How Is Obama Not A Total Ass?

To reach the implementation stage, Iran had to verifiably dismantle and store under IAEA seal more than 13,000 centrifuge machines
Wow! They unscrewed the motor and there is a sticky seal on the storage box! How will they ever overcome this setback?
^ Low info voter
Do tell us how unscrewing a motor prevents the motor from being screwed back on.
I can understand the seal on the storage box, no one could possibly tear a paper seal.

Paper seals and motors being unscrewed? Are you trying to demonstrate to the board how clueless you are on this topic?
You forgot to mention something else too.

Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official
My articles are months ahead of that one, single article you have. They complied, and that's why the sanctions are still gone.
Wow! They unscrewed the motor and there is a sticky seal on the storage box! How will they ever overcome this setback?
^ Low info voter
Do tell us how unscrewing a motor prevents the motor from being screwed back on.
I can understand the seal on the storage box, no one could possibly tear a paper seal.

Paper seals and motors being unscrewed? Are you trying to demonstrate to the board how clueless you are on this topic?
You forgot to mention something else too.

Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official
My articles are months ahead of that one, single article you have. They complied, and that's why the sanctions are still gone.
Yes, the motors are unscrewed and a paper seal applied to the storage box.
Muslims have been setback decades
^ Low info voter
Do tell us how unscrewing a motor prevents the motor from being screwed back on.
I can understand the seal on the storage box, no one could possibly tear a paper seal.

Paper seals and motors being unscrewed? Are you trying to demonstrate to the board how clueless you are on this topic?
You forgot to mention something else too.

Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official
My articles are months ahead of that one, single article you have. They complied, and that's why the sanctions are still gone.
Yes, the motors are unscrewed and a paper seal applied to the storage box.
Muslims have been setback decades
Have they? What about Pakistan? You rubes never mention Pakistan. Probably because you are prisoners of the moment.
Wow! They unscrewed the motor and there is a sticky seal on the storage box! How will they ever overcome this setback?
^ Low info voter
Do tell us how unscrewing a motor prevents the motor from being screwed back on.
I can understand the seal on the storage box, no one could possibly tear a paper seal.

Paper seals and motors being unscrewed? Are you trying to demonstrate to the board how clueless you are on this topic?
You forgot to mention something else too.

Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official
My articles are months ahead of that one, single article you have. They complied, and that's why the sanctions are still gone.

Is Iran calling the shots over its own nuclear compliance?

The side agreement, worked out between the IAEA and Iran, allows Tehran to employ its own analysts and equipment to search for evidence of activities that it has consistently denied — that it has been trying secretly to develop nuclear weapons.

Iranian inspectors will control review of secret nuclear site

Secretary of State John Kerry told Congress the UN resolution that ended international sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program would nonetheless retain language that prohibited Iran from testing ballistic missiles.

Yet a March 28 letter from the US and European Union to the UN secretary general conspicuously declined to call Iran’s recent ballistic missile tests a “violation” of that resolution.

This week Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, told reporters that Iran’s missile tests were not part of July’s nuclear agreement, which is strange because most experts consider missiles that can deliver a nuclear weapon to be part of a country’s nuclear program.

When Obama himself assured Congress and the public that the International Atomic Energy Agency would have the ability to inspect any suspicious site it wanted. The Iranians countered that their military facilities were off limits.

It turns out they were right. When the IAEA devised a plan to inspect Iran’s Parchin facility, the Iranians refused inspectors access and allowed only a ceremonial visit from the agency’s director. The Iranians were allowed to collect their own site samples.

Despite Obama’s 2012 campaign promise, the president accepted an agreement in July that allowed Iran to keep in place the industrial-sized nuclear program it built in defiance of the United Nations. This gives Iran a loaded gun with which to blackmail the world. If more concessions are not granted, then Iran can always restart its program.

Obama has to keep on giving to ‘save’ his Iran deal
Do tell us how unscrewing a motor prevents the motor from being screwed back on.
I can understand the seal on the storage box, no one could possibly tear a paper seal.

Paper seals and motors being unscrewed? Are you trying to demonstrate to the board how clueless you are on this topic?
You forgot to mention something else too.

Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official
My articles are months ahead of that one, single article you have. They complied, and that's why the sanctions are still gone.
Yes, the motors are unscrewed and a paper seal applied to the storage box.
Muslims have been setback decades
Have they? What about Pakistan? You rubes never mention Pakistan. Probably because you are prisoners of the moment.
Now that you prove what a gullable stooge you are about the Iranian centrifuges you want to switch topics to Pakistan.
So typical.
Paper seals and motors being unscrewed? Are you trying to demonstrate to the board how clueless you are on this topic?
You forgot to mention something else too.

Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official
My articles are months ahead of that one, single article you have. They complied, and that's why the sanctions are still gone.
Yes, the motors are unscrewed and a paper seal applied to the storage box.
Muslims have been setback decades
Have they? What about Pakistan? You rubes never mention Pakistan. Probably because you are prisoners of the moment.
Now that you prove what a gullable stooge you are about the Iranian centrifuges you want to switch topics to Pakistan.
So typical.
Well you weren't saying anything factual or sensible about the Iran deal, so I figured talking about some Muslims who already have nukes and are friends with Iran had to be a step up for the conversation.
We can add the Iran Deal to:
Copenhagen agreement on climate change
Getting Olympics to Chicago
Reset with Russia
Bo Bergdahl deal
North Korea
Arab-Israeli solution
Ukraine invasion

as a list of Obama's foreign policy failures.
My articles are months ahead of that one, single article you have. They complied, and that's why the sanctions are still gone.
Yes, the motors are unscrewed and a paper seal applied to the storage box.
Muslims have been setback decades
Have they? What about Pakistan? You rubes never mention Pakistan. Probably because you are prisoners of the moment.
Now that you prove what a gullable stooge you are about the Iranian centrifuges you want to switch topics to Pakistan.
So typical.
Well you weren't saying anything factual or sensible about the Iran deal, so I figured talking about some Muslims who already have nukes and are friends with Iran had to be a step up for the conversation.
Facts are always difficult for the left.
Maybe you should start questioning your knee jerk defense of the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism first next time.
Irans centrifuges can be fully operational within 24 hours. Facts are facts.
My articles are months ahead of that one, single article you have. They complied, and that's why the sanctions are still gone.
Yes, the motors are unscrewed and a paper seal applied to the storage box.
Muslims have been setback decades
Have they? What about Pakistan? You rubes never mention Pakistan. Probably because you are prisoners of the moment.
Now that you prove what a gullable stooge you are about the Iranian centrifuges you want to switch topics to Pakistan.
So typical.
Well you weren't saying anything factual or sensible about the Iran deal, so I figured talking about some Muslims who already have nukes and are friends with Iran had to be a step up for the conversation.
Facts are always difficult for the left.
Maybe you should start questioning your knee jerk defense of the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism first next time.
Irans centrifuges can be fully operational within 24 hours. Facts are facts.
Interesting what you consider "facts"
Yes, the motors are unscrewed and a paper seal applied to the storage box.
Muslims have been setback decades
Have they? What about Pakistan? You rubes never mention Pakistan. Probably because you are prisoners of the moment.
Now that you prove what a gullable stooge you are about the Iranian centrifuges you want to switch topics to Pakistan.
So typical.
Well you weren't saying anything factual or sensible about the Iran deal, so I figured talking about some Muslims who already have nukes and are friends with Iran had to be a step up for the conversation.
Facts are always difficult for the left.
Maybe you should start questioning your knee jerk defense of the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism first next time.
Irans centrifuges can be fully operational within 24 hours. Facts are facts.
Interesting what you consider "facts"
Not my fault I know more about you in every topic.
Have they? What about Pakistan? You rubes never mention Pakistan. Probably because you are prisoners of the moment.
Now that you prove what a gullable stooge you are about the Iranian centrifuges you want to switch topics to Pakistan.
So typical.
Well you weren't saying anything factual or sensible about the Iran deal, so I figured talking about some Muslims who already have nukes and are friends with Iran had to be a step up for the conversation.
Facts are always difficult for the left.
Maybe you should start questioning your knee jerk defense of the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism first next time.
Irans centrifuges can be fully operational within 24 hours. Facts are facts.
Interesting what you consider "facts"
Not my fault I know more about you in every topic.
He's a lib. It isnt that difficult.

I did.

Did someone read it to you?
So you know Iran has met all of its obligations under the nuclear agreement, contrary to all the claims made by the Chicken Littles who said they wouldn't.

