How long before we find out that this "Spy in Trump's Camp" story is a...

Just trying to follow your line here
Well the original post, what you were attempting to interpret [or re-interpret] was my simplest explanation for what I was saying, not sure I can give you anything easier to understand

...socialist and fascists are not the same ;)
and in this case I was just following your line...see, not even the left likes the line of reasoning it employs
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The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Red team never Trumper or Blue Team Sky Screamer. You know what you left out? The Trump Team. They aren’t wrecking our country too?

You trying to justify the WORST DOMESTIC SPY case ever perpetrated on America? I don't care if Trump is the guy in Idiocracy waving an AK-47 at Congress. He hasn't HIJACKED the Intel and spy communities to GET to where he is.

Here's your problem. The snowball is rolling. Clapper is doomed and spewing and working for the minions of morons at CNN. You're worst nightmare is stuff that's just not getting reported on whatever talking point media you're consuming right now.

HERE IT IS ---- THIS is your future for the rest of the Trump Admin

Sources: FBI agents want Congress to subpoena them so they can reveal Bureau’s dirt - Hot Air

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by [James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs,” former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller Tuesday. “They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

TheDC independently confirmed the veracity of the consultant’s position and access, and reviewed detailed transcripts of his Q&A with the special agent, who requested the arrangement due to internal dragnets and fear of vicious retribution.

Trump is not "wrecking" the Intel community or the FBI. PUTIN didn't wreck the Intel Community or the FBI. A conspiracy of nutjobs with a grudge against "outsiders" playing politics wrecked those institutions from WITHIN.

And like those valuable, loyal and PRINCIPLED members of the FBI and the Intel community, I don't want to SEE the agencies I used to serve get hijacked for pure partisan political spite I sure as hell would be SCREAMING to come forward with everything I knew about those conspiracies.

In advertising -- you ALWAYS accuse your market of doing the bad things that you yourself do. It's a tenet of how to win. And all this "interfering with a political campaign" noise from these conspirators and the Left is EXACTLY the same kind of cynical ploy...
Such drama over a Russian made up scandal.

Here's your problem. WHY-TF doesn't this bother you?

i obviously see these events from a different perspective and have a different opinion of things... spare me your phony sanctimony as if it's so difficult to understand the conclusions you have come to, else i'd be so bothered by the FBI doing their job.

Or Clapper lying lame excuse that they were there to focus on Russian intervention?

focusing on Russian intervention IS the job of the FBI, so your childish lame-ass name calling is the lie.

FBI proper protocol should be to focus on foreign intervention.

You think using the most powerful Intel orgs in the world to

insert informants will-nilly

into opposition political campaigns is just dandy

"will-nilly" is another lie :eusa_liar:

ask the guy who proclaimed "I LOVE WIKI LEAKS"

hello mcfly enemy of the state WIKI LEAKS, illicit intel informants who were on-the-line with team trump during the campaign as teflon don surrounded himself with various swamp dwellers who just so happened to have myriad hidden shady dealings with russians...

So -- WHY if Hillary and the DNC had already BEEN TARGETED and abused by Russians wouldn't there be informants placed into THAT campaign.

you don't know if there weren't..

does team trump's illegally obtained intel count...??

again, liar... none of this is ABOUT politicians, it is about crimes.

the FBI is our nation's chief law enforcement agency.

trump is actively and openly colluding with russia to tear USA deep state.

he brazenly embracing KGB tactics to undermine FBI efforts to hold culprits accountable in the name of defending our national security.

those emails y'all pretended to be so concerned with protecting classified info but loving criminal hackers is just dandy??? he literally publicly invited criminals to illegally obtain SoS private government correspondence, and you dopes STILL can't connect those dots like WHY oh why would the FBI be concerned.

you are officially a trump chump, congratulations.

No -- A lie is a lie. And all Clapper does when his mouth moves IS a lie. You don't see the coming tsunami? You gonna claim it was a merely a rain shower?

there was no lie, it's how things work, child.

we call it rule of law and due process...

takes patience and understanding..

flynn lied, sessions lied, so many lied to cover up russian ties.

it is the FBIs job to know WHY.

