How long can they hold Kim Davis?

how long did the administration hold a guy for making a crappy youtube video

that the prezbo and hillary blamed to cover up Benghazi

Mark Youssef, convicted fraudster, was sent to back jail for violating his prohibition not for making a crappy video. lol

you knew who i was talking about


the prezbo and hillary sure bad mouthed that guy

It was pretty obvious whom you were speaking about. If you want to try and turn Youssef into to some sort of victim have at it but the man was a scumbag long before the Innocence of Muslims was released.

both the prezbo and hillary made false claims that he started the Benghazi terrorist attack

The GOP lead House Intelligence Committee disagrees; nevertheless, this thread has nothing to do with Benghazi or Youssef.

bs and you know it
Mark Youssef, convicted fraudster, was sent to back jail for violating his prohibition not for making a crappy video. lol

you knew who i was talking about


the prezbo and hillary sure bad mouthed that guy

It was pretty obvious whom you were speaking about. If you want to try and turn Youssef into to some sort of victim have at it but the man was a scumbag long before the Innocence of Muslims was released.

both the prezbo and hillary made false claims that he started the Benghazi terrorist attack

The GOP lead House Intelligence Committee disagrees; nevertheless, this thread has nothing to do with Benghazi or Youssef.

bs and you know it

No really, this thread has nothing to do with Benghazi or Youssef.
She can be held as long as she holds that position, and refuses to obey the law...

What statute are you referring to that says a person can be put in jail for contempt. The fifth amendment actually says no person may be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law. I'm curious what law actually says she can be deprived of her liberty for contempt.

As an elected County Clerk she would have had to sign some kind of pledge that she would obey the laws of the United States, the State of Kentucky--and her Local District.

Not doing so, or going against that pledge is going to put her into contempt of court. They may be able to keep her there, until she resigns her position as County Clerk, or pledges to do her job according to the law.

I think the Pizza deniers got about $800 K in go fund me money. Far right people donating can turn out a fairly large payday. Maybe the Kentucky clerk is looking for some of that first.

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The judge told her she would determine how long she would be in jail. As soon as she agrees to follow the law, or resign and pass her duties to someone else, she's out.

I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.
The judge told her she would determine how long she would be in jail. As soon as she agrees to follow the law, or resign and pass her duties to someone else, she's out.

I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.

Last I checked she's protesting right now.
She can be held as long as she holds that position, and refuses to obey the law...

What statute are you referring to that says a person can be put in jail for contempt. The fifth amendment actually says no person may be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law. I'm curious what law actually says she can be deprived of her liberty for contempt.

At some point, you have an obligation to educate yourself.

There are two types of contempt: criminal contempt (punitive) and civil contempt (coercive).

Kim Davis was cited for civil contempt. She has shown contempt of a lawful judicial order through her willful disobedience. She was given a hearing and she testified that she would continue to disobey the court's order. Thus, she was sent to jail with the keys to her jail cell placed in her own pocket. As soon as she informs the court that she will obey the court's order, then she will be released. That's coercion. If the courts did not have the power to coerce compliance with their lawful orders, then their orders would be meaningless.
So, since she cannot be fired and is refusing to obey a court order...can the state or county revoke her position? Like...impeach or some such thing similar?
Boo Hoo Hoo, $80,000 a year and now she has to go find a real job.
She will be a symbol of resistance to tyranny and a symbol of religious freedom to Americans who still care. I am sure a job with the AFA or some other pro religious rights group is in the future for her. :)

I am an American who cares about freedom ... liberty and justice for ALL. Kim Davis's religious beliefs do not supersede the rights of others. She is abusing the power of her government office to impose her religious beliefs on all the people she was elected to serve. That makes HER the tyrant. To those of us who know the true meaning of words and actions, she is the symbol of abuse of power and bigotry.
I am an American who cares about freedom ... liberty and justice for ALL. Kim Davis's religious beliefs do not supersede the rights of others. She is abusing the power of her government office to impose her religious beliefs on all the people she was elected to serve. That makes HER the tyrant. To those of us who know the true meaning of words and actions, she is the symbol of abuse of power and bigotry.

Her right to exercize of her religion is most certainly guaranteed to her. She hurt nobody by passively resisting participating in the spread of the homosexual cult. The 9th Amendment to the US Constitution tells us that no law may abridge or curtail the rights of another Amendment in the Constitution. The Supreme Court is not more supreme than the 9th Amendment affirming the 1st Amendment rights that Kim Davis in fact enjoys.

In the exercize of her religion, she read Jude 1 and understands that if she facilitates a "gay marriage", that is one and the same as facilitating the spread of homoesexual behaviors as a culture. And if she's read Jude 1, she knows that if she does so, her immortal soul will be condemned to an eternity in hell.

She made the right choice to go to jail. Because jail only lasts as long as her body does. After that she is free. The ones who put her there are going to do hard time though, forever...
So, since she cannot be fired and is refusing to obey a court order...can the state or county revoke her position? Like...impeach or some such thing similar?

The State legislature can impeach her. The Rowan County Attorney began that process by making a request to the state to have misconduct charges under Kentucky's criminal code brought against Ms. Davis.

(Which is different from the current case in the news. That case was brought as a civil action, not a criminal one, based on Federal law and not State law.)

The judge told her she would determine how long she would be in jail. As soon as she agrees to follow the law, or resign and pass her duties to someone else, she's out.

I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.

Last I checked she's protesting right now.

Not from the way the left is talking.
They think she should full fill her duties and just lie down and be quite.
The judge told her she would determine how long she would be in jail. As soon as she agrees to follow the law, or resign and pass her duties to someone else, she's out.

I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.

Last I checked she's protesting right now.

Not from the way the left is talking.
They think she should full fill her duties and just lie down and be quite.

The left is talking like they disagree with her and they do and should. What does that have to do with her choosing to go to jail?
Boo Hoo Hoo, $80,000 a year and now she has to go find a real job.
She will be a symbol of resistance to tyranny and a symbol of religious freedom to Americans who still care. I am sure a job with the AFA or some other pro religious rights group is in the future for her. :)

Maybe, if that is what she wants. I don't know how long she would be a figurehead but it will be interesting to watch.

Perhaps Kim Davis will be as successful as Joe the Plumber. Look at one of the rave reviews on his book:

I could not put the book down. Seriously, something really sticky was on the cover. I think it was some Super Glue. Anyway, with a book permanently glued to my hand I decided the best thing to do was to read it. About half way through the book I decide to cut my hand off. Yeah, it was that bad. I'd give it two thumbs down if I could.
I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.

Last I checked she's protesting right now.

Not from the way the left is talking.
They think she should full fill her duties and just lie down and be quite.

The left is talking like they disagree with her and they do and should. What does that have to do with her choosing to go to jail?

They are treating it differently than when the left don't follow the laws.
The left in government has gotten away with a slap on the hand or just dismissed with paid leave when they don't follow the laws.

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