CDZ How long will we pretend not to see the rural vs urban divide?

When one group works to put food on their table and views the other as sitting on their ass and getting all the benefits based on demographics it only makes sense the divide should be expected to expand.
There is a reason our poor are among the richest poor of all time.

America's poor are the poorest of all the modern democracies.

Capitalism isn't working in America because of it's greed that causes huge income inequality.Capitalism under Communist leadership shows no signs of slowing down or any signs of failure so far.

It really does appear that China has found the answer for a country with a very large population. When America sorts out it's self destruction it may end up doing the same. Success of either political side in America doesn't look possible. The people have no answers and this forum is an example of the degree of dysfunction.

As long as the US is held back by M.A.D., I'm betting on China.

It really does appear that China has found the answer for a country with a very large population

Not just politics in general but in both major parties.. Rural democrats are different then urban ones.
My relatives in that northern section on the above map of MN in blue by Lake Superior are bible thumping, socially conservative Democrats. The only reason they vote DFL is the labor unions in the Iron Range have them convinced that the DFL is going to save their dying towns. They have been let down for decades, but still vote for them anyway.
This state isn't as blue as many believe.
Although I live in NNY, the REAL Upstate, we live in the Adirondacks where our mines, mills and timber industry has died and because of APA restrictions little new has been allowed to grow. Ghosta towns waiting for my generation to die before they roll up the streets
I live in the Western Region where our steel and other heavy industries have been shuttered for over 40 years, no thanks to Democrat politicians and the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway.
the answer is that you are FOCUSED on a single ---not so important---issue
That makes no sense to the point made. What did he say that you believe is untrue?
I do not believe that there is a MAJOR conflict between URBAN AND SUBURBAN dwellers
(as if they are made of UNIQUE CLASSES) in the USA. Little me grew up in the "..'burbs"
I do admit there is a class of CONNTRY HICKS at there in the hills-----that do constitute a
kind of "CLASS" and a desperate need for STD screening and dental work
And therein lies the divide that is at the heart of the OP. It is obvious that you consider rural dwellers to be inferior to yourself, and to no one's surprise they believe the same of you. They would love to see an urban dweller attempt to survive in their world and would laugh a lot.
Just a visual.
Right now a little of blue in controlling a lot of red. Not healthy
Land doesn't vote.
That's true. But that red land feeds the blue.
The blue areas contribute 65% of our GDP, so we pay you for the food and subsidies for producing it.
Hmmm, co-existence, who would have thought? IOW, mutual need.
Hmmm, co-existence, who would have thought? IOW, mutual need.
Pretty sure I asked this once... But I'll ask it again... If the dollar crashes... What does cities have that the farmers need? What do American cities produce that farmers would deem valuable?
Hmmm, co-existence, who would have thought? IOW, mutual need.
Pretty sure I asked this once... But I'll ask it again... If the dollar crashes... What does cities have that the farmers need? What do American cities produce that farmers would deem valuable?
There's not a whole lot that the city can offer the farmer when it comes to basic survival. As long as the dollar is the accepted medium of exchange, there can be more parity, but if that fails, the farmer has in his hands the true coin of the realm, food.
Hmmm, co-existence, who would have thought? IOW, mutual need.
Pretty sure I asked this once... But I'll ask it again... If the dollar crashes... What does cities have that the farmers need? What do American cities produce that farmers would deem valuable?
Higher education and jobs for their children.
Not if the dollar (and the economy) crashes. Besides, they already have education and work for their kids. If the economy is gone, there's no point whatsoever in going to the city.
Hmmm, co-existence, who would have thought? IOW, mutual need.
Pretty sure I asked this once... But I'll ask it again... If the dollar crashes... What does cities have that the farmers need? What do American cities produce that farmers would deem valuable?
Higher education and jobs for their children.
Not if the dollar (and the economy) crashes. Besides, they already have education and work for their kids. If the economy is gone, there's no point whatsoever in going to the city.
What happened to the farmer during the Great Depression?

Have you thought of that.

Also, you have a high school education. Most children of farmers leave the farm after 18. In WI, a 100s farms close every year and our republic legislator just sits around whining about the 2020 vote of cities.
I'm pretty sure you know the answer to the question.
Yes I do. It's why I'm not afraid to ask it.
Okay, hadit seems to think that in event of the dollar collapsing that farmers will just fine because they have all the food. How did that work out during the Great Depression? Did rural areas fair better or worst than their fellow citizens in the cities?
Okay, hadit seems to think that in event of the dollar collapsing that farmers will just fine because they have all the food.
Oh no... Not just fine... But better off than the city counter parts.

How did that work out during the Great Depression? Did rural areas fair better or worst than their fellow citizens in the cities?
Better... With some stipulations of course. Lot of people lost their farms... Couldn't pay the bills. Could still work for another farmer and live. They weren't happy about it... But they had skill that was worth something when money didn't mean much... Do you?
Okay, hadit seems to think that in event of the dollar collapsing that farmers will just fine because they have all the food.
Oh no... Not just fine... But better off than the city counter parts.

How did that work out during the Great Depression? Did rural areas fair better or worst than their fellow citizens in the cities?
Better... With some stipulations of course. Lot of people lost their farms... Couldn't pay the bills. Could still work for another farmer and live. They weren't happy about it... But they had skill that was worth something when money didn't mean much... Do you?
That's pretty good hair splitting.
That's pretty good hair splitting.
*shrugs* What I say or how I say it won't mean anything to the dollar crash if it happens. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't do anything. I'm just suggesting you think about it.

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