How long before we find out that this "Spy in Trump's Camp" story is a...

The 13 Russian companies that Mueller worthlessly indicted? are a fool...They had nothing to do with the Trump campaign what so of them is fighting back ruining Mueller's day big I said you libs are at least two weeks behind...holy shit thank God you are losing all over the country....

have some more kool-aid.....You're not worth the
When these guys get caught lying and making stuff up or their stories are debunked and proven false they just move on to the next fraudulent bullshyt. Like trump, they have no shame.
Obviously the only spies embedded with the Trump campaign were working with Russia, not our intellegence. Our guys found them out.
Clapper's own words make you a liar or just stupid as fuck.....Watch Clapper on the View yesterday say that the FBI had a spy in the Trump Campaign....still till today I don't see any Russians in the whole damn story....

See? Clapper blew your whole story line all to hell....BUUUUUUahahahahahahahaha!

Butt still sore? Here, rub some of this on it.

Behar: "I ask you, was the FBI spying on Trump's campaign?"

Clapper: "No, they were not. They were spying on — a term I don't particularly like — but on what the Russians were doing. Trying to understand were the Russians infiltrating, trying to gain access, trying to gain leverage and influence which is what they do."

Behar: "Well, why doesn't he like that? He should be happy."

Clapper: "He should be."
Russian Troll Farm priority push story.

It's funny though watching cons as they glom on to each new bullshit story that the orange turd puts out. He's so desperate and they are so desperate for him that they believe anything. It is pitiful to watch.
just turn on Fox - those lying bastards have blown it up into a " SPY RING" now ...

Here's your problem. WHY-TF doesn't this bother you? Or Clapper lying lame excuse that they were there to focus on Russian intervention? You think using the most powerful Intel orgs in the world to insert informants will-nilly into opposition political campaigns is just dandy???????????

So -- WHY if Hillary and the DNC had already BEEN TARGETED and abused by Russians wouldn't there be informants placed into THAT campaign. After all HER campaign manager was REPRESENTING THOUSANDS of Russian oligarchs and mafioso thru his SberBank contract and LOBBYING on their behalf.

No -- A lie is a lie. And all Clapper does when his mouth moves IS a lie. You don't see the coming tsunami? You gonna claim it was a merely a rain shower? God help each every one of you who don't recognize how MANY red lines were crossed here. And we're NOT EVEN to a 2nd Special Counsel. But we will be.

YOU -- got a taxi cab operator with very little tie to ONE of Trumps DOZENS of lawyers. Meanwhile -- 10 of the most HIGH RANKING FBI officials have fired, demoted or are FLEEING the agency to avoid the Inspector General.

Here's you...

Right wing morons who have fully joined the Trump cult cannot address this simple question:

IF the FBI was out to undermine the Trump campaign, WHY did they not announce that the campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???

Because they HAD NO EVIDENCE before they started to bait and set-up a few flunkies with "informants".. That means spies. They also got the keys to the world's most awesome spying "wayback" machine when they presented weak ass applications to the FISA court. That's treason in total. Spying on an active opposition campaign with weak suspicions or evil intent is the WORST TYPE of "interference in an election"..

Go look at how Caputo says he was "SET UP" by these spies. They approached him TWICE with 2 different teams to get him to BITE on phony stories about them having "dirt on Hillary". Papadopulous was "femme fataled" by some chick who got him drunk and THEN introduced him to the Australian ambassador. That's the stuff of KGB STASI tactics.

Just using the Patriot massive collection was BAD ENOUGH. THIS further outrage just makes it more serious.

I hope Trump uses these "fine tactics" on HIS next opponent. THEN -- ALL of you party animals will get the message.
So -- WHY if Hillary and the DNC had already BEEN TARGETED and abused by Russians wouldn't there be informants placed into THAT campaign.

...and a nitwit like you knows that there were NO informants in the Clinton camp because...................?????

Oh,sorry, Hannity assured you......LOL
SPYGATE is the hot story.....the Russian crap is unproven old news and nothing but an attempted coup by Obama....I told you all he was dirty as hell...How the man got a second term is amazing...I'm now sure he stole it.....I'm sure Obama knew everything that Romney was going to say and do before Romney said and did anything....
I think you guys hate Obama so much that you’ve become delusional. As per collusion, there might be, or there might not, the answer isn’t important. What is important is a thorough non-partisan investigation because the broader issue of Russian interference is or should br much bigger than partisan squabbling. I want the truth and a plan to prevent this in the future and if the truth shows no collusion I am fine with as long as a thorough investigation took place. It all this obstruction hat worries me.
Because they HAD NO EVIDENCE before they started to bait and set-up a few flunkies with "informants"

So, nitwit......

having Papadapolous blabber to the Australian ambassador that he could get dirt on Hillary from the Russian, was NOT enough???

having tapes from a Russian spy ring that they planned to recruit Page as a source, was NOT enough?
Right wing morons who have fully joined the Trump cult cannot address this simple question:

IF the FBI was out to undermine the Trump campaign, WHY did they not announce that the campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???

