How long can they hold Kim Davis?

She can be held as long as she holds that position, and refuses to obey the law...

What statute are you referring to that says a person can be put in jail for contempt. The fifth amendment actually says no person may be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law. I'm curious what law actually says she can be deprived of her liberty for contempt.

Kentucky Revised Statutes § 432.230.
She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.

Last I checked she's protesting right now.

Not from the way the left is talking.
They think she should full fill her duties and just lie down and be quite.

The left is talking like they disagree with her and they do and should. What does that have to do with her choosing to go to jail?

They are treating it differently than when the left don't follow the laws.
The left in government has gotten away with a slap on the hand or just dismissed with paid leave when they don't follow the laws.

Well, "the left" does not describe the judge who threw her ass in jail for being a nitwit.
Only the left are allowed to protest.

Last I checked she's protesting right now.

Not from the way the left is talking.
They think she should full fill her duties and just lie down and be quite.

The left is talking like they disagree with her and they do and should. What does that have to do with her choosing to go to jail?

They are treating it differently than when the left don't follow the laws.
The left in government has gotten away with a slap on the hand or just dismissed with paid leave when they don't follow the laws.

Well, "the left" does not describe the judge who threw her ass in jail for being a nitwit.

She called the Judge a nitwit?
Last I checked she's protesting right now.

Not from the way the left is talking.
They think she should full fill her duties and just lie down and be quite.

The left is talking like they disagree with her and they do and should. What does that have to do with her choosing to go to jail?

They are treating it differently than when the left don't follow the laws.
The left in government has gotten away with a slap on the hand or just dismissed with paid leave when they don't follow the laws.

Well, "the left" does not describe the judge who threw her ass in jail for being a nitwit.

She called the Judge a nitwit?

Yeah, that's what happened, chief.
I suppose Obama and the Attorney General should be thrown in jail for not honoring federal laws on immigration, sanctuary cities and drug enforcement. It seems for the Democratic Party laws are flexible if they don't, "feel" like following them.

Is there an existing court order compelling Obama and/or the Attorney General to do something in particular? if so, has there been a hearing? did the evidence presented at that hearing prove that Obama and the AG disobeyed the court order?

Or are you just whining about nothing?
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Seriously, I hope they treat her for her mental illness in jail

There were a lot of the OWS who should have had the same thing done to them.

They were government employees forcing their religious views on others? I agree many in the OWS, just like Kim really need to wash their hair, other than that there is no comparison.
I suppose Obama and the Attorney General should be thrown in jail for not honoring federal laws on immigration, sanctuary cities and drug enforcement. It seems for the Democratic Party laws are flexible if they don't, "feel" like following them.

Is there an existing court order compelling Obama and/or the Attorney General to do something in particular? if so, has there been a hearing? did the evidence presented at that hearing prove that Obama and the AG disobeyed the court order?

Or are you just whining about nothing?

That's the point they should be.
They are allowed to ignore existing laws.
Lois Learner broke the law and all she got was administrative leave.
Btw. the "gay marriage" decision was political, the American people were in no way represented..

BTW. Lumpy 1 is ignorant about our form of government.

If you are unhappy with the Court's interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, then you should seek to amend the constitution to make bigotry the supreme law of the land. Your efforts will probably be a waste of time. I don't think the majority of the American people would agree with you, Lumpy 1.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Seriously, I hope they treat her for her mental illness in jail

There were a lot of the OWS who should have had the same thing done to them.

They were government employees forcing their religious views on others? I agree many in the OWS, just like Kim really need to wash their hair, other than that there is no comparison.

But you can't see that government has forced her which is what she feels.

Shitting on a cop car is far from normal.
I suppose Obama and the Attorney General should be thrown in jail for not honoring federal laws on immigration, sanctuary cities and drug enforcement. It seems for the Democratic Party laws are flexible if they don't, "feel" like following them.

Is there an existing court order compelling Obama and/or the Attorney General to do something in particular? if so, has there been a hearing? did the evidence presented at that hearing prove that Obama and the AG disobeyed the court order?

Or are you just whining about nothing?

That's the point they should be.
They are allowed to ignore existing laws.
Lois Learner broke the law and all she got was administrative leave.

There is no evidence that laws have been broken. As far as I know, federal authorities are following the law. If you want them to do more, then you need to petition your congressional representatives to budget more money for enforcement activities. Add hundreds of billions more to the budget for building and maintaining that 1,900 mile wall that you want, etc.
Her behavior doesn't surprise me seeing were she comes from. She has lived there all here life in an area that is literally inbreed culturally and intellectually with a very low educational levels resulting in the susceptibility to fundamentalist christianity , If anyone has ever driven through Kentucky there are a lot of places like that
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Seriously, I hope they treat her for her mental illness in jail

There were a lot of the OWS who should have had the same thing done to them.

