"How Is It Conservative To Add A Trillion Dollars In Military Spending?"

Better investment, Solyndra + 12 failed green energy companies where tax payers lost billions so Obama donors would not loose their investments OR the US Military?

Better investment, nearly $1 trillion failed stimulus bill (7,000 pieces of pork, over $742,000 per job) or the military? (Adding jobs in the military, considering Enlisted pay, would cost a lot less than $742,000 per 'employee'.)
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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The military is a new program?
That's how you know a losing Republican talking point. Obfuscation.

So you're suggesting that the military doesn't have many different programs?

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We would have cash for all if we would stop supporting all the planet's losers.

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Seems pretty straightforward to me. What don't you understand?
Spell it out. I'm truly lost buddy.

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He doesn't specify who "the planet's losers" are. But obviously, he wants to shut down USMB.
See...? You're guessing too.

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Yeah I have to. He doesn't say what he's talking about.
Much less risky that way -- he's in his "safe space".
How about this? We pay for increased military spending by cutting off welfare to illegals and other able-bodied parasites the Democrats rely on for votes?
How about this, when you Repugs or Tea Maggots, like cocksucker Cruz win a Presidential election, then you can whore yourself for the Defense industry, until then you have no choice, im ecstatic the Big bad USA lost Iraq because it was all started on BS, looks like ISIS, ate up drunk Bushies freedom fries, Mission accomplished??? yea we learned don't elect anymore Repugs because neo cons start unwinnable wars that end up a loss, or drag on forever..

Illegals, why wern't the Repukes bringing up Reagan who granted Millions of them amnesty in the 80's???, as long as the USA has an illegal drug addiction, and cheap ass employers who can't or refuse pay a living wage, the Illegals will keep coming employers hire Mexicans who are willing to work for peanuts, have you ever seen a white asshole picking fruit, in 100 degree heat for12 hours a day, didn't fucking think so.....

I've said it a hundred times on this board.
Both sides are selling out the American people when it comes to immigration.
The conservative voter is the only one trying to put a stop to it.
Which explains Trumps popularity.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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Tell that to these people!

Russia Reveals Secret Nuclear-Armed Drone Sub
High-speed harbor buster shown on TV Russia Reveals Secret Nuclear-Armed Drone Sub

Chinese Scientists Unveil New Stealth Material Breakthrough
Planes and warships just got a lot harder to see with microwave radar.
A group of scientists from China may have created a stealth material that could make future fighter jets very difficult to detect by some of today’s most cutting-edge anti-stealth radars. Chinese Scientists Unveil New Stealth Material Breakthrough

ISIS-Linked Terror Cell Was Committed to Attack in Spain: Cops
An ISIS-linked group that was committed to carrying out a jihadist attack in Madrid was broken up on Tuesday, Spanish police said.

Should we greet them this way??? Think they'll just join arms and break out in "Kumbaya" ?
View attachment 54522

We have 5000 or however many nuclear weapons. Any country that tries to destroy us will disappear.

What more do you want?

The truth.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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We don't have money for infrastructure they want to build bombs.

We should let the free market decide. Citizens can donate however much they want to pay towards defense.

And Democrats should filabuster and demand tax increases on the rich or no military spending. We should tea bag the GOP.
I'm a liberal and that doesn't make any sense. The free market should decide our defense?
I was trying to be like a Republican. If the people don't want to buy or pay for it, then those defense companies should just go out of business.

I think we'd rather spend our money fixing roads than building bombs.

Yea, I was high when I wrote that yesterday. LOL.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

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Man where the hekk have you been?
Interesting, since i like em both.
Rand ya don't have to worry about
Rubio, I don't know how ya stop it. Tell him we don't need another bush. I guess
My business has picked up this year and I'm struggling to keep up, hence no time for USMB. You'll note I've been posting almost exclusively from my cell for several months and only in small spurts of time. Yes, God is good.

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Wonderful, hope you're cankered with riches.
The fact is fact: $1 Trillion more in spending is not conservative.

I have been telling you guys that the GOP is a Progressive Statist party.

And you are merely mouthing your Democrat Parody propaganda. Seriously, Fakey. You might as well give it up.

You are NEVER taken seriously since every facet of your presence here is KNOWN to be buttressed by what a phony you are.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Man where the hekk have you been?
Interesting, since i like em both.
Rand ya don't have to worry about
Rubio, I don't know how ya stop it. Tell him we don't need another bush. I guess
My business has picked up this year and I'm struggling to keep up, hence no time for USMB. You'll note I've been posting almost exclusively from my cell for several months and only in small spurts of time. Yes, God is good.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Wonderful, hope you're cankered with riches.
Jealous, yeah, you are.
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Man where the hekk have you been?
Interesting, since i like em both.
Rand ya don't have to worry about
Rubio, I don't know how ya stop it. Tell him we don't need another bush. I guess
My business has picked up this year and I'm struggling to keep up, hence no time for USMB. You'll note I've been posting almost exclusively from my cell for several months and only in small spurts of time. Yes, God is good.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Wonderful, hope you're cankered with riches.
Jealous, yeah, you are.
How about this? We pay for increased military spending by cutting off welfare to illegals and other able-bodied parasites the Democrats rely on for votes?

