How long before social network giants choose our nations president/politicians?

How long before government takes over social media? Shouldn't be too long. Both parties have their "eyes on the prize".
Well, as much as I hate government intervention, a fundamental responsibility of government is to protect the integrity of our democracy.
You hate government intervention, except when you don't. Got it.
I’ll play...what .gov intervention have I called for that is out of constitutional scope?

This one will do.
Cool, let’s go with that.
Who do you believe is responsible for keeping America’s democracy intact and sustainable?

Let's rather remove the government intervention of 230.
You're going to get your wish. Both Democrats and Republicans are eager to use government to bully media companies. When Ds and Rs agree, everyone loses.
“Bully media companies”?
Do you think global media companies should be able to influence our elections like they can/do?
would you like to regulate them?
The integrity of our elections should be protected by any means necessary...Full commie if need be.
Oh good. I’d love to hear your ideas... What kind of regulations would like to institute on private media companies?
ANY entity with the ability to choose our politicians should be HEAVILY regulated using a by any means necessary approach...Are you still confused?
I thought you loved commie level
You mean the government should seize social media and make it federal property like national parks?
Big Tech is running the world,

I hope and pray that not for much longer. :wink_2:

Tough road ahead for us, hon.

But we can not just give up at this stage. Too much in on the line.

100%. Literally the future of the nation. My family had enough fascism when my Latvian great grandfather was sent to the Gulag to die by Stalin. I dont understand why people dont get it.

Its disheartening to see all these liberals who throw around RACIST and Facist. They so easily say Trump is Hitler. Its disgusting,
So you can't take political mud slinging?

What about the true feelings of all those Trump Supporters who CHEERED the statement this Trump Supporting Woman made?

Calling Trump “Hitler” is lazy and pathetic.

Steve Bannon clapped & they cheered for Trump to be a dictator!!! Trump want's & tries to become a dictator. He tried to force Ukraine to rig our election & got impeached for it. Democrats barely hold enough power to prevent Trump dictatorship!

No, what Hunter and Joe did in the Ukraine NEEDED to be investigated and still does.

And what did Joe 'do' in the Ukraine? I can shred pretty much any argument you might want to make on the topic in about 8 words. 7 if you consider contractions to be single words.
How long before government takes over social media? Shouldn't be too long. Both parties have their "eyes on the prize".
Well, as much as I hate government intervention, a fundamental responsibility of government is to protect the integrity of our democracy.
You hate government intervention, except when you don't. Got it.
I’ll play...what .gov intervention have I called for that is out of constitutional scope?

This one will do.
Cool, let’s go with that.
Who do you believe is responsible for keeping America’s democracy intact and sustainable?

Let's rather remove the government intervention of 230.
You're going to get your wish. Both Democrats and Republicans are eager to use government to bully media companies. When Ds and Rs agree, everyone loses.
“Bully media companies”?
Do you think global media companies should be able to influence our elections like they can/do?
would you like to regulate them?
The integrity of our elections should be protected by any means necessary...Full commie if need be.
Oh good. I’d love to hear your ideas... What kind of regulations would like to institute on private media companies?

I think that denial of services should be illegal censorship unless there is harm to others at risk.
And if that is the case, it should got to court.
The company should not get to decide on its own, unless it is something that needs immediate attention, such as posting private information about someone else, revenge porn, involves juveniles, etc.
Who decides whether there is a need for immediate attention ?
We'd need some kind of government minders, to review their decisions.
Yup, and another agency to over see them, plus an extra Union To represent the teachers. And of course don’t forget the advocacy group to help parents… it’s gonna be fun!
Big Tech is running the world,

I hope and pray that not for much longer. :wink_2:

Tough road ahead for us, hon.

But we can not just give up at this stage. Too much in on the line.

100%. Literally the future of the nation. My family had enough fascism when my Latvian great grandfather was sent to the Gulag to die by Stalin. I dont understand why people dont get it.

Its disheartening to see all these liberals who throw around RACIST and Facist. They so easily say Trump is Hitler. Its disgusting,
So you can't take political mud slinging?

What about the true feelings of all those Trump Supporters who CHEERED the statement this Trump Supporting Woman made?

Calling Trump “Hitler” is lazy and pathetic.

Steve Bannon clapped & they cheered for Trump to be a dictator!!! Trump want's & tries to become a dictator. He tried to force Ukraine to rig our election & got impeached for it. Democrats barely hold enough power to prevent Trump dictatorship!

No, what Hunter and Joe did in the Ukraine NEEDED to be investigated and still does.

And what did Joe 'do' in the Ukraine? I can shred pretty much any argument you might want to make on the topic in about 8 words. 7 if you consider contractions to be single words.