They were government employees forcing their religious views on others? I agree many in the OWS, just like Kim really need to wash their hair, other than that there is no comparison.

But you can't see that government has forced her which is what she feels.

Shitting on a cop car is far from normal.

When you combine civic responsibility with every inkling of personal religious conviction you create a society impossible to move forward. She is gone, out of office and society is better for it. End of story, now all of our lives can move forward and everyone can get married as they personally see fit. Life is grand, even in Kentucky.
I suppose Obama and the Attorney General should be thrown in jail for not honoring federal laws on immigration, sanctuary cities and drug enforcement. It seems for the Democratic Party laws are flexible if they don't, "feel" like following them.

Is there an existing court order compelling Obama and/or the Attorney General to do something in particular? if so, has there been a hearing? did the evidence presented at that hearing prove that Obama and the AG disobeyed the court order?

Or are you just whining about nothing?

That's the point they should be.
They are allowed to ignore existing laws.
Lois Learner broke the law and all she got was administrative leave.

There is no evidence that laws have been broken. As far as I know, federal authorities are following the law. If you want them to do more, then you need to petition your congressional representatives to budget more money for enforcement activities. Add hundreds of billions more to the budget for building and maintaining that 1,900 mile wall that you want, etc.

It was well established at the hearings that Lois broke the law by sharing highly confidential tax information of several Tea Party groups with the Federal Election Commission, a clear violation of federal law,
No court has ever ordered California to "comply with immigration laws".

And Kim Davis isn't being "punished" for anything.

Since when is being jailed for one's religious beliefs (or anything else) not a punishment?

You are being ridiculous. She is not being jailed for her religious beliefs.

She is contempt of a court order. She willfully disobeyed. She told the court that she would continue to disobey. She was placed in jail to coerce her obedience with the court's order. She can get out of jail anytime she wants if she agrees to obey the court's order. She is still entitled to believe anything she wants.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Seriously, I hope they treat her for her mental illness in jail

There were a lot of the OWS who should have had the same thing done to them.

They were government employees forcing their religious views on others? I agree many in the OWS, just like Kim really need to wash their hair, other than that there is no comparison.

But you can't see that government has forced her which is what she feels.

Shitting on a cop car is far from normal.

When you combine civic responsibility with every inkling of personal religious conviction you create a society impossible to move forward. She is gone, out of office and society is better for it. End of story, now all of our lives can move forward and everyone can get married as they personally see fit. Life is grand, even in Kentucky.

Never mind that we have moved forward very nicely since 1776 with religious morals.
I suppose Obama and the Attorney General should be thrown in jail for not honoring federal laws on immigration, sanctuary cities and drug enforcement. It seems for the Democratic Party laws are flexible if they don't, "feel" like following them.

Is there an existing court order compelling Obama and/or the Attorney General to do something in particular? if so, has there been a hearing? did the evidence presented at that hearing prove that Obama and the AG disobeyed the court order?

Or are you just whining about nothing?

That's the point they should be.
They are allowed to ignore existing laws.
Lois Learner broke the law and all she got was administrative leave.

There is no evidence that laws have been broken. As far as I know, federal authorities are following the law. If you want them to do more, then you need to petition your congressional representatives to budget more money for enforcement activities. Add hundreds of billions more to the budget for building and maintaining that 1,900 mile wall that you want, etc.

It was well established at the hearings that Lois broke the law by sharing highly confidential tax information of several Tea Party groups with the Federal Election Commission, a clear violation of federal law,

Damn! I didn't know that Lois was involved in the Kentucky contempt of court case!
Look, folks, this is a win/win situation. The law has been upheld, and Kim now gets 24 hours per day to study her Bible while on the taxpayer's payroll!
I believe that is correct. She is an elected official, ergo cannot be fired. I dunno about recall policies down there.

She can be held as long as she remains in office and in a state of contempt of court.
The court is forcing her to abandon her religion. I hope the people who did this to her have good lawyers. They're going to need them.

Your logic is flawed. You are building a straw man argument.

She is still free to practice her religion. She is free to believe anything she wants to believe.

But, in her official capacity as an agent of the state, she may not refuse to perform her official duties and deprive the people of Rowan County of their rights under the law. The court's order enjoined her--in her official capacity as a government official--from enforcing an unconstitutional policy.

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