How is that Obamacare pepeal going, Trumptards?

Exactly as Jonathon Gruber planned it! You gave millions of Americans huge subsidies that we can't afford to pay for but they now demand as a "right"! The exchanges are a joke with insurance companies dropping out and leaving consumers with no choices. Let's be honest here. The Affordable Care Act was the most poorly written piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...something the framers of that legislation set up to fail...knowing that it was going to be such a disaster that people might actually prefer Universal Health Care instead.
You win some. You lose some. You move on.
A lesson the DFL still hasn't learned.
Someone has to be the adult in the room now and try to fix this total cluster fuck! Barack Obama's "signature" legislative achievement was to pass something that was designed not to work! That says volumes about his Administration as a whole.
Looks like we'll be waiting until it collapses on it's own. The democrats are too stupid to see what's happening with it.
These are the same idiots who would stick their hand in a fire after being told it will burn them.
No one is going to ask what a pepeal is?

Pretty simple as to how this goes. Costs rise to the point people can't afford to pay and insurance companies drop out of the program. Democrats and Americans lose because no real solution was put forth.
What a joke the GOP is. Seven years of preparation to have a "Replace" for Obamacare, and they can't bring themselves to do it.

Why don't Conservatives demand Repeal without Replace? Why don't Conservatives demand we go back to the system of 2008? If Obamacare is a disaster as conservatives insist, then that means 2008 was better. Let's go back to it. I dare you, GOP.

Why don't conservatives just admit that they're okay with people not getting medical care if they can't afford it?
Anyone who actually PAYS for their own healthcare under Obamacare hates it and says it is taking away far too much of their income. That while it "might" provide "coverage", it doesn't provide affordable care. The deductibles are insane and for routine medical care, those paying simply cannot afford non-critical care.

However, those who seem to favor it and call those against it (those actually working and paying into it) "Trumptards", are usually the same ones sucking off the teats of others, EBT card in one hand, booze in the other, and paying an amount exactly equal to their contribution to society........- nothing -
This is a perfect move on the part of the REPs and Trump.
He warned that if nothing was done Obamacare would collapse. Now he can sit back and let it collapse and tell the country: "See. I warned you.
I tried to fix it but not a single DEM would help.
Now it's on the DEMs heads.
Let me know when you all are interested in having a health care program that will work".
One DEM Congressman yesterday on MSNBC was literally screaming that "now all the fault for Obamacare failing will be the REPs fault. He even called Obamacare "Trumpcare".
Seriously. That's how fucking crazy the DEMs are.
Bottom line is Obamacare was a Socialist program designed to have the 'Makers' pay for the 'Takers' health care.
Wait until there's not a single health care insurer in the country.
Very soon everyone of those pretty health care cards the 'Takers' received in the mail will only be used to scrape the ice off the windshield of their $400 junkers.
Try handing the card to the receptionist at a medical clinic.
Watch the smirk on her face as she tells you to shove your useless Obamacare card up your ass.

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