...rain shower tsunami joke in there somewhere... whatever.. gross

God help each every one of you who don't recognize how MANY red lines were crossed here. And we're NOT EVEN to a 2nd Special Counsel. But we will be.

more patronizing. :uhoh3:

ALL the legal "red lines" are being crossed by our utterly clueless and sociopathic so-called president.

he's like a spastic n00b bull in an erstwhile dignified American glassware shop.

again, just simple due process of the law...

the bullheaded bullshitter should have nothing to fear.. (unless guilty)

spaz always has to go all atwittah making a mess, throwing kaka against the wall, pushing all the legal levers and attack buttons he can in order to avoid SOMETHING................. tick tock



YOU -- got a taxi cab operator with very little tie to ONE of Trumps DOZENS of lawyers. Meanwhile -- 10 of the most HIGH RANKING FBI officials have fired, demoted or are FLEEING the agency to avoid the Inspector General.

look at what a baby you are acting as if it's all about me.

resignation amid this controversy is the noble thing to do as all decent and informed Americans understand the investigation must proceed regardless of teflon don's poo flinging fake news shouting YOU stink, not my poo.. as distraction propaganda..

we shall see what discovery and due process brings.

nothing any of us posts here is going to change any of it...

so get a grip and stop attacking posters and making it personal, MAWD.

Here's you...

Here's you... rambling and lying :blahblah:
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Right wing morons who have fully joined the Trump cult cannot address this simple question:

IF the FBI was out to undermine the Trump campaign, WHY did they not announce that the campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???

Like they did for Hillary you mean?
Right wing morons who have fully joined the Trump cult cannot address this simple question:

IF the FBI was out to undermine the Trump campaign, WHY did they not announce that the campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???

Like they did for Hillary you mean?
Ultimately, the good ole' boys stick together when threatened by women.
The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Here is what is wrecking OUR country imo...the systemic attack on the institutions of Democracy, in a way that we have never before seen. By sowing fake stories, stoking racial, immigrant and economic divides through those stories, sowing distrust in the judiciary, intelligence agency’s, in fact our entire political system. WE CANT EVEN AGREE UPON COMMON FACTS. And Trump feeds this relentlessly. Whether it is the constant barrage of unsubstantiated claims like Clinton getting thousands of illegal votes or his Nixonian attempts to fie or impede a legitimate investigation. Maybe I am more conservative then I thought. I am pretty law and order, I trust in our political process however vociferous it gets, I largely trust our courts, and while not the politicians per se the process that puts them into power and removes them. I trust the IG to conduct a thorough and professional investigation and I trust Mueller to do the same because I am not so partisan that I don’t think people can not do a professional job with out letting their personal politics get in the way and very few seem to think so anymore. I hate Trump, I like Obama’ hate Obama, you like Trump, I get that.


Nope.. That's garden variety partisan spew. You cannot let the hate leave your body LONG ENOUGH to see the awful truth here. But you've come a long way since denying that the dossier was a fraud and that the god awful 702 spy machine was HIJACKED as a political weapon to SPY on a political campaign.

You've got a long dark road in front of you -- if you care less about those East German STASI tactics than you do about losing an election...
That is the problem. You keep pinning on losing an election. The election is OVER going on two years. I don’t care about that and it is about time people stop using it as an excuse to give a free pass to the wreckage Trump is making of our our country. Don’t you get it? It is not partisanship to want competence, a steady hand, trust that the person in charge r early does have our nation’s and ALL our people’s interests in mind even if we disagree on the politics. That is gone under Trump and it has nothing to do with partisanship.

Absolutely not partisan when I find myself agreeing with George Will or when Richard Painter becomes my spirit animal.
Right wing morons who have fully joined the Trump cult cannot address this simple question:

IF the FBI was out to undermine the Trump campaign, WHY did they not announce that the campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???

Like they did for Hillary you mean?
Ultimately, the good ole' boys stick together when threatened by women.

