socialism will work in Europe if they double down, again, on social spending? Define a measure for identifying if austerity is "working." Can you compare and contrast what would have happened if they did not reduce spending on entitlements?

Do you understand the concept of a budget?
You said, "My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster."

How can anyone make a rational argument about your statements. Is there some liberal decoder book I can use to convert what you said into English? It's just gibberish. As much as I can tell you are trying to say governments attempting to live within budgets is absurd. If that's your point, I just have to laugh. You said it all.
Simple enough. I used the wrong word. It is not my "want" that anything would fail to help an economy. And should you read what I have said throughout this post, you would find that to be obvious.
What I meant to say is that it was my belief that austerity would not work. My error. But then, if you had a brain, you would have found that very easy to understand based on the rest of my posts. And there have been hundreds by now by me in this thread.
So, are you incapable, then, of pointing to a case where austerity is working in europe?? Or are you, as I would assume, incapable of and disinterested in discussing the subject of the thread?
So your "belief" is what, that socialism will work in Europe if they double down, again, on social spending? Define a measure for identifying if austerity is "working." Can you compare and contrast what would have happened if they did not reduce spending on entitlements?

Do you understand the concept of a budget?
This is a message board. I asked for opinions. It was a simple question, which was how is austerity working in europe.
There is NO single answer. Every country is different. The official answer has been to cut spending and to increase taxes in order to close each countries deficits.
So, you have made the determination that the deficit problems in those countries was because of entitlement payments. That is an answer to a question I did not ask, but it is fair game. You must have some proof that those payments are the cause of the deficits of all those countries. But you provide no proof.
So, perhaps that should be a different thread. Titled something like "What is the cause of the economic decline in europe?". If you would prefer to address that subject here, go for it. But perhaps you have some proof of your statement. If not, that statement has no value. Neither my, nor your, nor anyone else's opinion is of value without some sort of proof.

I am suggesting no such thing as doubling down on entitlements. That is your straw man. My belief, for what it is worth, is that some entitlements were to high. But I am not in to trying to say which entitlements in which country were to high. That I would leave to the experts on the subject, which I am not a member of. And calling people or countries socialist is simply ignorant.

Do I understand what a budget is? Uh, yes. I do. Any other really stupid questions??
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Rshermr uses Google because he doesn't know very much about economics...which is amazing since it wasn't only his major in college but he says he taught the subject at the college level. If you took away his ability to Google things old Rshermr would be as clueless as Barry without a teleprompter. :lol:

He's not an econ major. I know when I'm talking to an economics major. He and Toro have made up fake credentials online and it's easy to spot!

Thinks GDP growth isn't economic growth.

Thinks BEA GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation.

Doesn't know how coupons work.

Doesn't read books he doesn't have to.


Can I join the club? I also have fake credentials in finance and economics. :eusa_drool:
He's not an econ major. I know when I'm talking to an economics major. He and Toro have made up fake credentials online and it's easy to spot!

Thinks GDP growth isn't economic growth.

Thinks BEA GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation.

Doesn't know how coupons work.

Doesn't read books he doesn't have to.


Can I join the club? I also have fake credentials in finance and economics. :eusa_drool:
Absolutely. Please do. Responding to these economic geniuses is getting to be a bit too much of a time drain for me alone.
So, there has been a lot of talks about the austerity programs being pushed on european countries. Lots of blame being placed on the countries where austerity is in place, from all sorts of folks. Austerity is, in general, a forced program of free market policies with the primary plan being the reduction of debt by elimination of government spending. The stated projected outcome is that debt will be reduced, GDP will grow, and employment will be increased.
I have been waiting to determine what the outcome is likely to be. My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster. But I felt I owed it a look before mouthing off about the absurdity of the whole thing. And in my opinion, my opinion is of little value until there is some proof of the likely outcome. So, I kept watching, and after a year or two, I think the verdict is close to in. Increasingly. impartial sources close to the subject have become more and more and more pessimistic. And we are close to a time when it will be the decesion of most, by a wide margin, that austerity has failed, or is failing, in pretty much every country where it has been instituted.
Here is an article out of the UK that is very representative of what is being said:
Democracy in Europe has not been suspended, and the collision course is more apparent than ever. "Stop the world, we want to get off!" was The Wall Street Journal's verdict on the mounting European anti-austerity backlash. The truth is that the real world has paid the high priests of austerity an unwelcome visit. Their policies have sucked growth out of the economy, failed to tackle debt, dramatically increased unemployment, and devastated living standards. It would be utterly baffling if people did not fight back.

