How It's Done. Stealing Elections

This is why In-Person....with ID.....and a verified machine count should be used.
Mass Mail-in Ballots are 10-25% corrupted by nefarious actors in the Commee regime.

Well, Sherlock, when you have more seats than the other side during any election, that means you have more seats to defend. Especially since these cities are literally falling apart as we speak. Of course you're going to lose more seats.
Well fuck face, according to you, the Democrats can dial up as many ballots as they want.

So what the fuck happened shit brains?
Think about it, idiot.

Cheating in elections is more difficult when you have to rig the election in more districts and states.
Really? How can that be since the Democrats won states in 2020 but lost their margin? can this possibly happen?
Democrats love these mid-term elections spread out during the year, essentially replacing someone who had some paid whore accuse them of rape forcing them to resign. That way they can focus all of their efforts in one area. But when it comes to a nationwide election....they have to spread out their ballot harvesting efforts. They can't get by with just hiring a bunch of homeless people to stuff ballots. Sometimes they need to ship 200k illegal ballots from NY to PA via the USPS to change the result in an election. It takes a lot of time to shift ballots around, which is why they can't seem to get a final count for weeks in some states like AZ, CA, VA, etc. It seems the closer the race...the longer it takes to finalize the counting.
Again...your grip on reality is non-existent.

Its bewildering that you and apparently every other neanderthal thought that every vote was counted before midnight on election night in the past. They weren't. What used to happen was that states were usually not so evenly split--especially large population states. So when the TV networks "called" a state, it was based on the opponent (aka loser's) likelihood of being able to accumulate enough support from the remaining % of uncounted votes. This is why you saw elections called with 67% of the vote.

I know you're a lost cause but here is Fox doing it for Trump in South Carolina.


Keep in mind...this graphic you see above (even though you don't want to see it) was on 11/4. South Carolina only had 2/3 of their votes counted on 11/4. Do you still think that all of the vote are counted on Election Day (which was 11/3)? Of course you do even when you are shown otherwise. Because you're an idiotic motherfucker.
Well fuck face, according to you, the Democrats can dial up as many ballots as they want.

So what the fuck happened shit brains?

Really? How can that be since the Democrats won states in 2020 but lost their margin? can this possibly happen?

Again...your grip on reality is non-existent.

Its bewildering that you and apparently every other neanderthal thought that every vote was counted before midnight on election night in the past. They weren't. What used to happen was that states were usually not so evenly split--especially large population states. So when the TV networks "called" a state, it was based on the opponent (aka loser's) likelihood of being able to accumulate enough support from the remaining % of uncounted votes. This is why you saw elections called with 67% of the vote.

I know you're a lost cause but here is Fox doing it for Trump in South Carolina.

View attachment 796651
Keep in mind...this graphic you see above (even though you don't want to see it) was on 11/4. South Carolina only had 2/3 of their votes counted on 11/4. Do you still think that all of the vote are counted on Election Day (which was 11/3)? Of course you do even when you are shown otherwise. Because you're an idiotic motherfucker.
When you cheat....historical trends tend to go askew.
Try explaining how Biden won districts with down votes that went for Trump?
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Historical trends? That was 2020 Jackass?

okay..explain what a "down vote" is and what districts you're talking about.
If you ever looked at a ballot, it not only has the presidential candidates listed, but they also have US Congressional seats and State Congressional seats on the same ballots as well as local government seats. Those are called down-votes.

It makes no sense for a voter to vote for Biden but then fill out their ballot 100% Republican on the down-votes. Some ballots only took the time to vote for Biden and nobody else on the down votes. Seems to me this is an indication of somebody unauthorized filling out the ballot.

When it comes to historical trends....Biden won fewer districts than any winning POTUS in US history, yet he somehow got more votes by far than any other candidate in history. How The Fuck do you reconcile that?
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If you ever looked at a ballot, it not only has the presidential candidates listed, but they also have US Congressional seats and State Congressional seats on the same ballots as well as local government seats. Those are called down-votes.

It makes no sense for a voter to vote for Biden but then fill out their ballot 100% Republican on the down-votes. Some ballots only took the time to vote for Biden and nobody else on the down votes. Seems to me this is an indication of somebody unauthorized filling out the ballot.

