How long before Scalia asked to step down?

and on the thread topic - he does need to step down. i doubt that he could be impeached because the political will isn't there.

but it doesn't really matter. his votes are never in doubt, you can count on him to take the partisan position every single time - which sort of makes him irrelevant.
His racism is political gain. He will go down in history as a racist judge representing Republicans.
When racists say the kinds of things he does, they can't stop themselves from going even further. We've seen that again and again. He will be a gift that just keeps giving.
Can we ever get the far left to quit masturbating.

I think they are loosing their eyesight as well as what little I.Q. they had.
and on the thread topic - he does need to step down. i doubt that he could be impeached because the political will isn't there.

but it doesn't really matter. his votes are never in doubt, you can count on him to take the partisan position every single time - which sort of makes him irrelevant.
His racism is political gain. He will go down in history as a racist judge representing Republicans.
When racists say the kinds of things he does, they can't stop themselves from going even further. We've seen that again and again. He will be a gift that just keeps giving.

Yes, he's been in there forever and you guys own the WH, house, and senate.....

i doubt that he could be impeached because the political will isn't there.
Very true. The people who want him gone, are a tiny minority of liberal fanatics, mostly in internet board and in the press, who spend most of their time pretending he said something he didn't. Normal Americans have learned that such people aren't worth listening to. They are irrelevant and have no particular influence.

You watch, he will become an issue in the next election.

You don't ask Supreme Court Justices to "step down", you moron! If you want one removed you have to impeach them and the grounds for that are Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. You can't impeach a sitting Supreme Court Justice because you don't agree with his views.

This is among your dumbest strings, R-Derp...and that's saying something!
He can be impeached for anything as long as it is titled a "high crime or misdemeanor." Impeachment is a political tool used to remove officers from the government payroll that other officers on the government payroll don't want to share the government payroll with.

You watch, he will become an issue in the next election.

You don't ask Supreme Court Justices to "step down", you moron! If you want one removed you have to impeach them and the grounds for that are Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. You can't impeach a sitting Supreme Court Justice because you don't agree with his views.

This is among your dumbest strings, R-Derp...and that's saying something!
He can be impeached for anything as long as it is titled a "high crime or misdemeanor." Impeachment is a political tool used to remove officers from the government payroll that other officers on the government payroll don't want to share the government payroll with.

You can't simply "title" anything a High Crime or misdemeanor and move to impeach, Jake! Impeachment was intentionally made difficult BECAUSE the Founding Fathers didn't want it used as a political tool!

As the board's resident "tool", R-Derp can't quite grasp that concept!

You watch, he will become an issue in the next election.

You don't ask Supreme Court Justices to "step down", you moron! If you want one removed you have to impeach them and the grounds for that are Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. You can't impeach a sitting Supreme Court Justice because you don't agree with his views.

This is among your dumbest strings, R-Derp...and that's saying something!
He can be impeached for anything as long as it is titled a "high crime or misdemeanor." Impeachment is a political tool used to remove officers from the government payroll that other officers on the government payroll don't want to share the government payroll with.

You can't simply "title" anything a High Crime or misdemeanor and move to impeach, Jake! Impeachment was intentionally made difficult BECAUSE the Founding Fathers didn't want it used as a political tool!

As the board's resident "tool", R-Derp can't quite grasp that concept!
Of course you can. High Crimes and Misdemeanors are defined by the indictment crafted by the House members to the assigned task. Your opinion is simply feeble.

You watch, he will become an issue in the next election.

You don't ask Supreme Court Justices to "step down", you moron! If you want one removed you have to impeach them and the grounds for that are Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. You can't impeach a sitting Supreme Court Justice because you don't agree with his views.

This is among your dumbest strings, R-Derp...and that's saying something!
He can be impeached for anything as long as it is titled a "high crime or misdemeanor." Impeachment is a political tool used to remove officers from the government payroll that other officers on the government payroll don't want to share the government payroll with.

You can't simply "title" anything a High Crime or misdemeanor and move to impeach, Jake! Impeachment was intentionally made difficult BECAUSE the Founding Fathers didn't want it used as a political tool!

As the board's resident "tool", R-Derp can't quite grasp that concept!
Of course you can. High Crimes and Misdemeanors are defined by the indictment crafted by the House members to the assigned task. Your opinion is simply feeble.

Once again...the Founding Fathers deliberately made it difficult to impeach, Jake. First you need the House Judiciary Committee to recommend impeachment and then you need a 2/3rds vote in the Senate to actually impeach. That isn't my "opinion" it's the way impeachment works!

You watch, he will become an issue in the next election.

You don't ask Supreme Court Justices to "step down", you moron! If you want one removed you have to impeach them and the grounds for that are Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. You can't impeach a sitting Supreme Court Justice because you don't agree with his views.

This is among your dumbest strings, R-Derp...and that's saying something!
He can be impeached for anything as long as it is titled a "high crime or misdemeanor." Impeachment is a political tool used to remove officers from the government payroll that other officers on the government payroll don't want to share the government payroll with.

You can't simply "title" anything a High Crime or misdemeanor and move to impeach, Jake! Impeachment was intentionally made difficult BECAUSE the Founding Fathers didn't want it used as a political tool!

As the board's resident "tool", R-Derp can't quite grasp that concept!
Of course you can. High Crimes and Misdemeanors are defined by the indictment crafted by the House members to the assigned task. Your opinion is simply feeble.

Once again...the Founding Fathers deliberately made it difficult to impeach, Jake. First you need the House Judiciary Committee to recommend impeachment and then you need a 2/3rds vote in the Senate to actually impeach. That isn't my "opinion" it's the way impeachment works!
You are slow, aren't you. Yes, little one, it is difficult to impeach. Yes, it requires political will to impeach. Yes, it requires a two-third's majority of the Senate to convict.

And none of that was the point, so, yes, you are deflecting, little one, and all know it.

Impeachment, once again, is a political instrument designed to remove certain federal officers the super majority in the Senate want out of office.
Once again...the Founding Fathers deliberately made it difficult to impeach, Jake. First you need the House Judiciary Committee to recommend impeachment

Er, no. The constitution states that the House has the sole power of impeachment. It does not require the matter to be approved by any committee. The constitution does not require the existence of any committee, ever. They are creations of Congress itself.

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