How long before anchor babies and barely Americans decide our elections?

Perfect...thanks for being clear.
Let me "polish" things up a bit so you're feelings aren't hurt this way you'll be able to wrap your tiny little mind around it all.

When you're prepared to be civil, try again.

Until then I'll stick with the law, thank you.

Haha...I though so.
Thanks for playing kiddo.
Laughing.....if you had an argument to make you could have made it civilly. Instead, the moment you were contradicted by the law, the constitution, court cases and simple reason..... abandoned civil debate and instead doubled down on personal insults.

You ran. When you're ready to be civil, I'm right here.

Look bud...if adult words and phrases force you into the fetal position we can't play together....Further, you're not suppose to "get it"'s clear you're an anchor baby yourself...I'd refuse to engage if I were you as well.

If all you have are personal insults, you're done.

I have the law, the constitution, a century's worth of legal precedent and the simple fact that anyone born here is an American Citizen.

If you have a rational, civil counter argument, present it. If you can't, then you're done.

You see, that's your're clinging to this law / constitution thing which really has no bearing on my OP. You've done your best to twist the issue into something else and side-step yet you've ignored the question.
How long before anchor babies and barely Americans decide our elections?

Now don't be scared, you have my permission to address the question...Actually here, I'll massage the wording a little to keep you from reaching for your straight jacket.
How long before "people" born to illegal parents here will be able to decide our elections?
There, is that easier for you? Spin little silver tooth anchor you.
The OP has no bearing on reality.

BrokeLoser simply can't stand that people of color are better a citizen than him.
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.

You are no more a "REAL American" than a legal immigrant. The illegal ones cannot vote and any claims to the contrary are fake news.
But we do understand your uneasiness with the reality of changing demographics.
Pretty fun watching old white xenophobes circle the drain. :D

"Circle the drain"?
77% of this nation is still made up of the very people that built it into the place you want to live and the place that affords your filthy ass a free ride.
Imagine if this nation would have been built by think you'd want to be here?
Why haven't you left that welfare check behind and fled to Tijuana?
Those born in the US are real Americans.....unless they are a foreign diplomatic corp or the like.

Not really....they're citizens by illegal means, by technicality, by flaw in the 14th...Any REAL American will tell you....there's common denominators among REAL's a behavioral thing that barely Americans do not share. We have many "citizens" here that are as un-American as anyone without citizenship.

If they're born in the US, they're citizens. There are a handful of exceptions, like the children of diplomats.

See the 'Wong Kim Ark case for the specifics. This was....1899 maybe? This is long established in our caselaw.

I can't debate the technicalities with you. I know the law.
I can however debate the behavioral thing with you....I ask again, how long before our President is elected by foreigners who think and believe like foreigners despite being dropped illegally on our soil?

A person born here isn't a foreigner. They're an American citizen.

Haha...I get're afraid to engage.
So what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have been a pet human to REAL Americans?

I don’t blame Mexicans themselves. I wouldn’t want to live in a country run by Mexicans either. I can imagine I would hightail it to the nearest Anglo society I could find as well.
England, Canada and Australia suffer the same huge burden. The problem is that sooner or later enough foreigners can turn their destination into what they fled.
So when America looks like Mexico where will they flee to?
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The OP has no bearing on reality.

BrokeLoser simply can't stand that people of color are better a citizen than him. that's some funny shit.
Jake, we all know who and what defines a "good citizen" in the minds of you wacks...THANK GOD I don't fall into your "better citizen" category.
Not really....they're citizens by illegal means, by technicality, by flaw in the 14th...Any REAL American will tell you....there's common denominators among REAL's a behavioral thing that barely Americans do not share. We have many "citizens" here that are as un-American as anyone without citizenship.

If they're born in the US, they're citizens. There are a handful of exceptions, like the children of diplomats.

See the 'Wong Kim Ark case for the specifics. This was....1899 maybe? This is long established in our caselaw.