Because they HAD NO EVIDENCE before they started to bait and set-up a few flunkies with "informants".. That means spies. They also got the keys to the world's most awesome spying "wayback" machine when they presented weak ass applications to the FISA court. That's treason in total. Spying on an active opposition campaign with weak suspicions or evil intent is the WORST TYPE of "interference in an election"..

Go look at how Caputo says he was "SET UP" by these spies. They approached him TWICE with 2 different teams to get him to BITE on phony stories about them having "dirt on Hillary". Papadopulous was "femme fataled" by some chick who got him drunk and THEN introduced him to the Australian ambassador. That's the stuff of KGB STASI tactics.

Just using the Patriot massive collection was BAD ENOUGH. THIS further outrage just makes it more serious.

I hope Trump uses these "fine tactics" on HIS next opponent. THEN -- ALL of you party animals will get the message.
I think the pro trumpers are just as partisan as is the idea he can’t possibly have done anything wrong. The same people who vilify Obama and Clinton give Trump a free pass, I simply don’t understand it.
The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
SPYGATE is the hot story.....the Russian crap is unproven old news and nothing but an attempted coup by Obama....I told you all he was dirty as hell...How the man got a second term is amazing...I'm now sure he stole it.....I'm sure Obama knew everything that Romney was going to say and do before Romney said and did anything....
I think you guys hate Obama so much that you’ve become delusional. As per collusion, there might be, or there might not, the answer isn’t important. What is important is a thorough non-partisan investigation because the broader issue of Russian interference is or should br much bigger than partisan squabbling. I want the truth and a plan to prevent this in the future and if the truth shows no collusion I am fine with as long as a thorough investigation took place. It all this obstruction hat worries me.
The delusion is clearly within the hate Trump crowd....Obama is a proven liar and has spied on reporters...why is it so far fetched to believe he spied on Trump? are right about one thing...I hate the bastard for what he did to healthcare and what he has done here....
Right wing morons who have fully joined the Trump cult cannot address this simple question:

IF the FBI was out to undermine the Trump campaign, WHY did they not announce that the campaign was under investigation BEFORE the election???

Because they HAD NO EVIDENCE before they started to bait and set-up a few flunkies with "informants".. That means spies. They also got the keys to the world's most awesome spying "wayback" machine when they presented weak ass applications to the FISA court. That's treason in total. Spying on an active opposition campaign with weak suspicions or evil intent is the WORST TYPE of "interference in an election"..

Go look at how Caputo says he was "SET UP" by these spies. They approached him TWICE with 2 different teams to get him to BITE on phony stories about them having "dirt on Hillary". Papadopulous was "femme fataled" by some chick who got him drunk and THEN introduced him to the Australian ambassador. That's the stuff of KGB STASI tactics.

Just using the Patriot massive collection was BAD ENOUGH. THIS further outrage just makes it more serious.

I hope Trump uses these "fine tactics" on HIS next opponent. THEN -- ALL of you party animals will get the message.
I think the pro trumpers are just as partisan as is the idea he can’t possibly have done anything wrong. The same people who vilify Obama and Clinton give Trump a free pass, I simply don’t understand it.

I don't think you DO understand the magnitude of abuse of power and position across MULTIPLE powerful Fed agencies. But you will. The "never Trumpers" weren't in control of the DNI, CIA, FBI, State -- YOUR team was. And it's the biggest Domestic Spy story of this country and getting bigger.
The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Here is what is wrecking OUR country imo...the systemic attack on the institutions of Democracy, in a way that we have never before seen. By sowing fake stories, stoking racial, immigrant and economic divides through those stories, sowing distrust in the judiciary, intelligence agency’s, in fact our entire political system. WE CANT EVEN AGREE UPON COMMON FACTS. And Trump feeds this relentlessly. Whether it is the constant barrage of unsubstantiated claims like Clinton getting thousands of illegal votes or his Nixonian attempts to fie or impede a legitimate investigation. Maybe I am more conservative then I thought. I am pretty law and order, I trust in our political process however vociferous it gets, I largely trust our courts, and while not the politicians per se the process that puts them into power and removes them. I trust the IG to conduct a thorough and professional investigation and I trust Mueller to do the same because I am not so partisan that I don’t think people can not do a professional job with out letting their personal politics get in the way and very few seem to think so anymore. I hate Trump, I like Obama’ hate Obama, you like Trump, I get that.