No wonder Greece is at the forefront of the backlash. A modern European society is being dismembered by austerity. The economy has shrunk by nearly a fifth, and the country's debt continues to mount. Over half of young people are without work; the minimum wage has been slashed to desperately low levels; and wages have fallen by a third since 2009. Then there's the ultimate indicator of despair: the number of people taking their own lives. Greece had one of the lowest suicide rates in the world, but experts suggest it may have doubled since the crisis began. Austerity is literally killing people.
Owen Jones: This austerity backlash across Europe could transform Britain - Commentators - Voices - The Independent
We should be interested. Austerity has some major similarities to our own fiscal cliff issues. We should be interested. European austerity is the model for neo conservative policies. Looking at how things are going, from a realistic point of view, should be useful.

Here's your OP TROLL to remind you what you actually said vs. the bull shit you just posted about asking for opinions.
He's not an econ major. I know when I'm talking to an economics major. He and Toro have made up fake credentials online and it's easy to spot!

Thinks GDP growth isn't economic growth.

Thinks BEA GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation.

Doesn't know how coupons work.

Doesn't read books he doesn't have to.


Can I join the club? I also have fake credentials in finance and economics. :eusa_drool:

Do you know how coupons work? If so, you're in!
So, there has been a lot of talks about the austerity programs being pushed on european countries. Lots of blame being placed on the countries where austerity is in place, from all sorts of folks. Austerity is, in general, a forced program of free market policies with the primary plan being the reduction of debt by elimination of government spending. The stated projected outcome is that debt will be reduced, GDP will grow, and employment will be increased.
I have been waiting to determine what the outcome is likely to be. My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster. But I felt I owed it a look before mouthing off about the absurdity of the whole thing. And in my opinion, my opinion is of little value until there is some proof of the likely outcome. So, I kept watching, and after a year or two, I think the verdict is close to in. Increasingly. impartial sources close to the subject have become more and more and more pessimistic. And we are close to a time when it will be the decesion of most, by a wide margin, that austerity has failed, or is failing, in pretty much every country where it has been instituted.
Here is an article out of the UK that is very representative of what is being said:
Democracy in Europe has not been suspended, and the collision course is more apparent than ever. "Stop the world, we want to get off!" was The Wall Street Journal's verdict on the mounting European anti-austerity backlash. The truth is that the real world has paid the high priests of austerity an unwelcome visit. Their policies have sucked growth out of the economy, failed to tackle debt, dramatically increased unemployment, and devastated living standards. It would be utterly baffling if people did not fight back.

No wonder Greece is at the forefront of the backlash. A modern European society is being dismembered by austerity. The economy has shrunk by nearly a fifth, and the country's debt continues to mount. Over half of young people are without work; the minimum wage has been slashed to desperately low levels; and wages have fallen by a third since 2009. Then there's the ultimate indicator of despair: the number of people taking their own lives. Greece had one of the lowest suicide rates in the world, but experts suggest it may have doubled since the crisis began. Austerity is literally killing people.
Owen Jones: This austerity backlash across Europe could transform Britain - Commentators - Voices - The Independent
We should be interested. Austerity has some major similarities to our own fiscal cliff issues. We should be interested. European austerity is the model for neo conservative policies. Looking at how things are going, from a realistic point of view, should be useful.

Here's your OP TROLL to remind you what you actually said vs. the bull shit you just posted about asking for opinions.
And there, right on time, is one of those economics geniuses.
As normal, incapable of discussion of the thread subject, but fully capable of nonsensical personal attacks. Which, of course, is all that he has left.
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Thinks GDP growth isn't economic growth.

Thinks BEA GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation.

Doesn't know how coupons work.

Doesn't read books he doesn't have to.


Can I join the club? I also have fake credentials in finance and economics. :eusa_drool:

Do you know how coupons work? If so, you're in!

Thinks GDP growth isn't economic growth.

Thinks BEA GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation.

Doesn't know how coupons work.

Doesn't read books he doesn't have to.


Can I join the club? I also have fake credentials in finance and economics. :eusa_drool:
Absolutely. Please do. Responding to these economic geniuses is getting to be a bit too much of a time drain for me alone.

It's that there's a TON of misinformation out there about monetary operations and macroeconomic policy. People are constantly bombarded on the radio and television by ignorant and agenda driven pundits.
He's not an econ major. I know when I'm talking to an economics major. He and Toro have made up fake credentials online and it's easy to spot!

Thinks GDP growth isn't economic growth.

Thinks BEA GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation.

Doesn't know how coupons work.

Doesn't read books he doesn't have to.


Can I join the club? I also have fake credentials in finance and economics. :eusa_drool:

TORO has been adequately schooled about GDP. He's fond of his soundbyte style posting though.
Yup. You don't suspect they have ulterior motives, do you??

Who are they and what motives?

