How long before anchor babies and barely Americans decide our elections?

Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.

Those born in the US are real Americans.....unless they are a foreign diplomatic corp or the like.

Not really....they're citizens by illegal means, by technicality, by flaw in the 14th...Any REAL American will tell you....there's common denominators among REAL's a behavioral thing that barely Americans do not share. We have many "citizens" here that are as un-American as anyone without citizenship.

If they're born in the US, they're citizens. There are a handful of exceptions, like the children of diplomats.

See the 'Wong Kim Ark case for the specifics. This was....1899 maybe? This is long established in our caselaw.

I can't debate the technicalities with you. I know the law.
I can however debate the behavioral thing with you....I ask again, how long before our President is elected by foreigners who think and believe like foreigners despite being dropped illegally on our soil?
You have paranoia.

That's weird..that's what all the beaners say that are here busting their asses, working to morph this nation into North Mexico.
Sorry, we're finally on to's time to head home.
This is what the years since Carter has brought us to. And the Alt Right does not care about any American born children.

Entirely the cause of immigration, idiot.
The OP has no bearing on reality.

BrokeLoser simply can't stand that people of color are better a citizen than him. that's some funny shit.
Jake, we all know who and what defines a "good citizen" in the minds of you wacks...THANK GOD I don't fall into your "better citizen" category.
Indeed, if better citizens were like today's far right and alt right, America would be back in the 1950s and 1960s, and have to go through the same crap of putting those race haters in prison or the cemetery again.

So yeah you named yourself well.
The OP has no bearing on reality.

BrokeLoser simply can't stand that people of color are better a citizen than him. that's some funny shit.
Jake, we all know who and what defines a "good citizen" in the minds of you wacks...THANK GOD I don't fall into your "better citizen" category.
Indeed, if better citizens were like today's far right and alt right, America would be back in the 1950s and 1960s, and have to go through the same crap of putting those race haters in prison or the cemetery again.

So yeah you named yourself well.
If the alt-right was in control of this country, you all would NEVER have the ability to retake it.

You idiots would all be dying in your ghettos.
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.

Those born in the US are real Americans.....unless they are a foreign diplomatic corp or the like.

Not really....they're citizens by illegal means, by technicality, by flaw in the 14th...Any REAL American will tell you....there's common denominators among REAL's a behavioral thing that barely Americans do not share. We have many "citizens" here that are as un-American as anyone without citizenship.
They are real Americans.....sorry if you don't like it....but it's not up to you.
Those born in the US are real Americans.....unless they are a foreign diplomatic corp or the like.

Not really....they're citizens by illegal means, by technicality, by flaw in the 14th...Any REAL American will tell you....there's common denominators among REAL's a behavioral thing that barely Americans do not share. We have many "citizens" here that are as un-American as anyone without citizenship.

If they're born in the US, they're citizens. There are a handful of exceptions, like the children of diplomats.

See the 'Wong Kim Ark case for the specifics. This was....1899 maybe? This is long established in our caselaw.

I can't debate the technicalities with you. I know the law.
I can however debate the behavioral thing with you....I ask again, how long before our President is elected by foreigners who think and believe like foreigners despite being dropped illegally on our soil?

A person born here isn't a foreigner. They're an American citizen.
Why doesn’t any other country do that?
You want to be like other countries now?
It's always been that way. The children of German immigrants acted very German. The children of Italian immigrants acted very Italian. And so on. The OP is revising history by pretending otherwise. But then, he's a Confederate Symp, so he has a lot of practice at revising history.

Immigrants who came here were excited to become Americanized and contribute in positive ways...they knew that learning to articulate the English language was essential in becoming productive within the US...they were embarrassed to look like and sound like foreigners...many would not speak in public for this reason.
What else can I teach you?
You have no clue about the "3-generation rule", do you?
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.
It already does.
trump was Mexico's choice? Interesting.
Mexico caused us to have to rely on a billionaire in order for a Republican to win. Pieces of shit like Jorge Ramos are fake news agents that are carrying out the agenda for Mexico in America.

Every Democrat who doesn’t believe in the soveignty of this country should be taken off the ballot or resign for their collusion with Mexico.
If they're born in the US, they're citizens. There are a handful of exceptions, like the children of diplomats.

See the 'Wong Kim Ark case for the specifics. This was....1899 maybe? This is long established in our caselaw.

I can't debate the technicalities with you. I know the law.
I can however debate the behavioral thing with you....I ask again, how long before our President is elected by foreigners who think and believe like foreigners despite being dropped illegally on our soil?

A person born here isn't a foreigner. They're an American citizen.
Why doesn’t any other country do that?

Many do.

Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship

If you go to Mexico and have a baby somehow, you will go to jail, and your baby will be deported.

Hell, you couldn’t even stay in Mexico long enough to birth the baby before you are jailed.
Right.......:lol: Who sold you that load of crap?
I can't debate the technicalities with you. I know the law.
I can however debate the behavioral thing with you....I ask again, how long before our President is elected by foreigners who think and believe like foreigners despite being dropped illegally on our soil?

A person born here isn't a foreigner. They're an American citizen.
Why doesn’t any other country do that?

Many do.

Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship

If you go to Mexico and have a baby somehow, you will go to jail, and your baby will be deported.

Hell, you couldn’t even stay in Mexico long enough to birth the baby before you are jailed.
Right.......:lol: Who sold you that load of crap?
Go actually learn something about Mexico and stop relying on bullshit “fact checkers” who don’t actually know anything about it.
This is what the years since Carter has brought us to. And the Alt Right does not care about any American born children.

