How low will ratings be for NFL debut

My list of Sunday activities:
1. play golf
2. lounge around the pool with the family
3 thru 655 blah blah blah
656. watch flies fuck on the outdoor gas grille
657. rearrange my sock drawer
658. watch felons disrespect America and then play grabass on a football field
I think fly fucking could challenge the National Football League in ratings if those assholes don't quit taking knees!
If any conservatives here are still watching the National Felons League then you should be ashamed of yourself
First time since 70s I did not watch opener and won’t first weekend. There are a lot of us. THIS Is a peaceful protest
I will not even watch the playoffs !!! This will be the first time I have not watched the playoffs
You'll be back.
No I won’t
Once I quit ..I never come back

Like when I quit “Dark Souls “ as getting past any boss battle is Daunting
I totally forgot the season started this week. For the first time in many years I don’t give a shit about watching the games.
Same here,I only found out about it sense I live here in kc and heard the talk of the town.this was the one game I decided to watch to see how empty the stadium would be,after watching this game I am glad I have boycotted the nfl.seeing all the coach’s and fans wearing masks was bad enough,but the fact the announcers kept talking about Covid and black lives matter,I can’t watch another game,you watch sports to get away from politics and crap going on in the world,it’s a way to escape,yet here they are shoving what I try to escape down My throat ,as I have said the past several years now,wayyyyyyyyyy before all this crap started,fuck the nfl.
Now ratings have gone the way of polls which is trying to influence opinion rather than report opinion.
Still though I think they will be down 40%
The life and joy has been sucked out of Americans which is exactly what libs wanted. We don’t want to be “entertained” by guys one step from being criminals absent their athletic talent. They think we are supposed to pay for their misguided protests and then later sit back and be entertained. Let’s see how the numbers come out, as fudged as they may be.
Scew the NFL. Millionaries kneeling trying to make us all feel guilty. Fuck them...... I hope they go bankrupt.
I’ve been wanting to see that happen for about ten years now so far no luck.
The owners are between a rock and a hard place. If not for the pure greed, stealing money from taxpayers, and lengthening games by almost an hour I would feel sorry for them.
You forgot to mention as well being hypocrites making relocation rules a team has to follow to leave a city for another one but not following the relocation guidelines rules breaking them and not being held accountable for them in the NO FAN LOYALTY league,these owners are not only greedy but fucking criminals as evil as politicians are,they would kill their own mothers if it meant they would profit in millions from it,anybody who thinks otherwise is an idiot.
It takes a month of hard core training to even have a chance at the lowest boss
It’s the worst game ever
Not sure about the ratings. I enjoyed watching the football game last night.
It was good to see football again. Sorry you're upset and "make internet mad".

Oh yeah... then why did you say this a few months ago?... "The whole idea of playing football during a pandemic is lunacy."

I still think it is lunacy but if they are able to do it safely...limiting crowd size and other mitigation steps...more power to them. It was good to see.

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