CDZ How long will we pretend not to see the rural vs urban divide?


Gold Member
Oct 30, 2008
How long will we keep pretending that the rural vs urban divide isn't at the heart of our major controversies? Or rather the rural vs mega urban divide.
People in the nation's largest cities have different problems that we do in the country. They have different expectations from government are a differential willingness to trade liberty for security.
Crime, the concept of systemic racism, police/community relations, the transfer and spread of virures, dependence upon government for transportation, gun control need and attitudes. All of it is different in nowhere Tenn than it is in Chicago for example.
It may well be that what is best for NYC is bad for Watertown, NY. Or what's workable in Detroit isn't close to doable in the small towns to the north.
What's the answer?
the answer is that you are FOCUSED on a single ---not so important---issue
That makes no sense to the point made. What did he say that you believe is untrue?
I do not believe that there is a MAJOR conflict between URBAN AND SUBURBAN dwellers
(as if they are made of UNIQUE CLASSES) in the USA. Little me grew up in the "..'burbs"
I do admit there is a class of CONNTRY HICKS at there in the hills-----that do constitute a
kind of "CLASS" and a desperate need for STD screening and dental work
the answer is that you are FOCUSED on a single ---not so important---issue
That makes no sense to the point made. What did he say that you believe is untrue?
I do not believe that there is a MAJOR conflict between URBAN AND SUBURBAN dwellers
(as if they are made of UNIQUE CLASSES) in the USA. Little me grew up in the "..'burbs"
I do admit there is a class of CONNTRY HICKS at there in the hills-----that do constitute a
kind of "CLASS" and a desperate need for STD screening and dental work
mmm... Ok. Thanks.
I have noticed it for years.
Mpls has seen crime skyrocket with urban unrest, high taxes, and a complete mess of a city council.
Meanwhile 40 miles north in the beginning of the north woods in my neck off the woods the communities are low tax, peaceful and the complete opposite of the noise and pollution of the urban. Still a sizable population commuting into cities, but everyone keeps to their own shit.

We don't even have a police department, just the county Sheriff.
Screw the Twin Cities, there is nothing there I need except the airport.
Just a visual.
It’s really Marxism that is the problem. It just manifests itself in large cities first, then spreads like a cancer.
No. Problem is with radicalism being acceptable in the mega cities. OP is correct. We don't have your problems in Nowhere, TN or in Jackson, TN, either, for that matter. Never met a Marxist in my life. Radical left and radical right, followed around the circle, lead to the same place. Chaos and distruction. That is personally, in the community and in the country.
Not just politics in general but in both major parties.. Rural democrats are different then urban ones.
My relatives in that northern section on the above map of MN in blue by Lake Superior are bible thumping, socially conservative Democrats. The only reason they vote DFL is the labor unions in the Iron Range have them convinced that the DFL is going to save their dying towns. They have been let down for decades, but still vote for them anyway.
This state isn't as blue as many believe.
How long will we keep pretending that the rural vs urban divide isn't at the heart of our major controversies? Or rather the rural vs mega urban divide.
People in the nation's largest cities have different problems that we do in the country. They have different expectations from government are a differential willingness to trade liberty for security.
Crime, the concept of systemic racism, police/community relations, the transfer and spread of virures, dependence upon government for transportation, gun control need and attitudes. All of it is different in nowhere Tenn than it is in Chicago for example.
It may well be that what is best for NYC is bad for Watertown, NY. Or what's workable in Detroit isn't close to doable in the small towns to the north.
What's the answer?
High population density areas are more likely to have concentrations of people who talk and think alike. In a City one is more likely to be closely surrounded and will most likely adopt the manner and thinking of those around one. It is also more likely that a large news or media corporation will reach large concentrations of people thereby creating a kind of 'group think.' When one is closely surrounded by others the natural human instinct is to 'go along to get along.'
How long will we keep pretending that the rural vs urban divide isn't at the heart of our major controversies? Or rather the rural vs mega urban divide.
People in the nation's largest cities have different problems that we do in the country. They have different expectations from government are a differential willingness to trade liberty for security.
Crime, the concept of systemic racism, police/community relations, the transfer and spread of virures, dependence upon government for transportation, gun control need and attitudes. All of it is different in nowhere Tenn than it is in Chicago for example.
It may well be that what is best for NYC is bad for Watertown, NY. Or what's workable in Detroit isn't close to doable in the small towns to the north.
What's the answer?
High population density areas are more likely to have concentrations of people who talk and think alike. In a City one is more likely to be closely surrounded and will most likely adopt the manner and thinking of those around one. It is also more likely that a large news or media corporation will reach large concentrations of people thereby creating a kind of 'group think.' When one is closely surrounded by others the natural human instinct is to 'go along to get along.'
I had not considered that angle. And it explains how in states like NY the state can be politically ruled by pandering to NYC metro , especially if you half ass appease Long Island. We have a movement to "Divide NY" not into totally separate states but into three more autonomous regions. I think many states could benefit from the same. certainly Michigan, Illinois, PA, Mass etc. as long as it divided electoral votes.
How long will we keep pretending that the rural vs urban divide isn't at the heart of our major controversies? Or rather the rural vs mega urban divide.
People in the nation's largest cities have different problems that we do in the country. They have different expectations from government are a differential willingness to trade liberty for security.
Crime, the concept of systemic racism, police/community relations, the transfer and spread of virures, dependence upon government for transportation, gun control need and attitudes. All of it is different in nowhere Tenn than it is in Chicago for example.
It may well be that what is best for NYC is bad for Watertown, NY. Or what's workable in Detroit isn't close to doable in the small towns to the north.
What's the answer?
I think the problem may be a spiritual matter of a acceptance of one another's issues and abilities in a way we find mutual understanding sans self-righteous character judgments and inane critiques.

