How Long To Jail Democrats on Russian Collusion ?

Should Hillary, Obama, Clapper and Brennan be prohibited from leaving the US.

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If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.

If a president is exhibiting strange behavior they should be investigated. Nobody is going to be indicted, exposed or convicted for any of this. In fact should Trump even try, impeachment should be initiated for abuse of power.
If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.
Were you this upset after Starr found no wrong-doing on the Clinton’s part in Whitewater? We’re you calling for Starr and other participating Republicans to be locked up for treason then?

That was another travesty.

Bill Clinton should have never been impeached.

And yes, they should have also been locked up for treason and attempting to usurp United States President William Clinton.

Statute of Limitations has long passed however.
And the Benghazi accusing Republicans? Lock them up too?

Benghazi was instigated by Congress, and performed by Congress, not the DOJ or a special prosecutor like Mueller. Huge difference. Apples and Oranges.

The reference to Bill Clinton's impeachment was more appropriate, and I do believe that Bill Clinton's impeachment was tantamount to treason, that should never happen to a US President for shagging a chick. Period.
No, the Republicans and the Trump campaign did not carry on any collusion with the Russians. But the Democrats sure did. Not only that, but the Obama executive branch actively took steps to thwart the Trump campaign.

Is this the biggest political scandal in US history ? It might be. It's only been deflected from the public, due to media partisanship, if not complicity, by all the concentration on the FALSELY charged Russian collusion hoax, ascribed to the Trump campaign.

As often is the case, the truth rises to the surface. That's what's happening now. All the shady dealings of Obama, Hillary, DNC, Lorretta Lynch, et al are about to be investigated, and Democrats will under a very hot light for the next year or more. I just wonder how long it will be before they do jail time, as the crowd at last night's Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan , were chanting "Lock them up, lock them up."

Sure, but how long will it take ?

You will be in your grave and you will still be waiting. The Trump campaign did collude with the Russians. They knew the Russians were trying to help Trump so they decided to accept that help. That is why Manafort gave campaign documents and polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. So the Russians would be able to target social media ads to battleground states. Roger Stone had a backdoor to WikiLeaks and knew the Russian hacked e-mails from Podesta would be on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were put up. The Trump campaign again proved their willingness to collude by agreeing to meet a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton. That is why there were all these lies surrounding Russia.
So you will keep watching all of the progressive socialist TV programs to make you feel good.

I am tired of right wing extremism and the first thing to do is take out Trump. He is a symptom of it and the message needs to be sent we are tired of it.
If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.

If a president is exhibiting strange behavior they should be investigated. Nobody is going to be indicted, exposed or convicted for any of this. In fact should Trump even try, impeachment should be initiated for abuse of power.

Enforcing US Code on Espionage, Sedition, Insurrection and Treason is not an abuse of power.

And Trump said in his interview with Hannity that he himself will not levy such charges, he will the decision to the the AG.
This thread should be under the COMEDY category.
It is so stupid that no one with half a brain can take the OP seriously!

Are you saying those who perpetrated the Russia hoax for the past two years should walk away unscathed?

There was no Russian hoax. Russia tried to help Trump win and Trump accepted the help.

Can you show us proof of this claim?

Russia hacked servers and released their pirated information to the public. There's nothing Donald Trump could possibly do to "deny the help," unless Donald Trump had a time machine.
Trump encouraged Russia to hack Hillary.

Trump made a public facetious comment about it AFTER it happened, he did not encourage it BEFORE it happened, as you're trying to frame your post. Past, present and future tense must always be taken into consideration.

That's part of the Democrat playbook though, confuse the timelines.

Are you saying those who perpetrated the Russia hoax for the past two years should walk away unscathed?

There was no Russian hoax. Russia tried to help Trump win and Trump accepted the help.

Can you show us proof of this claim?

Russia hacked servers and released their pirated information to the public. There's nothing Donald Trump could possibly do to "deny the help," unless Donald Trump had a time machine.
Trump encouraged Russia to hack Hillary.

Trump made a public facetious comment about it AFTER it happened, he did not encourage it BEFORE it happened, as you're trying to frame your post. Past, present and future tense must always be taken into consideration.

That's part of the Democrat playbook though, confuse the timelines.


Ok then, please post or upload your proof.
If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.

