How long after the election before the corrupt state of PA announces Fetterman the winner?

My guess is that it takes the state a couple of days to count all the votes only to then find a newly discovered irregularity and problem requiring them to go back and start fresh, upon which they then discover a bunch of previously unknown or disqualified ballots extending the count another two weeks which while going against rules puts Fetterman just over the top enough so as to not automatically demand a careful recount.
Friday, November 11th. Veterans Day! Lurch gets just enough votes in urban Philly to pull it out. Oddly, some precincts vote 107% for Lurch!
My guess is that it takes the state a couple of days to count all the votes only to then find a newly discovered irregularity and problem requiring them to go back and start fresh, upon which they then discover a bunch of previously unknown or disqualified ballots extending the count another two weeks which while going against rules puts Fetterman just over the top enough so as to not automatically demand a careful recount.
I was thinking that those counting the votes would begin to feel the after effects of global warming and demand to stop counting right before Fetterman loses causing them to spontaneously combust.
They will credit Oprah for the victory as she backed him last second to try and make it somewhat believable that a man who can't complete a sentence was actually elected.
If the Polls are correct then OZ should win but by a narrow margin and Pennsylvania will not overturn it.
How long? I don't know. But I'm guessing he will win Pennsylvania. They have been pouring way too much into fetterman to just let him get beat.

I mean oz may win but I am highly skeptical that will happen.
They will credit Oprah for the victory as she backed him last second to try and make it somewhat believable that a man who can't complete a sentence was actually elected.

Don't worry, the sentences will be just fine after he wins and his wife takes over.

We see all the crap that went down last election there

What has changed?
What is going on with that "Big Red Wave" you MAGAtards push 24/7? Getting closer to reality scaring you all?
Unlike other states, Pennsylvania is not allowed to open absentee ballots until Election Day.

So it make take a day or two before we hear the results.
If the Polls are correct then OZ should win but by a narrow margin and Pennsylvania will not overturn it.
What has changed since all the shady things that took place last election?
Unlike other states, Pennsylvania is not allowed to open absentee ballots until Election Day.

So it make take a day or two before we hear the results.
Let me guess, Oz will be winning till they count votes overnight like they did in Georgia.
"It could take days".....Take Tater at his word on this one....The over-counts in Philly will be something to see.

Remember, the dems always telegraph what they are going to do.
Let me guess, Oz will be winning till they count votes overnight like they did in Georgia.
It is possible, but I don't think absentee voting is at the same high rate it was in 2020.

In 2020, Republicans chose to vote in person while Democrats chose to vote by mail-in ballot.

The Trump camp knew this and thus laid their plan for the coup before the election even took place:

"The Democrats - more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump's going to take advantage of it - that's our strategy. He's gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it's going to be a firestorm. You're gonna have antifa crazy, the media crazy, the courts are crazy. And Trump's gonna be sitting there mocking, tweeting shit out, 'You lose. I'm the winner. I'm the king.' And he'll be all over. He'll be going, 'Where's Hunter? Is Hunter on a crack pipe?' I mean, no, he'll be - because then it doesn't matter. Remember. Here's the thing. After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. He's going to fire Wray, the FBI director. He's going to say, 'Fuck you! How about that?' Because he's never going to - he's done his last election. Oh he's going to be off the chain. He's gonna be crazy.

"Also, if Trump - if Trump is losing by 10 or 11 o'clock at night, it's going to be even crazier. No, because he's gonna sit right there and say, 'They stole it. I'm directing the Attorney General to shut down all ballot places in all 50 states.' It's gonna be no, he's not going out easy. If Trump - if Biden is winning, Trump is going to do some crazy shit."

Smoking. Gun.
I'd leave it up to the experts at Faux News. They called AZ correctly in 2020 long before any of the other networks did. I bet they have a super cool formula!
Republicans are already trying to pretend Fetterman's going to steal it
What has changed since all the shady things that took place last election?
Nothing except that what you believe was a stolen election never was.

Democrats are losing it and tossing the live grenade in the GOP lap with the hope when all this really goes south the GOP will be caught as the leaders and not the DSA.

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