And speaking they and ulterior motives; you pretend that govt. doesn't have ulterior motives. That's the huge flaw in your nonsense. If an angelic commission was doling out the money, there might be merit to your nonsense.
So, there has been a lot of talks about the austerity programs being pushed on european countries. Lots of blame being placed on the countries where austerity is in place, from all sorts of folks. Austerity is, in general, a forced program of free market policies with the primary plan being the reduction of debt by elimination of government spending. The stated projected outcome is that debt will be reduced, GDP will grow, and employment will be increased.
I have been waiting to determine what the outcome is likely to be. My want is that it would be most likely that Austerity would be a disaster. But I felt I owed it a look before mouthing off about the absurdity of the whole thing. And in my opinion, my opinion is of little value until there is some proof of the likely outcome. So, I kept watching, and after a year or two, I think the verdict is close to in. Increasingly. impartial sources close to the subject have become more and more and more pessimistic. And we are close to a time when it will be the decesion of most, by a wide margin, that austerity has failed, or is failing, in pretty much every country where it has been instituted.
Here is an article out of the UK that is very representative of what is being said:

We should be interested. Austerity has some major similarities to our own fiscal cliff issues. We should be interested. European austerity is the model for neo conservative policies. Looking at how things are going, from a realistic point of view, should be useful.

Here's your OP TROLL to remind you what you actually said vs. the bull shit you just posted about asking for opinions.
And there, right on time, is one of those economics geniuses.
As normal, incapable of discussion of the thread subject, but fully capable of nonsensical personal attacks. Which, of course, is all that he has left.
Posting YOUR OP is a "personal attack?" Dude it's what YOU WROTE TO START THE THREAD. Not one thing in your OP that has anything to do with asking people about opinions. Your thread is a TROLL about how fantastic socialism is and how budgets are stupid and will never work. Your thread not mine.
Yup. You don't suspect they have ulterior motives, do you??

Who are they and what motives?

And speaking they and ulterior motives; you pretend that govt. doesn't have ulterior motives. That's the huge flaw in your nonsense. If an angelic commission was doling out the money, there might be merit to your nonsense.

The government couldn't possibly be maliciously fudging numbers, especially about employment data. It is too busy spying on those who are unemployed and have nothing better to do.
Yup. You don't suspect they have ulterior motives, do you??

Who are they and what motives?

And speaking they and ulterior motives; you pretend that govt. doesn't have ulterior motives. That's the huge flaw in your nonsense. If an angelic commission was doling out the money, there might be merit to your nonsense.

The government couldn't possibly be maliciously fudging numbers, especially about employment data. It is too busy spying on those who are unemployed and have nothing better to do.

Yea. The govt. is full of propaganda under the Obama regime.
Can I join the club? I also have fake credentials in finance and economics. :eusa_drool:

Do you know how coupons work? If so, you're in!


When gasbag isn't schooling us all on how GDP growth isn't economic growth, or on how GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation, he has this book.


Alas, he'll never know, since he doesn't read books he doesn't have to.
Do you know how coupons work? If so, you're in!


When gasbag isn't schooling us all on how GDP growth isn't economic growth, or on how GDP releases aren't adjusted for inflation, he has this book.


Alas, he'll never know, since he doesn't read books he doesn't have to.

Really trying hard not to laugh at your picture, but I couldn't resist. LMAO.

But on a deeper note, not that I am defending Gasby anything, but... Even if you believe GDP is a measure of economic growth, it certainly isn't the same measure of economic growth it once was before. Now the BEA has changed the methodology of the investment component to include intangibles, which pretty much includes Hollywood. GDP grew by $500 Billion in Q2. Not sure if the change was to make GDP bigger or the debt to GDP smaller, but you have to admit something fishy is going on.

What are your thoughts?

Why do you say you're not defending me like I said anything wrong? I've stated all along that GDP is an indicator of potential economic growth; but that it's not an absolute measure of economic growth. A first year econ student could tell you that. Toro is the idiot with the issue, not me, AT. Don't be further implicating me in his nonsense.
Really trying hard not to laugh at your picture, but I couldn't resist. LMAO.

But on a deeper note, not that I am defending Gasby anything, but... Even if you believe GDP is a measure of economic growth, it certainly isn't the same measure of economic growth it once was before. Now the BEA has changed the methodology of the investment component to include intangibles, which pretty much includes Hollywood. GDP grew by $500 Billion in Q2. Not sure if the change was to make GDP bigger or the debt to GDP smaller, but you have to admit something fishy is going on.

What are your thoughts?

Believe it or not, I actually like gasbag. I'm sure he doesn't reciprocate, but it's hard to dislike anyone who makes you laugh.

I generally disagree with the new changes, which are capitalizing media content. I don't believe it's anything nefarious. It's technical. I just think they're incorrect. The best guy to ask is pinqy IMO.

I think the economy is stronger than advertised. A couple of sources, both money managers whom I think are highly credible, support that argument.

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