And now they have leaked the name of a confidential informant. Great job Team Trump.
The message is your country is DOOMED if this ain't fixed and punished. Don't care if you're a Red Team never-Trumper or a Blue Team Sky Screamer. You're WRECKING my country..
Red team never Trumper or Blue Team Sky Screamer. You know what you left out? The Trump Team. They aren’t wrecking our country too?
SPYGATE is the hot story.....the Russian crap is unproven old news and nothing but an attempted coup by Obama....I told you all he was dirty as hell...How the man got a second term is amazing...I'm now sure he stole it.....I'm sure Obama knew everything that Romney was going to say and do before Romney said and did anything....
I think you guys hate Obama so much that you’ve become delusional. As per collusion, there might be, or there might not, the answer isn’t important. What is important is a thorough non-partisan investigation because the broader issue of Russian interference is or should br much bigger than partisan squabbling. I want the truth and a plan to prevent this in the future and if the truth shows no collusion I am fine with as long as a thorough investigation took place. It all this obstruction hat worries me.
The delusion is clearly within the hate Trump crowd....Obama is a proven liar and has spied on reporters...why is it so far fetched to believe he spied on Trump? are right about one thing...I hate the bastard for what he did to healthcare and what he has done here....
Trump is a proven liar.
So -- WHY if Hillary and the DNC had already BEEN TARGETED and abused by Russians wouldn't there be informants placed into THAT campaign.

...and a nitwit like you knows that there were NO informants in the Clinton camp because...................?????

Oh,sorry, Hannity assured you......LOL

It's in the documents that FBI is leaking out after HIDING them for 18 months from Congressional committees. Congress wanted to know the WHEN of how the FBI/DNI started to spy on the campaign. WHO were the 1st suspects, etc. And Clapper isn't hiding it. His ass is grass. He's spilling it on "The View". But in about a couple weeks it will be like all the other "spying on the Trump campaign" --- proven to be COMPLETELY true. And the guilty are GONNA pay dearly.

There are loads of "sting" operations here. From the story that Papadopoulis is telling and Caputo. Caputo and Page are pissed because their lives are completely ruined by this for no reason. Page was an FBI ASSET for years And WORKED russian intelligence for the US Navy for years. He FINGERED about 3 Russian evil-doers FOR the FBI during the time he was used. He's NOT a "loose cannon".

The whole Russian "honey pot" meeting was a SET UP to smear the Trump campaign. It's classic espionage tactics. This lady lawyer was in meetings with Fusion GPS BEFORE AND AFTER the Trump tower meeting. She was being run as an asset by whatever treasonous cabal was doing all this spying for "good of the country"..
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So -- WHY if Hillary and the DNC had already BEEN TARGETED and abused by Russians wouldn't there be informants placed into THAT campaign.

...and a nitwit like you knows that there were NO informants in the Clinton camp because...................?????

Oh,sorry, Hannity assured you......LOL

It's in the documents that FBI is leaking out after HIDING them for 18 months from Congressional committees. Congress wanted to know the WHEN of what the FBI/DNI started to spy on the campaign. WHO were the 1st suspects, etc. And Clapper isn't hiding it. His ass is grass. He's spilling it on "The View". But in about a couple weeks it will be like all the other "spying on the Trump campaign" --- proven to be COMPLETELY true. And the guilty are GONNA pay dearly.

There are loads of "sting" operations here. From the story that Papadopoulis is telling and Caputo. Caputo and Page are pissed because their lives are completely ruined by this for no reason. Page was an FBI ASSET for years And WORKED russian intelligence for the US Navy for years. He FINGERED about 3 Russian evil-doers FOR the FBI during the time he was used. He's NOT a "loose cannon".

The whole Russian "honey pot" meeting was a SET UP to smear the Trump campaign. It's classic espionage tactics. This lady lawyer was in meetings with Fusion GPS BEFORE AND AFTER the Trump tower meeting. She was being run as an asset by whatever treasonous cabal was doing all this spying for "good of the country"..
So it is all Evil Obama and Innocent Trump?

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