How is this "storming the Capitol" and "insurrection?" Police hold doors for protesters

You whack off to those pix, dontcha?
No. I just rub them in the face of MAGA-turds when they try to soften the look and memory of what the MAGA-MOB tried to do at the Capital that day.
Oh and gee, and after you treated the Donald so NICE for those four years! :laugh2:

You're right, but what no one is forgetting is how you set up and framed Trump, stole his re-election, CAUSED the J6 protest, destroyed our democracy, violated many people's human, legal and constitutional rights, then installed your idiot douchebag globalist hand-puppet regime. And we will be expressing our displeasure in just about 195 days.
I didn't. He set himself up, being the kind of asshole he is. It is what happens when you elect somebody of low moral character. I have told you people for years CHARACTER COUNTS. In leadership position in might be the most important thing that counts. The signs were all there, bad business dealing, bragging of have dealt with mobsters, history of shady financial dealings and bankruptcies, cheating on his wives, bragging about it at times or lying about it at other times. Oaths mean nothing to the man, not to his wives before God or his hand on the Bible taking the oath of office. All the suspicions were true and he live up the the worst, as the weak Republican leadership enabled him at every turn.
I didn't. He set himself up, being the kind of asshole he is.
Maybe he did. Maybe he is an asshole in some ways, but at least he LOVES America, puts America FIRST, spells out his plans openly, and wants everyone to share in the American dream and can GET IT DONE, not like that sick freak you got in there now!

It is what happens when you elect somebody of low moral character.
Trump's character is JUST FINE. He knew how important elections were and fought with everything he could at risk to himself and his entire business and political career trying to stop a stolen election, and don't try to kid me you don't know it was stolen!

I have told you people for years CHARACTER COUNTS. In leadership position in might be the most important thing that counts.
Yet here we have 50 year bozo Biden with his family of drug-addict, deal wheeling crooks who go around countries like Hillary looking to hand out friendly deals to those that fucking PAY. Them. Just like the mob. Some moral fiber you have there, Ace. You're in no moral position to lecture others with that asshole you got in the WH now.
Maybe he did. Maybe he is an asshole in some ways, but at least he LOVES America, puts America FIRST, spells out his plans openly, and wants everyone to share in the American dream and can GET IT DONE, not like that sick freak you got in there now!

Trump's character is JUST FINE. He knew how important elections were and fought with everything he could at risk to himself and his entire business and political career trying to stop a stolen election, and don't try to kid me you don't know it was stolen!

Yet here we have 50 year bozo Biden with his family of drug-addict, deal wheeling crooks who go around countries like Hillary looking to hand out friendly deals to those that fucking PAY. Them. Just like the mob. Some moral fiber you have there, Ace. You're in no moral position to lecture others with that asshole you got in the WH now.
He does not and never has loved America. That is just what he sold to the rubes. He started early as a draft dodger. He praised the military out of one side of his mouth and disrespected the military, military servicemen, military families of heroes that died for this country. He ended his 4 year service to the country by trying to overturn and election certified by all the states, Democrat controlled and republican controlled, losing in the legislature and the courts, including the Supreme court with 3 trump appointees on it, tried to convince his VP to turn his back on his oath of office and act outside the bounds of constitution and history to reject and overturn the election for him, then named him in speaking to the crowd, urging the to march on the Capital, saying he wished he could be with them but sent them forth on that despicable attack. His actions of that day and those leading up to it were totally impeachable acts, and he was again impeached, but again, the enablers in his party wrongly protected, yet again.
I understand you don't like Biden. I voted for him, and he pisses me off also, except on Ukraine, but that has nothing to do with making Trump out any better than the Un-American, anti-constitutional swine he was and is. Thank God, he beat the shit out of him at the polls and Trumps attempts to overthrow the election failed. In his method, he proved with finality his unfitness to darken the door of the White House, as the threat to free elections and constitutional rule he, and those elected apologist supporters still in place are to this day and all days after.
He does not and never has loved America.


Wow, triggered much?

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