If a president is exhibiting strange behavior they should be investigated. Nobody is going to be indicted, exposed or convicted for any of this. In fact should Trump even try, impeachment should be initiated for abuse of power.
Trump is too stupid to get the implications of his accusations.

If investigating a president on unproven grounds is a coup for which the participants should be tried for treason, then trump should be tried for treason for his failed coup in investigating Obama’s natural born citizenship eligibility to be president.
If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.

If a president is exhibiting strange behavior they should be investigated. Nobody is going to be indicted, exposed or convicted for any of this. In fact should Trump even try, impeachment should be initiated for abuse of power.
Trump is too stupid to get the implications of his accusations.

If investigating a president on unproven grounds is a coup for which the participants should be tried for treason, then trump should be tried for treason for his failed coup in investigating Obama’s natural born citizenship eligibility to be president.

Did Trump launch and prosecute his claim in a US court of law or before the US Congress? In other words, did he attempt to make his claim legally manifest?

Again, apples and oranges.

What Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Lynch, Bill Clinton, Clapper, Brennan, Fusion GPS etc... did was actually take legal action and lie to FISA judges to initiate a coup under the color of law.
If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.
Were you this upset after Starr found no wrong-doing on the Clinton’s part in Whitewater? We’re you calling for Starr and other participating Republicans to be locked up for treason then?

That was another travesty.

Bill Clinton should have never been impeached.

And yes, they should have also been locked up for treason and attempting to usurp United States President William Clinton.

Statute of Limitations has long passed however.
And the Benghazi accusing Republicans? Lock them up too?

Benghazi was instigated by Congress, and performed by Congress, not the DOJ or a special prosecutor like Mueller. Huge difference. Apples and Oranges.

The reference to Bill Clinton's impeachment was more appropriate, and I do believe that Bill Clinton's impeachment was tantamount to treason, that should never happen to a US President for shagging a chick. Period.
So if the House cranks up their own investigations now into trump’s involvement with Russia, it’s ok then, right?
If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.
Were you this upset after Starr found no wrong-doing on the Clinton’s part in Whitewater? We’re you calling for Starr and other participating Republicans to be locked up for treason then?

That was another travesty.

Bill Clinton should have never been impeached.

And yes, they should have also been locked up for treason and attempting to usurp United States President William Clinton.

Statute of Limitations has long passed however.
And the Benghazi accusing Republicans? Lock them up too?

Benghazi was instigated by Congress, and performed by Congress, not the DOJ or a special prosecutor like Mueller. Huge difference. Apples and Oranges.

The reference to Bill Clinton's impeachment was more appropriate, and I do believe that Bill Clinton's impeachment was tantamount to treason, that should never happen to a US President for shagging a chick. Period.

We have not seen the Mueller report. When Starr was done, he took his report to congress. There was no 4 page evaluation from a Clinton appointee who sent congress a letter nobody requested to state his opinion on the investigation.
If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.

If a president is exhibiting strange behavior they should be investigated. Nobody is going to be indicted, exposed or convicted for any of this. In fact should Trump even try, impeachment should be initiated for abuse of power.
Trump is too stupid to get the implications of his accusations.

If investigating a president on unproven grounds is a coup for which the participants should be tried for treason, then trump should be tried for treason for his failed coup in investigating Obama’s natural born citizenship eligibility to be president.

Did Trump launch and prosecute his claim in a US court of law or before the US Congress? In other words, did he attempt to make his claim legally manifest?
That doesn’t matter. He did what he’s accusing others of doing. And of course, had his investigation into Obama produced any merit, it certainly would have led to Obama’s removal from office.

Lock him up! That’s now treason according to the president of the United States.
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Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.
Were you this upset after Starr found no wrong-doing on the Clinton’s part in Whitewater? We’re you calling for Starr and other participating Republicans to be locked up for treason then?

That was another travesty.

Bill Clinton should have never been impeached.

And yes, they should have also been locked up for treason and attempting to usurp United States President William Clinton.

Statute of Limitations has long passed however.
And the Benghazi accusing Republicans? Lock them up too?

Benghazi was instigated by Congress, and performed by Congress, not the DOJ or a special prosecutor like Mueller. Huge difference. Apples and Oranges.

The reference to Bill Clinton's impeachment was more appropriate, and I do believe that Bill Clinton's impeachment was tantamount to treason, that should never happen to a US President for shagging a chick. Period.
So if the House cranks up their own investigations now into trump’s involvement with Russia, it’s ok then, right?