The only children that should be cared about is White children of European heritage. White people of European heritage are the specific people the founders originally wanted to become citizens of the United States. A nation of Whites can only make America great again and thrive.
The 14th Amendment is not going to change.

Almost all of the natural citizen goofies have given up. Wisely.
You assholes changed the 1st amendment numerous times without any votes.

We sure as hell can change the 14th.
How have the 1st Amendment been changed? Looks the same as the original to me.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.
The anchor baby, while potent politically, is a largely a mythical idea. The claim is that women come to the US to have babies:
  • which serve as an anchor to prevent deportation of the family
  • sponsor parents and siblings
  • help illegal-immigrant parents access taxpayer-financed public education and/or social services through their citizen children

Let's look at each one of the above myths:

Being the parent of a U.S. citizen child almost never forms the core of a successful defense in an immigration court. In short, if the undocumented parent of a U.S.-born child is caught in the United States, he or she legally faces the very same risk of deportation as any other immigrant.

Second, Children sponsoring parents to attain legal residency involves such a long game that it's not a practical immigration strategy. If and when a U.S. citizen reaches the age of 21, he or she can then sponsor a parent to obtain a visa and green card and eventually enter the United States legally. However, the parents can not be illegally living in the US.

Lastly, access to taxpayer sponsored services is another hot button. However, the facts are that the law limits the benefits to the children themselves, not the parents. So looking at the family as a whole the benefits in the US are about the same as they are back home.

The fact is none of the anchor baby claims are of any real significance and are used to divert attention from the real immigration problems, poor control of the boarder, employers hiring illegals, an inadequate visa tracking system, and immigration laws that help illegals stay in the country and encourage illegal entry.

The myth of the ‘anchor baby’ deportation defense

Oh boy...the myth about the myth...some retard fabricated this theory and all the fools were fooled...haha

Let me break this down for:
The average Beaner family here in Mexifornia looks like this:
Fernando and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Carlos works for $10 dollars an hour CASH and averages 50 hours per week, Carlos grosses $500 per week in income.
Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Fernando and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Fernando's family as it would be retarded and a waste of time.
Do your own math and PLEASE explain to me how Fernando and Guadalupe aren't incentivized to drop anchors here?
Let me know if you need to to post images of how poor beaners in Mexico live versus how poor beaners in the US live....I would be happy to teach you more.
What we are debating is whether the mythical "anchor baby" provides incentive for illegal immigration thus producing potential voters someday who would vote contrary to the way "real Americans" vote. Hardly worth the time to reply, but here goes.

The major cost to tax payers you listed is education. Why should a women risk her life crossing the boarder so her US yet unborn children would have a free education when education is free in Mexico.

FYI, the average size of a Mexican family is two adults and 1 to 2 kids. So when it comes to housing assistance and food stamps, using federal guidelines allow the two children to provide the family 1/3 of the cost of low cost housing, slightly better than in Mexico and food stamps would be limited to $100/mo. Healthcare would be limited to the children not the parents. TANF would not be available. There would be limited delivery and maternity benefits.

Also consider that the cost living in California is significantly higher than in Mexico. Fernando would be paying $1950 a year in Social Security and Medicare taxes which neither he nor his wife would be able to use or recover. Furthermore, the money the family spent would be subject to sales tax used to support education and other social services.

Lastly to get any benefit from social services the parents must expose themselves as being illegally in the country, something we know that illegal immigrants avoid. In most states, at least one parent must meet with a DHS representative to determine the benefits the family can receive.

The anchor baby is an attractive scapegoat, but is at best a minor problem. The real problem is the wages are much higher in the US than Mexico and US employers hire millions of illegal immigrants. That's why they risk their lives to cross the boarder, not to have kids.
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The 14th Amendment is not going to change.

Almost all of the natural citizen goofies have given up. Wisely.
You assholes changed the 1st amendment numerous times without any votes.

We sure as hell can change the 14th.
How have the 1st Amendment been changed? Looks the same as the original to me.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The interpretation changed because of a later amendment that didn’t really have anything to do with it.
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.

Real Americans are the ones who understand and support the principles upon which my nation was founded.
This is what the years since Carter has brought us to. And the Alt Right does not care about any American born children.

The only children that should be cared about is White children of European heritage. White people of European heritage are the specific people the founders originally wanted to become citizens of the United States. A nation of Whites can only make America great again and thrive.
Steve_McGarrett continues his incredible outing of the Alt Right in his black ops disguise as a white supremacist.
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.

Real Americans are the ones who understand and support the principles upon which my nation was founded.
Which means no Democrats and very few Republicans....

You are also excluded btw...
This is what the years since Carter has brought us to. And the Alt Right does not care about any American born children.

The only children that should be cared about is White children of European heritage. White people of European heritage are the specific people the founders originally wanted to become citizens of the United States. A nation of Whites can only make America great again and thrive.
Steve_McGarrett continues his incredible outing of the Alt Right in his black ops disguise as a white supremacist.
You are really clueless about the founding of this country, aren’t you?
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.

Real Americans are the ones who understand and support the principles upon which my nation was founded.

I know I've told you this story many times's weird that it doesn't it make any sense to you. You must be a Econ major...haha.

An amazing family decided they should adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once you start adopting you can never stop. We don't care that you can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many you have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right LefTards?

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