How Legal Pot Could Harm the Cartels


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
So far, no modern country has ever legalized marijuana production—not even the Netherlands. Yet with heavy drug-related violence plaguing the U.S.-Mexican border, some analysts and policymakers now say that America should legalize weed in order to reduce the power of Mexico’s drug cartels.

Marijuana carries the least amount of overhead cost for many of the cartels and provides some of their cash flow for buying guns and influence. Estimates vary, but analysts say pot accounts for somewhere in the range of 20 to 50 percent of the cartels’ profits. But that could soon change with competition from El Norte: California has a proposition set for the November ballot—on which voters are roughly split—that would legalize the drug’s domestic production and sale.

How Legalized Pot Could Hurt Mexico's Cartels - Newsweek

The cartels would simply switch to a different illegal activity. I love how some act like legalizing MJ is going to get rid of crime.

The cartels would simply switch to a different illegal activity. I love how some act like legalizing MJ is going to get rid of crime.

For Example?

Getting rid of MJ would get rid of Crime in many places, since most people would be allowed to grow it themselves and Marijuana Dispensers would also benefit.

With that said, the Cartels would be out of money, and without money they can't afford Guns..

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