How long can they hold Kim Davis?

Works for me. All of her friends know where to find her when she has her next birthday party!

Anyone not seeing similarities to this stuff and the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s? What ideological belief will be jailed or sent to the gas chamber next by the rainbow jackboots and their sychophants in positions of power?

Cults are cults. I warned all of you what this gay marriage crap would lead to. They're not going to stop until we are all wearing rainbow arm bands, or dead. But for now, jail will do. They're just getting warmed up...

At least you're not being dramatic or anything. An elected official cannot impose her religious beliefs on the public she is supposed to serve and this somehow equates to Germany in 1930's. Get a grip.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manager at the DMV ordered his staff not to issue drivers licenses to women b/c it violates his deeply held religious beliefs? lol.
No I see a similarity to the case up in Minnesota a few years back. A Muslim was taken to court for discrimination because, as a taxi driver, he refused to transport a man from the airport to his destination, because the man had a sealed bottle of alcohol, and Muslims are religiously opposed to alcohol. The court ruled that he could not discriminate based on his Muslim religion. or, do you object to that decision, too?

Oh, I assure you, if Kim Davis was a Muslim they would not be defending her like this.

Bet the farm on it. The shouts and roars about Sharia law would be deafening.
Works for me. All of her friends know where to find her when she has her next birthday party!

Anyone not seeing similarities to this stuff and the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s? What ideological belief will be jailed or sent to the gas chamber next by the rainbow jackboots and their sychophants in positions of power?

No I see a similarity to the case up in Minnesota a few years back. A Muslim was taken to court for discrimination because, as a taxi driver, he refused to transport a man from the airport to his destination, because the man had a sealed bottle of alcohol, and Muslims are religiously opposed to alcohol. The court ruled that he could not discriminate based on his Muslim religion. or, do you object to that decision, too?
Good to see the courts then shoot down Muslim Sharia just like it's good to see the court now shoot down Christian Sharia.
I was going to run for sheriff of my county, and then refuse to issue concealed carry permits, because it is against my religion. Under the circumstances, it does not appear that I can get away with that.
No court has ever ordered California to "comply with immigration laws".

And Kim Davis isn't being "punished" for anything.

Since when is being jailed for one's religious beliefs (or anything else) not a punishment?

Your histrionics notwithstanding, no one was "jailed for their religious beliefs". She is being imprisoned pending her following a court order. When she follows the order, she'll be let go. The imprisonment is coercive, not punative.
In fact, she is free to leave anytime she wants, if she simply agrees not to interfere with the county conducting their legal business.
I believe that is correct. She is an elected official, ergo cannot be fired. I dunno about recall policies down there.

She can be held as long as she remains in office and in a state of contempt of court.
The court is forcing her to abandon her religion. I hope the people who did this to her have good lawyers. They're going to need them.

No they are not. Her position requires her to issue marriage licenses according to the law, not according to her subjective conscience.

You know I am no Leftist. She is free to exercise her faith at will, but not within the parameters of the elective office she holds. She must decide between the two.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

What is she exactly charged with? What law is she violating? An edict from the SCOTUS who made law? Is that what she is in violation of?

Contempt. She was ordered to follow the law because she lost her day in court.
But she won herself an eternity in the Hereafter. I'd do the same thing. Check Jude 1 for details. The law of man does not overrule a direct Command of God under punishment of eternal damnation for failure to comply. She made the right choice. And she should not quit her job either. She should stick to her guns no matter what.

At this point it really doesn't matter if she quits her job or not, hoisting her religious views over others is no longer an issue.
She will undoubtedly be as loyal to her position, after being in jail, as she is to her husbands. Just a mater of time before she cracks...
The judge told her she would determine how long she would be in jail. As soon as she agrees to follow the law, or resign and pass her duties to someone else, she's out.
So this contempt citing is punitive, not coercive. Good.

Not only has she shown an ignorance of the law, but an ignorance of her claimed faith. Christianity is not supposed to give cover to bigots. It is a faith of love and forgiveness.

Ms. Davis' problems are of her own making. And they are a manifestation of utter ignorance.

It's sad, really, for the good people of Kentucky that someone this inept could win elected office. Sadder still if they decide to re-elect her in the future.
The judge told her she would determine how long she would be in jail. As soon as she agrees to follow the law, or resign and pass her duties to someone else, she's out.

I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

how long did the administration hold a guy for making a crappy youtube video

that the prezbo and hillary blamed to cover up Benghazi

Mark Youssef, convicted fraudster, was sent to back jail for violating his prohibition not for making a crappy video. lol
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

how long did the administration hold a guy for making a crappy youtube video

that the prezbo and hillary blamed to cover up Benghazi

Mark Youssef, convicted fraudster, was sent to back jail for violating his prohibition not for making a crappy video. lol

you knew who i was talking about


the prezbo and hillary sure bad mouthed that guy
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

how long did the administration hold a guy for making a crappy youtube video

that the prezbo and hillary blamed to cover up Benghazi

Mark Youssef, convicted fraudster, was sent to back jail for violating his prohibition not for making a crappy video. lol

you knew who i was talking about


the prezbo and hillary sure bad mouthed that guy

It was pretty obvious whom you were speaking about. If you want to try and turn Youssef into to some sort of victim have at it but the man was a scumbag long before the Innocence of Muslims was released.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

how long did the administration hold a guy for making a crappy youtube video

that the prezbo and hillary blamed to cover up Benghazi

Mark Youssef, convicted fraudster, was sent to back jail for violating his prohibition not for making a crappy video. lol

you knew who i was talking about


the prezbo and hillary sure bad mouthed that guy

It was pretty obvious whom you were speaking about. If you want to try and turn Youssef into to some sort of victim have at it but the man was a scumbag long before the Innocence of Muslims was released.

both the prezbo and hillary made false claims that he started the Benghazi terrorist attack
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

how long did the administration hold a guy for making a crappy youtube video

that the prezbo and hillary blamed to cover up Benghazi

Mark Youssef, convicted fraudster, was sent to back jail for violating his prohibition not for making a crappy video. lol

you knew who i was talking about


the prezbo and hillary sure bad mouthed that guy

It was pretty obvious whom you were speaking about. If you want to try and turn Youssef into to some sort of victim have at it but the man was a scumbag long before the Innocence of Muslims was released.

both the prezbo and hillary made false claims that he started the Benghazi terrorist attack

The GOP lead House Intelligence Committee disagrees; nevertheless, this thread has nothing to do with Benghazi or Youssef.

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