How long before we find out that this "Spy in Trump's Camp" story is a...

What Clinton and Obama did to Trump, really does make Watergate look like small potatoes. They need to be held accountable.

Held accountable? It must be worst plot to destroy a candidacy ever in the history of plots! Seriously, Muller better indict them for shear stupidity. Their double secret agent planted under the big orange's nose should have been allowed to leak all kinds of Russian "Dirt" to the press. What Kind of super secret dirty spy ring were they running? Superduperdopey
The woman who oversaw the Obama White House’s response to the Russian election attack said she was never briefed on the FBI’s use of an informant to investigate the Trump campaign and that it was “ridiculous” for President Trump to claim that the matter amounted to “one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history.”

Avril Haines, who served as deputy national security adviser in the Obama administration made the comments in her first first full-length interview since leaving government...

Haines also said she had been “very concerned” in 2016 about the degree to which Russians might have gained “influence” within the Trump campaign — concerns that were fueled by Trump’s public comments about Putin that she found “wildly disconnected from reality.”

“No, absolutely not,” Haines said when asked if she was ever told about the confidential FBI informant who made contact with three members of the Trump campaign. “We didn’t even know at the time there was an [FBI] investigation as such,” she said. Haines said the FBI briefed the National Security Council “on a regular basis” about what she termed “counterintelligence issues” but that it had not told the council that any formal probe of the Trump campaign had been initiated.

'That’s ridiculous': Key Obama adviser dismisses Trump's 'Spygate' claim

President Donald Trump continues to cause confusion by complaining that the F.B.I. was “spying” on him.

In a rational world, saying that the F.B.I. had enough evidence to authorize an informant to infiltrate your campaign wouldn’t be the kind of thing you talked about in public.

But, whatever, Spygate plays well on Fox, I guess.

And the people who watch Fox are the only people Trump cares about.

MEANWHILE, on Earth 2...

Michael Cohen
The libs really want to sell that they planted a spy in the Trump election campaign for the good of the American people so it was fine to do it
Informant, infiltration, spying. The words were thrown around freely as President Donald Trump tweeted his frustration with the FBI investigation of Russian involvement with his campaign.

We contacted experts who work at the intersection of law and surveillance to help us drill into what informant, infiltration and spying mean, and to what extent they apply to what seems to have gone on. They told us that so far, what they see doesn’t amount to the definition of infiltration. As for the use of an informant, it overall seems pretty typical for the FBI.

"The use of informants is standard practice in any FBI investigation, and indeed in law enforcement investigations in general," said Paul Pillar at the Georgetown Center for Security Studies. "Interviewing anyone with possibly relevant information about the suspected crime is a core part of any such investigation."

FBI and Trump: Key definitions in the investigation
The informant’s work

According to press reports, the FBI had been interested in Page for several years once it found suspected Russian agents talking about recruiting him. Papadopoulos became a target after the first dump of Wikileaks emails that undercut the Clinton campaign. An Australian diplomat told the FBI that Papadopoulos had known about the emails months before they came out. (Papadopoulos later pled guilty as part of the special counsel’s Russia investigation.)

The informant, according to reports, would create opportunities to talk to the Trump team members and report what he learned to the FBI. If he did more than that, it has not been reported.
The libs really want to sell that they planted a spy in the Trump election campaign for the good of the American people so it was fine to do it
"The libs really want to sell that they planted a spy in the trump election campaign" that why trump keeps talking about it?

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