How It's Done. Stealing Elections

I'm sure......over 288,000 of them live in PA....and all of those people need their ballots all at once because they all mailed in their requests all at the same exact time.

Moron, the guy claims his trailer was stolen in mid-October, but he doesn't tell anyone until December, a month after the election. :cuckoo:

And he claims the ballots were all filled out even though all he saw, purportedly, were envelopes.

Regardless, it was investigated and determined to be false.

It turns out that Morgan’s story wasn’t ignored by federal investigators. Agents from four agencies worked for months attempting to verify Morgan’s account. Earlier this year, and without any fanfare, a federal inspector general published a lengthy report concluding that Morgan’s story was, well, bunk.
What link? MORON!!!

The MSM is anyone who supports the left, which now includes Faux Noise.

No, retard, the MSM is, as you yourself said, "main stream media." By the very definition you now ignore and wish wasn't true, media that is not "main stream," is not "MSM."

You don't get to make up your own definitions to suit your twisted agenda.
It's not an act....You really are that obtuse, aren't you? :laugh2:

Can't you answer the question??

What does Venezuela have to do with it?

That's not too difficult a question for you to understand, is it?
Moron, the guy claims his trailer was stolen in mid-October, but he doesn't tell anyone until December, a month after the election. :cuckoo:

And he claims the ballots were all filled out even though all he saw, purportedly, were envelopes.

Regardless, it was investigated and determined to be false.

It turns out that Morgan’s story wasn’t ignored by federal investigators. Agents from four agencies worked for months attempting to verify Morgan’s account. Earlier this year, and without any fanfare, a federal inspector general published a lengthy report concluding that Morgan’s story was, well, bunk.
So you're taking the word of a blog site?
My sources are a bit more reliable than that.
Can't you answer the question??

What does Venezuela have to do with it?

That's not too difficult a question for you to understand, is it?
The CIA helped turn the richest country in South America (Venezuela) into a Marxist hellhole.
Now they're attempting to do the same here.
No, retard, the MSM is, as you yourself said, "main stream media." By the very definition you now ignore and wish wasn't true, media that is not "main stream," is not "MSM."

You don't get to make up your own definitions to suit your twisted agenda.
I didn't make it up. The MSM, or Main-Stream Media, was invented by Rush Limbaugh roughly 20 years ago.
The MSM is just a blanket designation for anyone who pumps out leftist propaganda.
When you cheat....historical trends tend to go askew.
Try explaining how Biden won districts with down votes that went for Trump?

Because there was no fraud. Had there been, Democrats would have won those down votes.
Yes, but the drop boxes added a whole new level of 'unstable' to the elections. The 'chain of custody' of the ballots fell apart. Once the ballot has been separated from it's signed envelope there is absolutely no way to go back and check that ballots authenticity.

It does not prove that there was election fraud but all the various anomalies observed during the count has caused more than half the electorate to distrust the system. It is that we should address in 2024.

The only way for the electorate to again trust the system is:

--to tighten the process for voter registration to better ensure that only citizens register and that they register in the state where they live. No more signing up anybody with a pulse or some without pulses, some made up out of whole cloth.

--absentee ballots must be signed and notarized on the ballot itself and mailed in and received by the time the polls close. Once an absentee ballot has been sent to a person, the name is marked on the rolls and he/she cannot then vote in person. He/she can manually return the ballot to his/her assigned precinct so long as it is done before the polls close.

--everybody else show voter ID and vote in person on paper ballots that are counted by hand with poll watchers of both major political parties observing. The ballots must be counted where they are cast and not transported to any other location for counting.

And because 40 to 50 million Americans move to another city or die or become incapacitated every year, all those who do not vote in the primary or general election should have to re-register to vote to eliminate double voting and so we can know what percentage of the real electorate votes.

Do that and it is highly unlikely that any election will be questioned again and in the vast majority of cases we will know who the winners are by midnight.

Only those who want the ability to cheat will resist cleaning up the system so that all Americans can trust it again. In my opinion all good citizens want to know that our elections are fair, secure, honest.
Drop boxes are for official ballots in signed, sealed envelopes
Any ballot that isn’t is discarded

It is up to the county registrar to validate all voter registrations. Been that way for hundreds of years.

Demanding a notarized ballot is voter suppression. If your signature on the ballot matches the one on file… is valid
Because there was no fraud. Had there been, Democrats would have won those down votes.
That's foolish to think that.
If somebody was changing Trump votes to Biden votes on hundreds of ballots sometimes they don't have the time to change every vote. Just the vote they wanted to change. The fact that there were all of these votes for Biden when the rest of them went (R) doesn't make any GD sense, unless you're a gullible f**king Democrat.
Sounds to me like the people doing the counting were doing the changing.
They had videos of poll workers marking ballots for some strange reason.
Drop boxes are for official ballots in signed, sealed envelopes
Any ballot that isn’t is discarded

It is up to the county registrar to validate all voter registrations. Been that way for hundreds of years.

Demanding a notarized ballot is voter suppression. If your signature on the ballot matches the one on file… is valid
Valid ballots filled out illegally and dropped off by the hundreds by campaign workers/ballot harvesters.
It's kind of weird when one of them has boxes of ballots going around to different drop boxes in more than one district. fraud here!!!!
They know they did this because they checked the phone records of these mules.

When you carry a cell phone everywhere you go, the phone company can track your movements.
This is how the FBI discovered who was in or around the Capital on Jan 6th.
Some of the people they arrested using only their GPS tracker.
So you're taking the word of a blog site?
My sources are a bit more reliable than that.

