How Is The Confederate Flag Considered A Hate Symbol?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
For all of the people saying that it is truly don't know their history. The Confederate flag represents the civil war which was the war against slavery. It was the beginning of the end of it so how in the world does that make it a hate symbol?

The "Confederate flag" isn't even the Confederate flag....It's the flag of the Tennessee Army.

You could wave the actual Stars and Bars, the Bonnie Blue, or any number of banners under which Confederate troops fought, and the pearl clutchers wouldn't bat an eye for their rank ignorance.
Because people use it that way, you idiot.

This doesn't some sorta deep insight or dive into history to figure out. Just look at when, where, and by whom it is used.

The swastika wasn't originally a nazi thing either you know.

How Is The Confederate Flag Considered A Hate Symbol?​


It represents the lost cause that cost:

Railroads, the electrical telegraph, steamships, the ironclad warship, and mass-produced weapons were widely used. The war left between 620,000–750,000 soldiers dead, along with an undetermined number of civilian casualties, making the Civil War the deadliest military conflict in American history.

Stop being an A-hole

and the White supremacists always fly it proudly

It represents the lost cause that cost:

Railroads, the electrical telegraph, steamships, the ironclad warship, and mass-produced weapons were widely used. The war left between 620,000–750,000 soldiers dead, along with an undetermined number of civilian casualties, making the Civil War the deadliest military conflict in American history.

Stop being an A-hole

and the White supremacists always fly it proudly
Do I need to eject you?

It represents the lost cause that cost:

Railroads, the electrical telegraph, steamships, the ironclad warship, and mass-produced weapons were widely used. The war left between 620,000–750,000 soldiers dead, along with an undetermined number of civilian casualties, making the Civil War the deadliest military conflict in American history.

Stop being an A-hole

and the White supremacists always fly it proudly
Watch this intelligent black man school this retarded as fuck woke white guilt purple hair faggot. Could that be Harpy Eagle or Tumblin Tumbleweed doing the filming?

The question is raised again here, in the interest of racists being able to get away with racism.

The new rules against racism haven't helped nearly as much as they have just promoted attempts to skirt the borders.

This is a sample of the tactic now!

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