How long until progressivism collapses this town?

california has the sixth largest economy in the world, thumb sucker
Check out the debt. in California and that will give you the facts you need to sound even a little bit intelligent...
If that is even possible.....besides I would rather suck my own thumb than to be sucking the backside of Obama like you do....

blah blah blah blah blah blah

California is the sixth largest economy in the world.


blah blah blah blah blah blah
California is up to it's eyeballs in debt.

you're still not thinking....

didn't dick cheney say debt doesn't matter?

and it's not like you nutters care about debt anyway...

Trump's tax cuts are rocketing us into the debt ceiling

Trump's biggest victory — tax cuts — could lead to the demise of his beloved bull market


now try actually thinking.

Sure didn't matter to Obama.
blah blah blah blah blah blah

California is the sixth largest economy in the world
Haven't you ever heard the phrase "The bigger they are the harder they fall"

I wouldn't want to be standing in the way when it does fall....
$500 just for being poor.

where is this money going to come from?

You know, the 'rich' and greedy corporations and tax loopholes and OTHER people paying their 'fair' share the typical stupid shit liberal talking points.
Progressivism bankrupted Detroit. It will bankrupt this city. Paying people not to work defies all basic economics (not to mention common sense). And just wait until every parasite makes a b-line for Stockton, CA and puts even more stress on an unsustainable system.

This U.S. City Will Give Its Poorest People $500 a Month — No Strings Attached

Nixon allowing Japan to product dump bankrupted Detroit.

American car companies making disposable cars and trucks bankrupted Detroit.

Republican efforts continue to bankrupt the American worker.

Detroit went bankrupt because they produced shit cars nobody wanted
Detroit went bankrupt because Nixon allowed product dumping.
$500 just for being poor.

where is this money going to come from?
The question Democrats have been unable to answer for 150 years now...

I'm a registered Democrat and I answered it.
No you didn’t. Your fall-down hilarious “tariff” answer will just lead to higher prices, leading to less business, leading to less revenue, leading to higher unemployment. All of which leading to less in tax revenues.

You’re not a trailblazer my friend. Everything you will throw at the wall hasn’t been done by the left already and failed miserably.
The fact is, California has the busiest import ports in the nation. It's a very real issue.
The fact is, California has the busiest import ports in the nation. It's a very real issue.
The fact is, California has more debt than any state in U.S. history. And that is a very real issue.
Another Facebook executive who supports providing people with free money and no restrictions is Chris Hughes
Only the dumbest among society could read that sentence and not burst out laughing...
When VW began exporting cars to the US General Motors responded with bigger tail fins.
$500 just for being poor.

where is this money going to come from?

Same as Alaska's 'just for living there' welfare.

Alaska’s money comes from the oil companies, stupid, since it is the philosophy of the state that the resources belong to everyone and everyone should get payment, not just the oil companies.
Then why is Alaska number one in returned federal funds?

How is that relevant?
Another city decimated by failed progressive policy.
Baltimore’s violent crime problem has grown so serious that a group of private businesses is banding together to hire a private security firm to help make their customers feel safe as they walk in the door.
The left always talks about government is key to a “civilized” society and yet they can’t even figure out the most rudimentary basics. They can’t even properly address violent crime despite robust law enforcement, court systems, laws, and tools.

Baltimore retail businesses forced to hire private security to fight rising violent crime

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