'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say
The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Here is what is wrecking OUR country imo...the systemic attack on the institutions of Democracy, in a way that we have never before seen. By sowing fake stories, stoking racial, immigrant and economic divides through those stories, sowing distrust in the judiciary, intelligence agency’s, in fact our entire political system. WE CANT EVEN AGREE UPON COMMON FACTS. And Trump feeds this relentlessly. Whether it is the constant barrage of unsubstantiated claims like Clinton getting thousands of illegal votes or his Nixonian attempts to fie or impede a legitimate investigation. Maybe I am more conservative then I thought. I am pretty law and order, I trust in our political process however vociferous it gets, I largely trust our courts, and while not the politicians per se the process that puts them into power and removes them. I trust the IG to conduct a thorough and professional investigation and I trust Mueller to do the same because I am not so partisan that I don’t think people can not do a professional job with out letting their personal politics get in the way and very few seem to think so anymore. I hate Trump, I like Obama’ hate Obama, you like Trump, I get that.


Nope.. That's garden variety partisan spew. You cannot let the hate leave your body LONG ENOUGH to see the awful truth here. But you've come a long way since denying that the dossier was a fraud and that the god awful 702 spy machine was HIJACKED as a political weapon to SPY on a political campaign.

You've got a long dark road in front of you -- if you care less about those East German STASI tactics than you do about losing an election...
That is the problem. You keep pinning on losing an election. The election is OVER going on two years. I don’t care about that and it is about time people stop using it as an excuse to give a free pass to the wreckage Trump is making of our our country. Don’t you get it? It is not partisanship to want competence, a steady hand, trust that the person in charge r early does have our nation’s and ALL our people’s interests in mind even if we disagree on the politics. That is gone under Trump and it has nothing to do with partisanship.

Absolutely not partisan when I find myself agreeing with George Will or when Richard Painter becomes my spirit animal.

I have a lot of respect for George Will even when I don't agree with him.
anti-American anarchists are loving this shit..

i can tell you THAT

no THEY aren't "bothered" at all.

the purveyors of that russian troll farm are pleased as well...

robber barons and tyrants fixing to make a killing, all right.
The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Here is what is wrecking OUR country imo...the systemic attack on the institutions of Democracy, in a way that we have never before seen. By sowing fake stories, stoking racial, immigrant and economic divides through those stories, sowing distrust in the judiciary, intelligence agency’s, in fact our entire political system. WE CANT EVEN AGREE UPON COMMON FACTS. And Trump feeds this relentlessly. Whether it is the constant barrage of unsubstantiated claims like Clinton getting thousands of illegal votes or his Nixonian attempts to fie or impede a legitimate investigation. Maybe I am more conservative then I thought. I am pretty law and order, I trust in our political process however vociferous it gets, I largely trust our courts, and while not the politicians per se the process that puts them into power and removes them. I trust the IG to conduct a thorough and professional investigation and I trust Mueller to do the same because I am not so partisan that I don’t think people can not do a professional job with out letting their personal politics get in the way and very few seem to think so anymore. I hate Trump, I like Obama’ hate Obama, you like Trump, I get that.


Nope.. That's garden variety partisan spew. You cannot let the hate leave your body LONG ENOUGH to see the awful truth here. But you've come a long way since denying that the dossier was a fraud and that the god awful 702 spy machine was HIJACKED as a political weapon to SPY on a political campaign.

You've got a long dark road in front of you -- if you care less about those East German STASI tactics than you do about losing an election...
That is the problem. You keep pinning on losing an election. The election is OVER going on two years. I don’t care about that and it is about time people stop using it as an excuse to give a free pass to the wreckage Trump is making of our our country. Don’t you get it? It is not partisanship to want competence, a steady hand, trust that the person in charge r early does have our nation’s and ALL our people’s interests in mind even if we disagree on the politics. That is gone under Trump and it has nothing to do with partisanship.

Absolutely not partisan when I find myself agreeing with George Will or when Richard Painter becomes my spirit animal.

I have a lot of respect for George Will even when I don't agree with him.
The man knows his baseball.
“Everyone knows there was a Spy, and in fact the people who were involved in the Spying are admitting that there was a Spy...Widespread Spying involving multiple people. But the corrupt Mainstream Media hates this monster story!” Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist Senior Editor

"Can anyone even imagine having Spies placed in a competing campaign, by the people and party in absolute power, for the sole purpose of political advantage and gain? And to think that the party in question, even with the expenditure of far more money, LOST!