In Russia of old the communists decided the satellite area or territory could only be resolved if all the farmers with their country critiques would stop annoying their AOCs of arrogant looking down their noses of mere country bumpkins who seemed ignorant to more urbane and sophisticated of the cities so those in power starved the farmers of Ukraine to death because socialist and godless atheists have absolutely no use for people whose prayers get them through bad crop years and they can't let faith in God go which those who controlled the KGB.

A good solution? Well the sophists had to stand in line for years in line afterward because they had limited produce to feed on having burned all the fields and KGB daily visits to each farm to destroy caches of food the farmers had hidden led to mass starvation so the little AOCs of the party didn't have to negotiate with the little people who fed them. Without them they had to depend on foreign goods which grew scarier in supply with each and every verbal assault leveled them by arrogant elites who murdered the local farmers.

The moral of this story is to never let atheistic communist theorists rule a diverse people only to pass themselves with the Mother Russia schtick.
the answer is that you are FOCUSED on a single ---not so important---issue
That makes no sense to the point made. What did he say that you believe is untrue?
I do not believe that there is a MAJOR conflict between URBAN AND SUBURBAN dwellers
(as if they are made of UNIQUE CLASSES) in the USA. Little me grew up in the "..'burbs"
I do admit there is a class of CONNTRY HICKS at there in the hills-----that do constitute a
kind of "CLASS" and a desperate need for STD screening and dental work
Yeah how about we do that dar instead a shippin you all power, food and buildin materials? Actually I think Suburbia is at least split. Small cities are not that different in my experience. Megacities are where the thinking is diametrically opposed to the rest of us and not without some reason.
Not just politics in general but in both major parties.. Rural democrats are different then urban ones.
My relatives in that northern section on the above map of MN in blue by Lake Superior are bible thumping, socially conservative Democrats. The only reason they vote DFL is the labor unions in the Iron Range have them convinced that the DFL is going to save their dying towns. They have been let down for decades, but still vote for them anyway.
This state isn't as blue as many believe.
Although I live in NNY, the REAL Upstate, we live in the Adirondacks where our mines, mills and timber industry has died and because of APA restrictions little new has been allowed to grow. Ghosta towns waiting for my generation to die before they roll up the streets

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