You also know Obama has kept other sanctions in place due to Iran's behaviors not covered in the nuclear agreement, and that Iran is unhappy about it.

In short, this Administration has made a lot of progress in rolling back Iran's nuclear program several years, while previous Administrations utterly failed to stop Iran from moving closer and closer to acquiring nukes.


I did.

Did someone read it to you?
So you know Iran has met all of its obligations under the nuclear agreement, contrary to all the claims made by the Chicken Littles who said they wouldn't.

You also know Obama has kept other sanctions in place due to Iran's behaviors not covered in the nuclear agreement, and that Iran is unhappy about it.

In short, this Administration has made a lot of progress in rolling back Iran's nuclear program several years, while previous Administrations utterly failed to stop Iran from moving closer and closer to acquiring nukes.


I know that Obama says those things. Others with far more credibility than he say other things.
Extremely naïve.
Extremely Gullible.
More concerned with his 'Legacy'.

But a 'total ass'? least not because of this.

How many out there REALLY thought that Iran would keep any part of the negotiated agreement? of hands. (I see a couple out there, remarkably....)

Iran was violating the TEMP, conditional, agreed-upon items BEFORE the deal was no one, to include Obama, should have expected anything else BUT this...
So you know Iran has met all of its obligations under the nuclear agreement, contrary to all the claims made by the Chicken Littles who said they wouldn't.

Iran 'not violating' the 'deal' is not as impressive once you realize that the deal altogether sucked. The FACT is the Obama 'crack' negotiating team failed / refused to include ANY development / testing of a ballistic missile program.

Iran, however, violated the temp agreement WHILE the final agreement was being negotiated:

Double dealing: Iran violating nuclear sanctions even as talks drag on | Fox News

Iran Violates Past Nuclear Promises on Eve of Deal

VIENNA—Senior Obama administration officials are defending Iranian nuclear violations in the aftermath of a bombshell report published Wednesday by the United Nations indicating that Iran has failed to live up to its nuclear-related obligations, according to sources apprised of the situation.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
disclosed yesterday that Iran has failed to meet its commitments under the interim Joint Plan of Action to convert recently enriched uranium gas to powder. W

hile Iran has reduced the amount of enriched uranium gas in its stockpiles, it has failed to dispose of these materials in a way that satisfies the requirements of the nuclear accord struck with the United States and other powers in 2013.

Iran never had any intention of meeting all elements of Obama's deal....
So you know Iran has met all of its obligations under the nuclear agreement, contrary to all the claims made by the Chicken Littles who said they wouldn't.

Iran 'not violating' the 'deal' is not as impressive once you realize that the deal altogether sucked. The FACT is the Obama 'crack' negotiating team failed / refused to include ANY development / testing of a ballistic missile program.

Iran, however, violated the temp agreement WHILE the final agreement was being negotiated:

Double dealing: Iran violating nuclear sanctions even as talks drag on | Fox News

Iran Violates Past Nuclear Promises on Eve of Deal

VIENNA—Senior Obama administration officials are defending Iranian nuclear violations in the aftermath of a bombshell report published Wednesday by the United Nations indicating that Iran has failed to live up to its nuclear-related obligations, according to sources apprised of the situation.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
disclosed yesterday that Iran has failed to meet its commitments under the interim Joint Plan of Action to convert recently enriched uranium gas to powder. W

hile Iran has reduced the amount of enriched uranium gas in its stockpiles, it has failed to dispose of these materials in a way that satisfies the requirements of the nuclear accord struck with the United States and other powers in 2013.

Iran never had any intention of meeting all elements of Obama's deal....
Nice try. Not. You think their failure to meet past deals proves something, but it doesn't since they did meet the requirements of this deal.

Iran has shipped out 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium , deactivated a breeder reactor, and dismantled 15,000 centrifuges. All in accordance with the current agreement.

You can pretend this isn't significant...if you want to sound like a hack retard. :lol:

The Chicken Little retards predicted none of this would happen, and now you are trying to find a way to wipe the egg off your faces.
ALL of the sanctions have been lifted from Iran.


A BIG, FAT LIE fed to you dumb shits by your propaganda outlets which you blindly parroted.

Iran has shipped out 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium , deactivated a breeder reactor, and dismantled 15,000 centrifuges.

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