How long will McCain and Palin hide from the press?

How long will McCain and Palin hide from the press?

  • One week

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Two weeks

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Until the twelfth of never

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • Sean Hannity is the press dammit!!!

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure why republicans have this pathological need to lie.

Just because you heard something on the Rush Limbaugh show, doesn't mean its true.

Google is your friend. Obama has been on Fox News Sunday, their premier Sunday morning interview show. He was on there in April. And, I'd wager he's been on Fox News Sunday at other points in the past three years.

Let me know when Palin agrees to do Meet the Press on Sunday morning.

in about 2 years.
in about 2 years.

So Obama was on Fox News Sunday and O'Reilly.

One show actually practices normal journalistic standards, one is a pundit show.

When is Pallin going to do Meet the Press and then the Olberman show?
So Obama was on Fox News Sunday and O'Reilly.

One show actually practices normal journalistic standards, one is a pundit show.

When is Pallin going to do Meet the Press and then the Olberman show?

I would love to see Palin on Rachel Maddow's show.

The brain vs Milfy Mooseburger.
Oh, I get it.

Now Cons are afraid of Sarah Palin going on Meet the Press or Olberman.

I can understand why. She came off looking pretty uninformed in the Gibson interview. Although, naturally she did pretty well on oil and pipelines, which any governor of alaska should be versed on.

I'm wasn't afraid for Obama to go on Fox News Sunday or O'Reilly. I knew he could handle himself, and answer questions competently.

Poor Sarah.........relegated to the rightwing media circuit, like the Hannity show.
Oh, I get it.

Now Cons are afraid of Sarah Palin going on Meet the Press or Olberman.

I can understand why. She came off looking pretty uninformed in the Gibson interview. Although, naturally she did pretty well on oil and pipelines, which any governor of alaska should be versed on.

I'm wasn't afraid for Obama to go on Fox News Sunday or O'Reilly. I knew he could handle himself, and answer questions competently.

Poor Sarah.........relegated to the rightwing media circuit, like the Hannity show.

Wrong, Mccain asked Obama to join them what like 2 months ago to take questions from the people who matter in this election(not the liberal media) but the average American citizen.....

Just like her and Mccain did tonight.
How long?

Will they be like their big brother Dick Cheney and campaign from an undisclosed location?

I just saw a 11/07 mccain interview. the guy asked him if he saw the housing crash coming and what would he do about it.

its the perfect commercial. mccain looks like a deer in headlights. he says no he didn't se it coming and "I won't pretend to be that smart, that's some straight talk". How pathetic.
Do you call Charlie Gibson the media? Shawn Hannity is interviewing Sarah Palin right now. You guys may have to switch over to FOX news to see it, but she's definitely being interviewed.
Wrong, Mccain asked Obama to join them what like 2 months ago to take questions from the people who matter in this election(not the liberal media) but the average American citizen.....

Just like her and Mccain did tonight.

DITTO-- McCain has continually asked Obama to do Town Hall meetings with him. Obama has continually REFUSED.

Those Barbara Streisand Parties are just too much to pass up, I guess.
DITTO-- McCain has continually asked Obama to do Town Hall meetings with him. Obama has continually REFUSED.

Those Barbara Streisand Parties are just too much to pass up, I guess.

Don't worry, young one.

Obama and McCain will debate 3 times.

Grampa will have senior moments for sure.
Don't worry, young one.

Obama and McCain will debate 3 times.

Grampa will have senior moments for sure.

Hmm....I wonder why Barrack O'shama has dodged town hall formats. Maybe he wants to field questions from the teleprompter(liberal media), instead of the American people?
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