How long before we find out that this "Spy in Trump's Camp" story is a...

The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Here is what is wrecking OUR country imo...the systemic attack on the institutions of Democracy, in a way that we have never before seen. By sowing fake stories, stoking racial, immigrant and economic divides through those stories, sowing distrust in the judiciary, intelligence agency’s, in fact our entire political system. WE CANT EVEN AGREE UPON COMMON FACTS. And Trump feeds this relentlessly. Whether it is the constant barrage of unsubstantiated claims like Clinton getting thousands of illegal votes or his Nixonian attempts to fie or impede a legitimate investigation. Maybe I am more conservative then I thought. I am pretty law and order, I trust in our political process however vociferous it gets, I largely trust our courts, and while not the politicians per se the process that puts them into power and removes them. I trust the IG to conduct a thorough and professional investigation and I trust Mueller to do the same because I am not so partisan that I don’t think people can not do a professional job with out letting their personal politics get in the way and very few seem to think so anymore. I hate Trump, I like Obama’ hate Obama, you like Trump, I get that.


Nope.. That's garden variety partisan spew. You cannot let the hate leave your body LONG ENOUGH to see the awful truth here. But you've come a long way since denying that the dossier was a fraud and that the god awful 702 spy machine was HIJACKED as a political weapon to SPY on a political campaign.

You've got a long dark road in front of you -- if you care less about those East German STASI tactics than you do about losing an election...
So -- WHY if Hillary and the DNC had already BEEN TARGETED and abused by Russians wouldn't there be informants placed into THAT campaign.

...and a nitwit like you knows that there were NO informants in the Clinton camp because...................?????

Oh,sorry, Hannity assured you......LOL

It's in the documents that FBI is leaking out after HIDING them for 18 months from Congressional committees. Congress wanted to know the WHEN of what the FBI/DNI started to spy on the campaign. WHO were the 1st suspects, etc. And Clapper isn't hiding it. His ass is grass. He's spilling it on "The View". But in about a couple weeks it will be like all the other "spying on the Trump campaign" --- proven to be COMPLETELY true. And the guilty are GONNA pay dearly.

There are loads of "sting" operations here. From the story that Papadopoulis is telling and Caputo. Caputo and Page are pissed because their lives are completely ruined by this for no reason. Page was an FBI ASSET for years And WORKED russian intelligence for the US Navy for years. He FINGERED about 3 Russian evil-doers FOR the FBI during the time he was used. He's NOT a "loose cannon".

The whole Russian "honey pot" meeting was a SET UP to smear the Trump campaign. It's classic espionage tactics. This lady lawyer was in meetings with Fusion GPS BEFORE AND AFTER the Trump tower meeting. She was being run as an asset by whatever treasonous cabal was doing all this spying for "good of the country"..
So it is all Evil Obama and Innocent Trump?

Did I MENTION Obama? I don't GIVE a shit about Obama. We've got enough guilty carcasses to build a brand new Club Fed. I'd be happy watching Brennan, Clapper, Comey and/or 4 other FBI agents frog marched to the slammer.
The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Here is what is wrecking OUR country imo...the systemic attack on the institutions of Democracy, in a way that we have never before seen. By sowing fake stories, stoking racial, immigrant and economic divides through those stories, sowing distrust in the judiciary, intelligence agency’s, in fact our entire political system. WE CANT EVEN AGREE UPON COMMON FACTS. And Trump feeds this relentlessly. Whether it is the constant barrage of unsubstantiated claims like Clinton getting thousands of illegal votes or his Nixonian attempts to fie or impede a legitimate investigation. Maybe I am more conservative then I thought. I am pretty law and order, I trust in our political process however vociferous it gets, I largely trust our courts, and while not the politicians per se the process that puts them into power and removes them. I trust the IG to conduct a thorough and professional investigation and I trust Mueller to do the same because I am not so partisan that I don’t think people can not do a professional job with out letting their personal politics get in the way and very few seem to think so anymore. I hate Trump, I like Obama’ hate Obama, you like Trump, I get that.


Nope.. That's garden variety partisan spew. You cannot let the hate leave your body LONG ENOUGH to see the awful truth here. But you've come a long way since denying that the dossier was a fraud and that the god awful 702 spy machine was HIJACKED as a political weapon to SPY on a political campaign.

You've got a long dark road in front of you -- if you care less about those East German STASI tactics than you do about losing an election...
That is the problem. You keep pinning on losing an election. The election is OVER going on two years. I don’t care about that and it is about time people stop using it as an excuse to give a free pass to the wreckage Trump is making of our our country. Don’t you get it? It is not partisanship to want competence, a steady hand, trust that the person in charge r early does have our nation’s and ALL our people’s interests in mind even if we disagree on the politics. That is gone under Trump and it has nothing to do with partisanship.
The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Red team never Trumper or Blue Team Sky Screamer. You know what you left out? The Trump Team. They aren’t wrecking our country too?

You trying to justify the WORST DOMESTIC SPY case ever perpetrated on America? I don't care if Trump is the guy in Idiocracy waving an AK-47 at Congress. He hasn't HIJACKED the Intel and spy communities to GET to where he is.

Here's your problem. The snowball is rolling. Clapper is doomed and spewing and working for the minions of morons at CNN. You're worst nightmare is stuff that's just not getting reported on whatever talking point media you're consuming right now.

HERE IT IS ---- THIS is your future for the rest of the Trump Admin

Sources: FBI agents want Congress to subpoena them so they can reveal Bureau’s dirt - Hot Air

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by [James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs,” former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller Tuesday. “They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

TheDC independently confirmed the veracity of the consultant’s position and access, and reviewed detailed transcripts of his Q&A with the special agent, who requested the arrangement due to internal dragnets and fear of vicious retribution.

