How is this Fair? 64% of DC Residents Would Find Trump Guilty Before a Trial Even Begins

Urban Enterprise Zones have been in place for decades
You are lying asshole
Opportunity Zones were created under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (Public Law No. 115-97). Thousands of low-income communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories are designated as Qualified Opportunity Zones.
freedom and liberty i agree. one reason we oppose the orange authoritarian,

sovereignty. ehhb, fine, but within alliances andworld organizations, another good reason to oppose "america first" isolationism.
what rights did the Trump admin take from Americans ... it was dems that censored and banned opposing political viewpoints and it was dem governors that implemented draconian lockdowns on their marxist controlled cities and states ! fact !
Amusing attempt at CYA. You're still a butthead for trolling with ad hominems instead of focusing on the thread topic.
Lol. And I’m guessing you don’t recognize your own flagrant hypocrisy, you ass rash.

Toddle off, ya bitch.
If it wasn't for blacks the democrats would never win an election.
Remember all the goddamn stupid Negroes voting for Queer Barry because he was their same race? That is racsim.

Of course we had the pathetic weak Withe Guilt pukes being just as idiotic because they felt it was time for a dumbass Negro to be President.
Those were not democrats
They were protesting another issue unrelated to the party
They certainly were not Conservatives or Republicans.
If they vote, it is definitely for Democrat candidates and issues.
Democrat mayors and governors sanctioned their months long "protests", illegal trespass, riots, vandalism, looting, arson, mayhem, assaults and murders.
They were protesting on behalf of issues central to the Democrat Party platform.

In short they were engaged in sedition and insurrection scores of times beyond that seen in D.C. for a couple of hours on Jan. 6,2021.
They certainly were not Conservatives or Republicans.
If they vote, it is definitely for Democrat candidates and issues.
Democrat mayors and governors sanctioned their months long "protests", illegal trespass, riots, vandalism, looting, arson, mayhem, assaults and murders.
They were protesting on behalf of issues central to the Democrat Party platform.

In short they were engaged in sedition and insurrection scores of times beyond that seen in D.C. for a couple of hours on Jan. 6,2021.
Sorry Skippy

Those protests had nothing to do with the Democratic Party
Jan 6 was an attempt by Republicans to overthrow our Democracy and force a losing candidate on America
Sorry Skippy

Those protests had nothing to do with the Democratic Party
Jan 6 was an attempt by Republicans to overthrow our Democracy and force a losing candidate on America
Sorry Komrade

They were a continuation of decades long effort by the Left=Democrat party to spread discord and disruption so there is a "crisis" that the Dems can use.
Sorry Komrade

They were a continuation of decades long effort by the Left=Democrat party to spread discord and disruption so there is a "crisis" that the Dems can use.

No they were a continuation of decades long complaints about police brutality and accountability
What's a "fair trial" to you? One which will find the President "not guilty". That's not going to happen because he's guilty as hell. So get used to the idea that Trump is going to lose. With all of the losing that's happened with Trump, you should be used to it.
If Trump is convicted or otherwise not allowed to run for president, you can be sure that, in the future, Democrats will be inventing charges against Republican candidates even more than they are now!

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