When it comes to historical trends....Biden won fewer districts than any winning POTUS in US history, yet he somehow got more votes by far than any other candidate in history. How The Fuck do you reconcile that?
Kinda like when Trump wins with fewer popular votes. This is just the system.
How does ANYBODY know which ballots were sent to wrong houses?

Why the obsession with “mules”?

You can just as easy mail in a ballot
Yes, but the drop boxes added a whole new level of 'unstable' to the elections. The 'chain of custody' of the ballots fell apart. Once the ballot has been separated from it's signed envelope there is absolutely no way to go back and check that ballots authenticity.

It does not prove that there was election fraud but all the various anomalies observed during the count has caused more than half the electorate to distrust the system. It is that we should address in 2024.

The only way for the electorate to again trust the system is:

--to tighten the process for voter registration to better ensure that only citizens register and that they register in the state where they live. No more signing up anybody with a pulse or some without pulses, some made up out of whole cloth.

--absentee ballots must be signed and notarized on the ballot itself and mailed in and received by the time the polls close. Once an absentee ballot has been sent to a person, the name is marked on the rolls and he/she cannot then vote in person. He/she can manually return the ballot to his/her assigned precinct so long as it is done before the polls close.

--everybody else show voter ID and vote in person on paper ballots that are counted by hand with poll watchers of both major political parties observing. The ballots must be counted where they are cast and not transported to any other location for counting.

And because 40 to 50 million Americans move to another city or die or become incapacitated every year, all those who do not vote in the primary or general election should have to re-register to vote to eliminate double voting and so we can know what percentage of the real electorate votes.

Do that and it is highly unlikely that any election will be questioned again and in the vast majority of cases we will know who the winners are by midnight.

Only those who want the ability to cheat will resist cleaning up the system so that all Americans can trust it again. In my opinion all good citizens want to know that our elections are fair, secure, honest.
If you ever looked at a ballot, it not only has the presidential candidates listed, but they also have US Congressional seats and State Congressional seats on the same ballots as well as local government seats. Those are called down-votes.
They are actually called "down ballot contests".
It makes no sense for a voter to vote for Biden but then fill out their ballot 100% Republican on the down-votes. Some ballots only took the time to vote for Biden and nobody else on the down votes. Seems to me this is an indication of somebody unauthorized filling out the ballot.
Sure it does. I voted for McCain at least twice while voting for the Democrat for President. McCain was a great man who did a lot for Arizona. It seems to me that you don't know jack shit.
When it comes to historical trends....Biden won fewer districts than any winning POTUS in US history, yet he somehow got more votes by far than any other candidate in history. How The Fuck do you reconcile that?
Okay please list some sources for this.

As for explaining it to's simple math.

Lets say you have a state with 8 congressional districts....If you have a district that has 1M voters and a party wins 80% of the vote; that party's candidate for president has 800,000 votes. Just to keep the math simple, the losing party gets 200,000. In the other 7 districts that have 1M voters in total the party that lost the other district gets 51% of the vote in each, so they have won 510,000 votes. and the losing party has 490,000 votes. One party has 7 representatives in Congress to the other party having 1 but the party that won one seat wins the state; 1,290,000 to 710,000. Really not that hard.

What you should do is look at how many states where Trump got a smaller % in 2020 than he got in 2016. It is something like 35-40 states where that happened. The only states that really mattered were MI, AZ, GA, PA, and WI of course because the % was large enough to flip them from red to blue but the trend was nationwide. I believe Alabama was one of the states where he actually lost a % of voters from the previous election.
Yes, but the drop boxes added a whole new level of 'unstable' to the elections. The 'chain of custody' of the ballots fell apart. Once the ballot has been separated from it's signed envelope there is absolutely no way to go back and check that ballots authenticity.

It does not prove that there was election fraud but all the various anomalies observed during the count has caused more than half the electorate to distrust the system. It is that we should address in 2024.

The only way for the electorate to again trust the system is:

--to tighten the process for voter registration to better ensure that only citizens register and that they register in the state where they live. No more signing up anybody with a pulse or some without pulses, some made up out of whole cloth.

--absentee ballots must be signed and notarized on the ballot itself and mailed in and received by the time the polls close. Once an absentee ballot has been sent to a person, the name is marked on the rolls and he/she cannot then vote in person. He/she can manually return the ballot to his/her assigned precinct so long as it is done before the polls close.