The Democrats are now alluding to the the concept that having an Informant placed in an opposing party’s campaign is different than having a Spy, as illegal as that may be. But what about an “Informant” who is paid a fortune and who “sets up” way earlier than the Russian Hoax?" - Donald Trump, President Of The United States Of America
Trump is a proven liar.
Yes he was Bill Clinton but neither of them lied about my healthcare....

As long as you can ignore what he said, President "Liesalot" was telling the truth about his so-called healthcare plan.

Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

"He was going to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security from cuts and replace the Affordable Care Act with a “terrific” new system that would “cover everyone” and offer the lower premiums and deductibles the American people wanted."

"Trump’s health care plan doesn’t protect Medicaid, it loots it to finance hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts. The new “flexibility” it gives to states will ensure that the most vulnerable are the most hurt. In addition to slashing the Medicaid rolls by millions, the Trump health care plan will see millions more lose coverage, and the remainder will face higher premiums for plans that cover less."
It's all becoming clear now. Clinton and Obama colluded to spy on the Opposition and destroy it. It's shockingly Un-American. It's something most Americans thought only happened in Banana Republics around the world. But should anyone really be surprised by it?...

Corrupt Chicago Thuggery (Hussein Obama) + the Clintons = Treason
Trump is a proven liar.
Yes he was Bill Clinton but neither of them lied about my healthcare....

As long as you can ignore what he said, President "Liesalot" was telling the truth about his so-called healthcare plan.

Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

"He was going to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security from cuts and replace the Affordable Care Act with a “terrific” new system that would “cover everyone” and offer the lower premiums and deductibles the American people wanted."

"Trump’s health care plan doesn’t protect Medicaid, it loots it to finance hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts. The new “flexibility” it gives to states will ensure that the most vulnerable are the most hurt. In addition to slashing the Medicaid rolls by millions, the Trump health care plan will see millions more lose coverage, and the remainder will face higher premiums for plans that cover less."
Trump is determined to fix what Obamacare busted....he will be able to move that along after some of the dead weight in the GOP house and senate are gone...when people like Ryan are replaced by common sense republicans Trump will be able to fix Obama's mess....
What Clinton and Obama did to Trump, really does make Watergate look like small potatoes. They need to be held accountable.
Trump is a proven liar.
Yes he was Bill Clinton but neither of them lied about my healthcare....

As long as you can ignore what he said, President "Liesalot" was telling the truth about his so-called healthcare plan.

Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

"He was going to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security from cuts and replace the Affordable Care Act with a “terrific” new system that would “cover everyone” and offer the lower premiums and deductibles the American people wanted."

"Trump’s health care plan doesn’t protect Medicaid, it loots it to finance hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts. The new “flexibility” it gives to states will ensure that the most vulnerable are the most hurt. In addition to slashing the Medicaid rolls by millions, the Trump health care plan will see millions more lose coverage, and the remainder will face higher premiums for plans that cover less."
Trump is determined to fix what Obamacare busted....he will be able to move that along after some of the dead weight in the GOP house and senate are gone...when people like Ryan are replaced by common sense republicans Trump will be able to fix Obama's mess....

Bull shit. Our Low Life President never had a plan to fix nothing. He lied your face.
Trump is a proven liar.
Yes he was Bill Clinton but neither of them lied about my healthcare....

As long as you can ignore what he said, President "Liesalot" was telling the truth about his so-called healthcare plan.

Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

"He was going to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security from cuts and replace the Affordable Care Act with a “terrific” new system that would “cover everyone” and offer the lower premiums and deductibles the American people wanted."

"Trump’s health care plan doesn’t protect Medicaid, it loots it to finance hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts. The new “flexibility” it gives to states will ensure that the most vulnerable are the most hurt. In addition to slashing the Medicaid rolls by millions, the Trump health care plan will see millions more lose coverage, and the remainder will face higher premiums for plans that cover less."
Trump is determined to fix what Obamacare busted....he will be able to move that along after some of the dead weight in the GOP house and senate are gone...when people like Ryan are replaced by common sense republicans Trump will be able to fix Obama's mess....

Bull shit. Our Low Life President never had a plan to fix nothing. He lied your face.
Like a comedian said....trump was like a kid running for Student Council President promising two lunches and a soda machine in every classroom and every Friday off.

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