How long before social network giants choose our nations president/politicians?

Big Tech is running the world,

I hope and pray that not for much longer. :wink_2:

Tough road ahead for us, hon.

But we can not just give up at this stage. Too much is on the line.

I Live in Florida and I think the President has a very good chance at winningthis state.

I think the President will win Florida! :up:

I see about 8-1 Trump,signs in my neighborhood.I think we have a great chance. I need some good news after EDDIE VAN HALEN passed on Tuesday, Rough week.
Big Tech is running the world,

I hope and pray that not for much longer. :wink_2:

Tough road ahead for us, hon.

But we can not just give up at this stage. Too much in on the line.

100%. Literally the future of the nation. My family had enough fascism when my Latvian great grandfather was sent to the Gulag to die by Stalin. I dont understand why people dont get it.

Its disheartening to see all these liberals who throw around RACIST and Facist. They so easily say Trump is Hitler. Its disgusting,
So you can't take political mud slinging?

What about the true feelings of all those Trump Supporters who CHEERED the statement this Trump Supporting Woman made?

Calling Trump “Hitler” is lazy and pathetic.

Steve Bannon clapped & they cheered!!! Trump want's & tries to become a dictator. He tried to force Ukraine to rig our election & got impeached for it. Democrats barely hold enough power to prevent Trump dictatorship!

Yep. Straight up Hitler. Not like Biden, Biden is without a corrupt bone in his body.
Big Tech is running the world,

I hope and pray that not for much longer. :wink_2:

Tough road ahead for us, hon.

But we can not just give up at this stage. Too much is on the line.

I Live in Florida and I think the President has a very good chance at winningthis state.

I think the President will win Florida! :up:

I see about 8-1 Trump,signs in my neighborhood.I think we have a great chance. I need some good news after EDDIE VAN HALEN passed on Tuesday, Rough week.

Unfortunately St Petersburg looks pretty Tard.
I don't believe anything posted on social media, in news papers or on any new channel. They keep repeating lies until you believe it. Trump gave them all a tax cut to increase their power over US.

I only vote based on the verified data. It's sad that all the Debt Trump ran up, actually slowed the recovery, Jobs, GDP growth & increased trade deficit & crime rate. He has done some good, kept US out of stupid wars, but Hillary would have created another surplus & we can't afford more Republican debt!

WOW. You are a rational critic of the President. Not that I agree with all your points, but your arguments have some logic behind them.
My state of Nevada is going Biden
We have had hundreds of thousands of LA folks move here and they all vote blue
Trump can’t win here
My state of Nevada is going Biden
We have had hundreds of thousands of LA folks move here and they all vote blue
Trump can’t win here

It's so gloomy and depressing to read your replies.... oh well

I don't agree with what you say.
My state of Nevada is going Biden
We have had hundreds of thousands of LA folks move here and they all vote blue
Trump can’t win here

California LefTards and wetbacks are spreading out all the nation...time is definitely running out for the GOP.
My state of Nevada is going Biden
We have had hundreds of thousands of LA folks move here and they all vote blue
Trump can’t win here

California LefTards and wetbacks are spreading out all the nation...time is definitely running out for the GOP.
See ya... wouldn’t wanna be ya.

I’d actually love to see some
Good Republicans take power but they are dwindling and Trump has pretty much destroyed the party. Time to get rid of both toxic parties and reinvent this system we have
Trump is the party
The rest of the gop is pathetic
People seldom actually think about the effect big tech has on us.

We've become so dependant on technology that without it, the country would be brought to its knees.

There are probably 3 or 4 companies out there, that if they decided to, they could hold the country for a ransom (political outcome), and there is nothing anyone could do about it.
No way. What companies could do that? There are several if not hundreds of replacement computer communications technology companies ready to fill any void.
Well, take Google, microsoft, cox, and intercontinental exchange. If all 4 of those decided to join up to exert political pressure, im sure there is nothing they couldnt get.
Talk Radio chose this one, so we may want to expand this reasonable question a bit.
RE: Post 22

People should NEVER refer to President Trump as "Hitler."

When some people do that, they are despicable (IMHO), for they are insulting the memory of the millions of Jewish people, political opponents, mentally disabled people, gay people, Roma, et al. who were massacred by the cruelest regime in the history of this horrible world.

(This computer illiterate old man did not want to quote a chain of quotations, for the moderators have warned us about that. I did not know how to just quote Post 22's one sentence.)
This old man has never visited social media (unless discussion forums are considered "social media").

But I have read about the censorship used on FaceBook, Twitter, and other such platforms.

I always hear that the law permits those platforms to censor content.

And I have heard that those platforms are owned by people who identify as "liberal."

So I am guessing that starting on January 20, with the inauguration of the 46th President, censorship will be on steroids. "Hate speech" may include any negative comments about minority groups, climate change, women's rights, abortion (which I support 100%, however), affirmative action, etc.

I do believe that the so-called "Democratic" Party will be ushering in authoritarianism.
Are we sure the America as we know it, the greatest nation on earth is sustainable when that becomes the case?
Let me first correct you.
We might be strongest but we are not the greatest nation sorry.
We rank low in health, education, prosperity and other things. We have one of the highest levels of crimes, addiction and suicide.
Get off your high horse for a minute.
Big Tech is running the world,

I hope and pray that not for much longer. :wink_2:

Tough road ahead for us, hon.

But we can not just give up at this stage. Too much in on the line.

100%. Literally the future of the nation. My family had enough fascism when my Latvian great grandfather was sent to the Gulag to die by Stalin. I dont understand why people dont get it.

Its disheartening to see all these liberals who throw around RACIST and Facist. They so easily say Trump is Hitler. Its disgusting,
So you can't take political mud slinging?

What about the true feelings of all those Trump Supporters who CHEERED the statement this Trump Supporting Woman made?

Calling Trump “Hitler” is lazy and pathetic.

Steve Bannon clapped & they cheered!!! Trump want's & tries to become a dictator. He tried to force Ukraine to rig our election & got impeached for it. Democrats barely hold enough power to prevent Trump dictatorship!

Yep. Straight up Hitler. Not like Biden, Biden is without a corrupt bone in his body.

Trump is forcing regulation of social media!

Hell the US military sent anthrax letters to news reporters & congress people who were against the Iraq war.

I hope we can stop these Fascist Republicans,

They allow police to kill handcuffed suspects.

It's time for war against these Fascist Republicans
Are we sure the America as we know it, the greatest nation on earth is sustainable when that becomes the case?
Let me first correct you.
We might be strongest but we are not the greatest nation sorry.
We rank low in health, education, prosperity and other things. We have one of the highest levels of crimes, addiction and suicide.
Get off your high horse for a minute.
Ofcourse we do...we have tens of millions of low grade, criminal minded parasitic brown people.
You twisted fucks often complain about healthcare, education, criminality, income inequality...etc all while begging more thirdworld brown people to fuck the American taxpayer over...Bizarre shit isn’t it?

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