--everybody else show voter ID and vote in person on paper ballots that are counted by hand with poll watchers of both major political parties observing. The ballots must be counted where they are cast and not transported to any other location for counting.

And because 40 to 50 million Americans move to another city or die or become incapacitated every year, all those who do not vote in the primary or general election should have to re-register to vote.

Do that and it is highly unlikely that any election will be questioned again and in the vast majority of cases we will know who the winners are by midnight.

Only those who want the ability to cheat will resist cleaning up the system so that all Americans can trust it again. In my opinion all good citizens want to know that our elections are fair, secure, honest.
Right wing loons trusting the system isn't necessary. The elections are fair, secure and honest. All of the audits proved it.

You're just an angry bitch who is upset because your Idol lost. Deal with it.
Right wing loons trusting the system isn't necessary. The elections are fair, secure and honest. All of the audits proved it.
There were no forensic audits, lying asshole.
You're just an angry bitch who is upset because your Idol lost. Deal with it.
You're just an overbearing, unhinged, Marxist peckerhead, who is frustrated beyond repair that his gaslighting isn't working anymore.
They are actually called "down ballot contests".

Sure it does. I voted for McCain at least twice while voting for the Democrat for President. McCain was a great man who did a lot for Arizona. It seems to me that you don't know jack shit.

Okay please list some sources for this.

As for explaining it to's simple math.

Lets say you have a state with 8 congressional districts....If you have a district that has 1M voters and a party wins 80% of the vote; that party's candidate for president has 800,000 votes. Just to keep the math simple, the losing party gets 200,000. In the other 7 districts that have 1M voters in total the party that lost the other district gets 51% of the vote in each, so they have won 510,000 votes. and the losing party has 490,000 votes. One party has 7 representatives in Congress to the other party having 1 but the party that won one seat wins the state; 1,290,000 to 710,000. Really not that hard.

What you should do is look at how many states where Trump got a smaller % in 2020 than he got in 2016. It is something like 35-40 states where that happened. The only states that really mattered were MI, AZ, GA, PA, and WI of course because the % was large enough to flip them from red to blue but the trend was nationwide. I believe Alabama was one of the states where he actually lost a % of voters from the previous election.
Losing % isn't the same as having fewer votes.
It just meant that a larger percentage of votes went to the other candidate. How that happened is debatable. And that is what this thread is about.
As I clearly spelled out....this was the first post COVID election. Turns out the left used COVID as an excuse to get more people to vote mail-in.
And as I spelled pretty clearly, mail-in ballots can be easily fabricated and misused. As somebody else pointed out....there is 10-25% greater chance of election fraud or inaccuracies related to mail-in voting than voting in-person. Also, I pointed out that the USPS has been turned into ballot harvesting machines, essentially using taxpayer cash to do the job that campaigns had to get thousands of volunteers to do before. This has all been verified. Any president guilty of taking bribes from our enemies has no problem using the government against his opposition in any way he see's fit.
Yes, but the drop boxes added a whole new level of 'unstable' to the elections. The 'chain of custody' of the ballots fell apart. Once the ballot has been separated from it's signed envelope there is absolutely no way to go back and check that ballots authenticity.

It does not prove that there was election fraud but all the various anomalies observed during the count has caused more than half the electorate to distrust the system. It is that we should address in 2024.

The only way for the electorate to again trust the system is:

--to tighten the process for voter registration to better ensure that only citizens register and that they register in the state where they live. No more signing up anybody with a pulse or some without pulses, some made up out of whole cloth.

--absentee ballots must be signed and notarized on the ballot itself and mailed in and received by the time the polls close. Once an absentee ballot has been sent to a person, the name is marked on the rolls and he/she cannot then vote in person. He/she can manually return the ballot to his/her assigned precinct so long as it is done before the polls close.

--everybody else show voter ID and vote in person on paper ballots that are counted by hand with poll watchers of both major political parties observing. The ballots must be counted where they are cast and not transported to any other location for counting.

And because 40 to 50 million Americans move to another city or die or become incapacitated every year, all those who do not vote in the primary or general election should have to re-register to vote to eliminate double voting and so we can know what percentage of the real electorate votes.

Do that and it is highly unlikely that any election will be questioned again and in the vast majority of cases we will know who the winners are by midnight.

Only those who want the ability to cheat will resist cleaning up the system so that all Americans can trust it again. In my opinion all good citizens want to know that our elections are fair, secure, honest.

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