I can't debate the technicalities with you. I know the law.
I can however debate the behavioral thing with you....I ask again, how long before our President is elected by foreigners who think and believe like foreigners despite being dropped illegally on our soil?

A person born here isn't a foreigner. They're an American citizen.

Haha...I get're afraid to engage.
So what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have been a pet human to REAL Americans?

I don’t blame Mexicans themselves. I wouldn’t want to live in a country run by Mexicans either. I can imagine I would hightail t to the nearest Anglo society I could find as well.
England, Canada and Australia suffer the same huge burden. The problem is that sooner or later enough foreigners can turn their destination into what they fled.
So when America looks like Mexico where will they fled to?

Traditionally the Democratic Party has been extremely Racist and Corrupt.
When they gain power they just relentlessly loot the the taxpayers.
We can look at Venezuela to see the future of America.
Perfect...thanks for being clear.
Let me "polish" things up a bit so you're feelings aren't hurt this way you'll be able to wrap your tiny little mind around it all.

When you're prepared to be civil, try again.

Until then I'll stick with the law, thank you.

Haha...I though so.
Thanks for playing kiddo.
Laughing.....if you had an argument to make you could have made it civilly. Instead, the moment you were contradicted by the law, the constitution, court cases and simple reason..... abandoned civil debate and instead doubled down on personal insults.

You ran. When you're ready to be civil, I'm right here.

Look bud...if adult words and phrases force you into the fetal position we can't play together....Further, you're not suppose to "get it"'s clear you're an anchor baby yourself...I'd refuse to engage if I were you as well.

If all you have are personal insults, you're done.

I have the law, the constitution, a century's worth of legal precedent and the simple fact that anyone born here is an American Citizen.

If you have a rational, civil counter argument, present it. If you can't, then you're done.

When you're prepared to be civil, try again.

Until then I'll stick with the law, thank you.

Haha...I though so.
Thanks for playing kiddo.
Laughing.....if you had an argument to make you could have made it civilly. Instead, the moment you were contradicted by the law, the constitution, court cases and simple reason..... abandoned civil debate and instead doubled down on personal insults.

You ran. When you're ready to be civil, I'm right here.

Look bud...if adult words and phrases force you into the fetal position we can't play together....Further, you're not suppose to "get it"'s clear you're an anchor baby yourself...I'd refuse to engage if I were you as well.

If all you have are personal insults, you're done.

I have the law, the constitution, a century's worth of legal precedent and the simple fact that anyone born here is an American Citizen.

If you have a rational, civil counter argument, present it. If you can't, then you're done.

You see, that's your're clinging to this law / constitution thing which really has no bearing on my OP. You've done your best to twist the issue into something else and side-step yet you've ignored the question.
How long before anchor babies and barely Americans decide our elections?

Now don't be scared, you have my permission to address the question...Actually here, I'll massage the wording a little to keep you from reaching for your straight jacket.
How long before "people" born to illegal parents here will be able to decide our elections?
There, is that easier for you? Spin little silver tooth anchor you.

I ran?
Hello, can you hear me now?
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.
The anchor baby, while potent politically, is a largely a mythical idea. The claim is that women come to the US to have babies:
  • which serve as an anchor to prevent deportation of the family
  • sponsor parents and siblings
  • help illegal-immigrant parents access taxpayer-financed public education and/or social services through their citizen children

Let's look at each one of the above myths:

Being the parent of a U.S. citizen child almost never forms the core of a successful defense in an immigration court. In short, if the undocumented parent of a U.S.-born child is caught in the United States, he or she legally faces the very same risk of deportation as any other immigrant.

Second, Children sponsoring parents to attain legal residency involves such a long game that it's not a practical immigration strategy. If and when a U.S. citizen reaches the age of 21, he or she can then sponsor a parent to obtain a visa and green card and eventually enter the United States legally. However, the parents can not be illegally living in the US.

Lastly, access to taxpayer sponsored services is another hot button. However, the facts are that the law limits the benefits to the children themselves, not the parents. So looking at the family as a whole the benefits in the US are about the same as they are back home.