Jo did biz
And what did Joe 'do' in the Ukraine? I can shred pretty much any argument you might want to make on the topic in about 8 words. 7 if you consider contractions to be single words.

What is obvious is that Joe was demanding kickbacks from US foreign aid, through his son Hunter.
Hunter did nothing to earn the millions he was paid.
It is illegal to fire a civil servant like Shokin without proving a criminal act.
VPs have no legal authority to withhold congressional appropriations.
We should not even have been giving money or arms to the UKraine since it was appropriate for the Crimea to secede and rejoin Russia, since it is inhabited by ethnic Russians.
dblack how long before Zuckerberg and friends are able to force their president on you?

The social network is just variant of the media that has been manipulating us since Hearst caused us to get into the immoral Spanish American War.
No significant change, just slightly different actors using slightly different tools.
Neither actually are even intentional, but simply were guided by maximizing profits, which just happens to come from deliberately catering to the strongest of emotions, which then results in lots of deaths.
The solution obviously is to prevent arbitrary manipulation of social media.
Censorship or banning has to be illegal unless necessary for the defense of the rights of others, and there has to be legal recourse to any censorship or banning.
Are we sure the America as we know it, the greatest nation on earth is sustainable when that becomes the case?
Sure they are already...Zuckerberg was "donating" millions to swing state voting overlords before the election...pretty sure he got lots of influence over the cheating.
Sure they are already...Zuckerberg was "donating" millions to swing state voting overlords before the election...pretty sure he got lots of influence over the cheating.
Zuck fed you retards all that QAnon shit. he bears HUGE responsibility for all of that AND the anti-vaxxer garbage now going on.

Fuck him...break up Facebook
Zuck fed you retards all that QAnon shit. he bears HUGE responsibility for all of that AND the anti-vaxxer garbage now going on.

Fuck him...break up Facebook
Are you so full of shit---but if you think this nonsense and still want to get Zuck removed---and FACEBOOK broken up---HELL yeah, Baby. Think what you want but lets get rid of FACEBOOKS power.
Zuck fed you retards all that QAnon shit. he bears HUGE responsibility for all of that AND the anti-vaxxer garbage now going on.

Fuck him...break up Facebook
Who fed you retards "RUSSIAN COLLUSION"?
Zuck fed you retards all that QAnon shit. he bears HUGE responsibility for all of that AND the anti-vaxxer garbage now going on.

Fuck him...break up Facebook

Nah, breaking it up would just make it harder to use and harder to regulate.
All you need to do is prevent arbitrary censorship or banning, and an easy way of getting harmful posts removed at least until it can be heard in court.
Like any public utility, it has not be prevented from its own biased manipulation.
Nah, breaking it up would just make it harder to use and harder to regulate.
All you need to do is prevent arbitrary censorship or banning, and an easy way of getting harmful posts removed at least until it can be heard in court.
Like any public utility, it has not be prevented from its own biased manipulation.
So you want the government to control what can and can't be censored on a private media site?

That sounds like something your boss Putin would do

Break it up
So you want the government to control what can and can't be censored on a private media site?

That sounds like something your boss Putin would do

Break it up

We should not want any censorship or arbitrary banning at all.
What we should want instead if for our existing legal system to protect us from abuse.
If a Tweet infringes upon someone's rights, then have the courts decide, not some for profit corporate entity.
A for profit corporate entity will always choose arbitrarily based on which results in the most profit, not what is best for human rights.

Breaking up a currently popular single service, will only make uniform regulation and protection more difficult.
What they should do is make Twitter include an obvious complaint department, that is reviewed by impartial legally knowledgeable, who then advise or act, and also explain how to commence legal action if unsatisfied.
This should actually really be done more on the ISP level, but it not likely to ever happen since it need a screen presence.
ISPs do not have a screen presence and only end providers do.
Are you so full of shit---but if you think this nonsense and still want to get Zuck removed---and FACEBOOK broken up---HELL yeah, Baby. Think what you want but lets get rid of FACEBOOKS power.

The power of that sort of media is always going to be there and you can't get rid of it.
So instead what you want to do is establish rules to limit the arbitrary nature of what Twitter currently can do.
What you want to add is a layer of accountability, and that is easier if you do not break them up, considering that breaking them up may not also be legal.

How long before social network giants choose our nations president/politicians?​

They already are. When the democrats thought Russia did it on Facebook, they were all against it, but now they found it an easy way to steal elections for themselves, which they have no issue doing. And I see Joe Biden is tweeting away as well! Funny I've not heard any complaints about his tweets. Guess conservatives just are not the whiners that leftists are.

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