Or better yet we don't increased military spending at all. In fact, we cut military spending because we are already paying more than the next 10 countries combined
No, first we should get rid of the excess baggage dragging our economy down. The federal government's primary job is to protect our country, not provide welfare for lazy parasites.

That doesn't give the Congress a blank check to piss away money we don't have on the military industrial complex.
How about this? We pay for increased military spending by cutting off welfare to illegals and other able-bodied parasites the Democrats rely on for votes?
How about this, when you Repugs or Tea Maggots, like cocksucker Cruz win a Presidential election, then you can whore yourself for the Defense industry, until then you have no choice, im ecstatic the Big bad USA lost Iraq because it was all started on BS, looks like ISIS, ate up drunk Bushies freedom fries, Mission accomplished??? yea we learned don't elect anymore Repugs because neo cons start unwinnable wars that end up a loss, or drag on forever..

Illegals, why wern't the Repukes bringing up Reagan who granted Millions of them amnesty in the 80's???, as long as the USA has an illegal drug addiction, and cheap ass employers who can't or refuse pay a living wage so they hire Mexicans who work for peanuts, have you ever seen a white asshole picking fruit, in 100 degree heat for12 hours a day, didn't fucking think so.....
How about this, you pay for illegal's welfare out of your OWN fucking pocket, asshole? Where in the Constitution does it require Americans to support illegal immigrants, fuckhead?
How about this Cocksucker, you and your inbred POS party pay for your unwinnable wars out of your own pocket..

Also you must be real loser piece of shit to have nothing better to do with your pathetic life than spam a message board 17 + thousand times in under 3 years, take your constitution and shove it up your ass, fitting since it's your bitch party that's so obsessed with gays..

Now please go back to masturbating to Fox News:up_yours:
Feel better now?
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
We don't have money for infrastructure they want to build bombs.

We should let the free market decide. Citizens can donate however much they want to pay towards defense.

And Democrats should filabuster and demand tax increases on the rich or no military spending. We should tea bag the GOP.
I'm a liberal and that doesn't make any sense. The free market should decide our defense?
I was trying to be like a Republican. If the people don't want to buy or pay for it, then those defense companies should just go out of business.

I think we'd rather spend our money fixing roads than building bombs.

Yea, I was high when I wrote that yesterday. LOL.

YEA that makes sense you were high as your comment about "fixing roads" shows sense of priorities.
So if we had an EMP attack from IRAN what good is "fixing roads" if we have NO security that would have prevented the EMP attack?
Or say we decide "hell we don't need any military"... let's fix our roads... great incentive then for China/Russia/Iran/ you name the country to make an
effort to take our country over because after all we've "fixed our roads"... with the money that would have defended us....YEA our enemies are with you..."Fix the roads"!
That way we won't have to either!!!
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
How about a government freeze. And then do away with the dept of energy.
ANd then everyone will go home happy
How about this? We pay for increased military spending by cutting off welfare to illegals and other able-bodied parasites the Democrats rely on for votes?

Or better yet we don't increased military spending at all. In fact, we cut military spending because we are already paying more than the next 10 countries combined
No, first we should get rid of the excess baggage dragging our economy down. The federal government's primary job is to protect our country, not provide welfare for lazy parasites.

That doesn't give the Congress a blank check to piss away money we don't have on the military industrial complex.

OH...yea that "evil military industrial complex"... Do you know who coined that term? Obviously you don't because YOU have no sense of history.
Here is a statement you should remember...Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana (16 December 1863 )

Since you have NO historical references... just sound bites in the words of B.A. Baracus of the A-Team (97 episodes, 1983-1987) "I pity the fool"!!!!
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

Conservatives are conservative like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Democratic Republic of the Congo are democratic. :)
"You cannot be a conservative if you're gonna keep promoting new programs that you're not gonna pay for."

One of the few things that Rand Paul makes any sense about.

Do you agree with him or the Neo-Cons like Marco Rubio and the rest of them?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
We don't have money for infrastructure they want to build bombs.

We should let the free market decide. Citizens can donate however much they want to pay towards defense.

And Democrats should filabuster and demand tax increases on the rich or no military spending. We should tea bag the GOP.
I'm a liberal and that doesn't make any sense. The free market should decide our defense?
I was trying to be like a Republican. If the people don't want to buy or pay for it, then those defense companies should just go out of business.

I think we'd rather spend our money fixing roads than building bombs.

Yea, I was high when I wrote that yesterday. LOL.

YEA that makes sense you were high as your comment about "fixing roads" shows sense of priorities.
So if we had an EMP attack from IRAN what good is "fixing roads" if we have NO security that would have prevented the EMP attack?
Or say we decide "hell we don't need any military"... let's fix our roads... great incentive then for China/Russia/Iran/ you name the country to make an
effort to take our country over because after all we've "fixed our roads"... with the money that would have defended us....YEA our enemies are with you..."Fix the roads"!
That way we won't have to either!!!
Is Canada or Australia worried about this?

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