The fact is none of the anchor baby claims are of any real significance and are used to divert attention from the real immigration problems, poor control of the boarder, employers hiring illegals, an inadequate visa tracking system, and immigration laws that help illegals stay in the country and encourage illegal entry.

The myth of the ‘anchor baby’ deportation defense
The OP has no bearing on reality.

BrokeLoser simply can't stand that people of color are better a citizen than him.
There is no such thing as a normal person without color, idiot.

Albinism is a genetic defect.
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The Democratic Party is pandering to the racist Aztlan Nationalist who are bragging about invading America.
I have many Hispanic friends, they have much more in common with conservatives and despise liberals. They have no interest in becoming the perpetually dirt poor pawns of the Democratic party.
I have many Hispanic friends, they have much more in common with conservatives and despise liberals. They have no interest in becoming the perpetually dirt poor pawns of the Democratic party.
Obviously most Hispanics actually do.
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.

Those born in the US are real Americans.....unless they are a foreign diplomatic corp or the like.

See the Wong Kim Ark case.
Neither the 14th Amendment nor Wong Kim Ark make one a Natural Born Citizen.
Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.
The anchor baby, while potent politically, is a largely a mythical idea. The claim is that women come to the US to have babies:
  • which serve as an anchor to prevent deportation of the family
  • sponsor parents and siblings
  • help illegal-immigrant parents access taxpayer-financed public education and/or social services through their citizen children

Let's look at each one of the above myths:

Being the parent of a U.S. citizen child almost never forms the core of a successful defense in an immigration court. In short, if the undocumented parent of a U.S.-born child is caught in the United States, he or she legally faces the very same risk of deportation as any other immigrant.

Second, Children sponsoring parents to attain legal residency involves such a long game that it's not a practical immigration strategy. If and when a U.S. citizen reaches the age of 21, he or she can then sponsor a parent to obtain a visa and green card and eventually enter the United States legally. However, the parents can not be illegally living in the US.

Lastly, access to taxpayer sponsored services is another hot button. However, the facts are that the law limits the benefits to the children themselves, not the parents. So looking at the family as a whole the benefits in the US are about the same as they are back home.

The fact is none of the anchor baby claims are of any real significance and are used to divert attention from the real immigration problems, poor control of the boarder, employers hiring illegals, an inadequate visa tracking system, and immigration laws that help illegals stay in the country and encourage illegal entry.

The myth of the ‘anchor baby’ deportation defense

Oh boy...the myth about the myth...some retard fabricated this theory and all the fools were fooled...haha

Let me break this down for:
The average Beaner family here in Mexifornia looks like this:
Fernando and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Carlos works for $10 dollars an hour CASH and averages 50 hours per week, Carlos grosses $500 per week in income.
Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Fernando and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Fernando's family as it would be retarded and a waste of time.
Do your own math and PLEASE explain to me how Fernando and Guadalupe aren't incentivized to drop anchors here?
Let me know if you need to to post images of how poor beaners in Mexico live versus how poor beaners in the US live....I would be happy to teach you more.
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This is what the years since Carter has brought us to. And the Alt Right does not care about any American born children.

Has anyone saw the projections? Can you post it here?
Paul Ryan is right....legitimate, REAL Americans better get to baby making.
The writing is on the won't be long before Mexico chooses our POTUS.

Those born in the US are real Americans.....unless they are a foreign diplomatic corp or the like.

Not really....they're citizens by illegal means, by technicality, by flaw in the 14th...Any REAL American will tell you....there's common denominators among REAL's a behavioral thing that barely Americans do not share. We have many "citizens" here that are as un-American as anyone without citizenship.

If they're born in the US, they're citizens. There are a handful of exceptions, like the children of diplomats.

See the 'Wong Kim Ark case for the specifics. This was....1899 maybe? This is long established in our caselaw.

I can't debate the technicalities with you. I know the law.
I can however debate the behavioral thing with you....I ask again, how long before our President is elected by foreigners who think and believe like foreigners despite being dropped illegally on our soil?
You have paranoia.

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