Yes. It would be ok.
If you start jailing your political opponents then this is no longer a free country. It is a dictatorship that needs to be brought down and its leaders jailed.

Which is precisely why I made several posts on USMB that no prison time or executions (or asset forfeiture or fines) should follow from any such convictions; however, they must still be indicted, exposed and convicted nevertheless.

This can never be allowed to happen again to ANY President of the United States, ever.

If a president is exhibiting strange behavior they should be investigated. Nobody is going to be indicted, exposed or convicted for any of this. In fact should Trump even try, impeachment should be initiated for abuse of power.
Trump is too stupid to get the implications of his accusations.

If investigating a president on unproven grounds is a coup for which the participants should be tried for treason, then trump should be tried for treason for his failed coup in investigating Obama’s natural born citizenship eligibility to be president.

Did Trump launch and prosecute his claim in a US court of law or before the US Congress? In other words, did he attempt to make his claim legally manifest?

Again, apples and oranges.

What Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Lynch, Bill Clinton, Clapper, Brennan, Fusion GPS etc... did was actually take legal action and lie to FISA judges to initiate a coup under the color of law.

That did not happen.
Were you this upset after Starr found no wrong-doing on the Clinton’s part in Whitewater? We’re you calling for Starr and other participating Republicans to be locked up for treason then?

That was another travesty.

Bill Clinton should have never been impeached.

And yes, they should have also been locked up for treason and attempting to usurp United States President William Clinton.

Statute of Limitations has long passed however.
And the Benghazi accusing Republicans? Lock them up too?

Benghazi was instigated by Congress, and performed by Congress, not the DOJ or a special prosecutor like Mueller. Huge difference. Apples and Oranges.

The reference to Bill Clinton's impeachment was more appropriate, and I do believe that Bill Clinton's impeachment was tantamount to treason, that should never happen to a US President for shagging a chick. Period.
So if the House cranks up their own investigations now into trump’s involvement with Russia, it’s ok then, right?

Yes. It would be ok.
Ok, I credit you for that consistency.
had his investigation into Obama produced any merit, it certainly would have led to Obama’s removal from office.

Lock him up! That’s now treason according to the president of the United States.

If it had merit, then that would have been a great service to our nation, but it didn't. Nor did Trump ever initiate prosecution. And therein lies the key difference. The accusation was not made legally manifest, nor should it have been, because it was pure bullshit.

Honestly, that Trump failure was all Democrats needed to defeat him in 2016. I do not understand why Hillary didn't push that to the extreme.
had his investigation into Obama produced any merit, it certainly would have led to Obama’s removal from office.

Lock him up! That’s now treason according to the president of the United States.

It it had merit, then that would have been a great service to our nation, but it didn't. Nor did Trump ever initiate prosecution. And therein lies the key difference. The accusation was not made legally manifest, nor should it have been, because it was pure bullshit.
There was no prosecution levied against trump. And had Mueller’s investigation found evidence that Trump conspired with Russian hackers, that too would have been a great service to the nation.

So no, no difference.

Lock him up!
There was no Russian hoax. Russia tried to help Trump win and Trump accepted the help.

Can you show us proof of this claim?

Russia hacked servers and released their pirated information to the public. There's nothing Donald Trump could possibly do to "deny the help," unless Donald Trump had a time machine.
Trump encouraged Russia to hack Hillary.

Trump made a public facetious comment about it AFTER it happened, he did not encourage it BEFORE it happened, as you're trying to frame your post. Past, present and future tense must always be taken into consideration.

That's part of the Democrat playbook though, confuse the timelines.


Ok then, please post or upload your proof.

No. Because you are here making ridiculous untrue assertions about an overthrow. Everything you have posted is bullshit.
Although the death sentence would be proper justice for these traitors, there are times when we must recognize that proper justice can result in disastrous consequences.

Bullshit. WTF is the word treason FOR? If you wanna play softball go over there in the corner with your wool and hang with the other sheep. If America is strong enough to survive, find and name the criminals that perpetrated this attempted coup, America can certainly survive hangings in Gitmo that would not be seen by the public. In fact, the tree of liberty needs watering about now. Watered with the blood of traitors and commies to set an example for the next 300 years. Otherwise we go like the Romans. A fall from within.
There was no attempted coup.
Bullshit. More than half of the country thinks there was. See you in November next, tardo.

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