Trump is not "wrecking" the Intel community or the FBI. PUTIN didn't wreck the Intel Community or the FBI. A conspiracy of nutjobs with a grudge against "outsiders" playing politics wrecked those institutions from WITHIN.

And like those valuable, loyal and PRINCIPLED members of the FBI and the Intel community, I don't want to SEE the agencies I used to serve get hijacked for pure partisan political spite I sure as hell would be SCREAMING to come forward with everything I knew about those conspiracies.

In advertising -- you ALWAYS accuse your market of doing the bad things that you yourself do. It's a tenet of how to win. And all this "interfering with a political campaign" noise from these conspirators and the Left is EXACTLY the same kind of cynical ploy...
And it's the biggest Domestic Spy story of this country and getting bigger.

LOL.......How did today's briefings turn out ???

Remember, YOUR side of the aisle is in charge of every fucking segment of government.
The whole Russian "honey pot" meeting was a SET UP to smear the Trump campaign.

The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Red team never Trumper or Blue Team Sky Screamer. You know what you left out? The Trump Team. They aren’t wrecking our country too?

You trying to justify the WORST DOMESTIC SPY case ever perpetrated on America? I don't care if Trump is the guy in Idiocracy waving an AK-47 at Congress. He hasn't HIJACKED the Intel and spy communities to GET to where he is.

Here's your problem. The snowball is rolling. Clapper is doomed and spewing and working for the minions of morons at CNN. You're worst nightmare is stuff that's just not getting reported on whatever talking point media you're consuming right now.

HERE IT IS ---- THIS is your future for the rest of the Trump Admin

Sources: FBI agents want Congress to subpoena them so they can reveal Bureau’s dirt - Hot Air

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by [James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs,” former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller Tuesday. “They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

TheDC independently confirmed the veracity of the consultant’s position and access, and reviewed detailed transcripts of his Q&A with the special agent, who requested the arrangement due to internal dragnets and fear of vicious retribution.

Trump is not "wrecking" the Intel community or the FBI. PUTIN didn't wreck the Intel Community or the FBI. A conspiracy of nutjobs with a grudge against "outsiders" playing politics wrecked those institutions from WITHIN.

And like those valuable, loyal and PRINCIPLED members of the FBI and the Intel community, I don't want to SEE the agencies I used to serve get hijacked for pure partisan political spite I sure as hell would be SCREAMING to come forward with everything I knew about those conspiracies.

In advertising -- you ALWAYS accuse your market of doing the bad things that you yourself do. It's a tenet of how to win. And all this "interfering with a political campaign" noise from these conspirators and the Left is EXACTLY the same kind of cynical ploy...
I am not justifying anything.

I am sticking to facts, not ungrounded claims. Particularly this assumption that Trump is a victim and it is all the fault of the left.

I think we will find Trump is closer to Nixon, just with a more populist flair then you think.

But hey, blame the left, or Clinton (she sure as shit wasn’t given the same fair shake).
I'd be happy watching Brennan, Clapper, Comey and/or 4 other FBI agents frog marched to the slammer.

Here, to help your cause (and disposition)....LOL

That is the problem. You keep pinning on losing an election. The election is OVER going on two years. I don’t care about that and it is about time people stop using it as an excuse to give a free pass to the wreckage

Because "the election is over" we should just ignore a massive hijacking and abuse of govt power to INFLUENCE that election? Did I hear that right? Give them all a pass?

Why not give Putin a pass? Because after all -- the election is over. . YOU just can't handle the thought that the WORST domestic spy operation in American history occurred during that election..
I am sticking to facts, not ungrounded claims. Particularly this assumption that Trump is a victim and it is all the fault of the left.

I think we will find Trump is closer to Nixon, just with a more populist flair then you think.

At the very VERY LEAST, Trump hires and surrounds himself with corrupt, low-life, greedy and UN-American thugs......

FIVE guilty pleas and FOURTEEN indictments....
Nice bunch of minions, correct?
That is the problem. You keep pinning on losing an election. The election is OVER going on two years. I don’t care about that and it is about time people stop using it as an excuse to give a free pass to the wreckage

Because "the election is over" we should just ignore a massive hijacking and abuse of govt power to INFLUENCE that election? Did I hear that right? Give them all a pass?

Why not give Putin a pass? Because after all -- the election is over. . YOU just can't handle the thought that the WORST domestic spy operation in American history occurred during that election..

No you heard it wrong. I am sick and tired of those critical of Trump being accused of being sore losers.

I don’t believe in Conspracy Theories and until the IG report indicates otherwise that is all it is.
That is the problem. You keep pinning on losing an election. The election is OVER going on two years. I don’t care about that and it is about time people stop using it as an excuse to give a free pass to the wreckage

Because "the election is over" we should just ignore a massive hijacking and abuse of govt power to INFLUENCE that election? Did I hear that right? Give them all a pass?

Why not give Putin a pass? Because after all -- the election is over. . YOU just can't handle the thought that the WORST domestic spy operation in American history occurred during that election..
Haven’t you given Putin a pass?
At the very VERY LEAST, Trump hires and surrounds himself with corrupt, low-life, greedy and UN-American thugs......

FIVE guilty pleas and FOURTEEN indictments....
Nice bunch of minions, correct?
look at it from an American point of view, the left is the last vestige of the soviet union remaining, trump is just gouging its eyes out and that is not a pretty sight
At the very VERY LEAST, Trump hires and surrounds himself with corrupt, low-life, greedy and UN-American thugs......

FIVE guilty pleas and FOURTEEN indictments....
Nice bunch of minions, correct?
look at it from an American point of view, the left is the last vestige of the soviet union remaining, trump is just gouging its eyes out and that is not a pretty sight
So are you saying it’s a hissy girl fight between communists and fascists?

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