It's not a blog, ya moron. It's local news. And you have no valid source. Want proof? Quote Jesse Morgan saying there were 144,000 to 280,000 ballots on his truck...
I didn't make it up. The MSM, or Main-Stream Media, was invented by Rush Limbaugh roughly 20 years ago.
The MSM is just a blanket designation for anyone who pumps out leftist propaganda.

"Main stream" has a real meaning. It's not that.

Screenshot_20230619_175952_Samsung Internet.jpg
That's foolish to think that.
If somebody was changing Trump votes to Biden votes on hundreds of ballots sometimes they don't have the time to change every vote. Just the vote they wanted to change. The fact that there were all of these votes for Biden when the rest of them went (R) doesn't make any GD sense, unless you're a gullible f**king Democrat.
Sounds to me like the people doing the counting were doing the changing.
They had videos of poll workers marking ballots for some strange reason.

Idiot, it takes just as much time to vote for the Democrat as it does for the Republican.

You come up with the dumbest excuses.
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There are tons of methods that Democrats and NeverTrumpers are using to destroy Democracy. This is only one of the methods they use.

Here it is:

Dominion Software.jpg

Bullshit. Trump's total increased by 11.2 million, not 12 million; but more to the point, his increase was 17.4%. Twice before an incumbent lost re-election while gaining a bigger margin than Trump.
Almost daily since NOV04 2020 there have been facts laid out on a few brave websites exposing various method of fraud up thru the final whitewash of the AZ report.

Libstain loons come in here posting as if they know nothing about it or its' not possible. To go back in time and find the links/articles etc. is nearly impossible with LW Commee Google searches (or any other since they bought them all up). We all saw it, We all know it. Don't work for these rabid loons anymore when they cry link! link! Link! they stink.
such as:


City of Detroit Senior Advisor to the City Clerk Chris Thomas claims that only 16,000 ballots arrived in the 3:30AM Biden Ballot Dump. Chris Thomas also only admits to the 3:30AM Biden Ballot Dump, not the second one later that night.
But Patriot Joe Brandis notes Michigan added 149,000 votes for Biden at 6:31am the day after the election, where 94% of the votes were for Joe Biden. Where did those votes come from if most of the other counties had already reported their final totals by 8:00PM on election night?

The Big Steal Deniers are now saying that it was all just late-arriving absentees though! They dropped all their gaslighting about the van being fake, food, camera equipment. But they say that it’s just legal late ballots without doing any other investigation.
There are only a few sources of potential late-arriving absentees: 1) Zuckerberg Drop Boxes, 2) Satellite Voting Centers and 3) last minute In-Person Same-Day Registration Voters.


Jessy Jacob said the Zuckerberg drop boxes were cleared every hour. Patriots in Michigan have reviewed the video from 19 drop boxes and estimate that no more than 61 total votes are observed being picked up at the 19 boxes they have reviewed video from, an average of 3 per box in the last hour. The most ballots observed collected from any single box was 13. That same rate, across Detroit’s 30 drop boxes, only yields 90 last-minute drop-box absentee ballots being picked up at 8:00PM.
The counting boards counted ballots in batches on election day, where they counted the absentees first, the in-person votes second, and then counted the remaining ballots from that day last. There is no large batch of ballots that accounts for the late-night surge of Biden votes.


Yet Detroit’s Senior Advisor to the City Clerk Chris Thomas admits there were 16,000 votes in the 3:30AM Biden Ballot Dump. By his own admission and the available evidence, where did the extra 16,000 come from?

At the 3:30AM Biden Ballot Dump, there were somewhere between 52-60 boxes brought into the TCF Center. Those boxes can hold an estimated 350 ballots at most, accounting for the 16,000 number given by Detroit’s Thomas. But then where did the rest of the ballots posted at 6:30AM come from, since other counties had already reported their totals?

Biden posted 149,000 suspicious Michigan votes at 6:30AM that were 94% in his favor. Detroit claims they only brought in 16,000 of those, of which 16,000 can’t be reasonably explained. And where did the other 131,000 votes in Michigan come from since other counties had already reported all of their voting the evening before?
There were 600 Zuckerberg drop boxes installed across the state of Michigan. Detroit had 23 Satellite Voting Centers.

Detroit had at least one “Relia-Vote” machine parked at the Department of Elections according to voter fraud investigator Phil O’Halloran. There was no public right to review the process at the Department of Elections, as citizens do not have the right to review the signature verification process. This machine allows users to manufacture a replacement ballot. It is essentially a ballot-printing machine.


Dominion Whistleblower Mellissa Carone reported that she saw Dominion officials panic at 11:30pm on election night and claim there was a ‘data loss’ and they had to head over to the Department of Elections. To her credit she has consistently and reliably said that same story from the day after the election onwards. Were the Dominion workers sent there to ensure that the proper ballots were printed on the Relia-Vote machine to ensure a Biden victory, to create the paper record of ballots?

What else accounts for the 7.5 hour time delay getting late-arriving absentees from the Department of Elections to the TCF Center, a 6 minute drive?

And why would there be a second van at 4:30AM?

Biden won Detroit, according to the mainstream sources, by 94%. Detroit is 77% Black and 14% White. Yet national exit polls show Trump getting 12% of the Black vote and 58% of the White vote. Trump received 12,654 votes from Detroit from the official totals, but based on trends from the exit polls, Trump should have received at least 30,000 MORE!


Were those missing Trump votes overridden by Dominion machines, and then reprinted at the Department of Elections on a Relia-Vote machine, and then trucked over to the TCF Center to be counted at 3:30AM and 4:30AM?

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