How many are collecting Govt paychecks doing nothing

"Non-essential" covers a lot of pretty essential things. Custodians are non-essential. But without them the trash piles up pretty quickly.
I don't think they get it...

Non-essential is a lot of things that make the Government work...

The people here that want to fire Government Employees have said for years that Government doesn't work. So they want to strip the Government of the ability to work so they can say they were right.

Here is the problem with their thinking... there are plenty of places in the world where Government not only works but cornerstone of their economies working as well...

Example: Education is one of the best return of Investment a country can make in society. The US is the only major country in the world which has privatised education to the levels. While the rest of the world educated their brightest students regardless of the economic background, they actually invest more money in disadvantaged areas and offer them the best courses (effectively free) if there grades are good enough. It means that kids from the poorest backgrounds or just middle class kids can go to the best courses in the best universities regardless of there economic background.
Those kids leave college with effectively no debt and education which is best suited to them. This is considered the least they can do for the next generation. It is what they received themselves and what they can give to the next generation.
The US has some how got in their heads that what they received for far less (or free) they will charge the next generation.
I don't think they get it...

Non-essential is a lot of things that make the Government work...

The people here that want to fire Government Employees have said for years that Government doesn't work. So they want to strip the Government of the ability to work so they can say they were right.

Here is the problem with their thinking... there are plenty of places in the world where Government not only works but cornerstone of their economies working as well...

Example: Education is one of the best return of Investment a country can make in society. The US is the only major country in the world which has privatised education to the levels. While the rest of the world educated their brightest students regardless of the economic background, they actually invest more money in disadvantaged areas and offer them the best courses (effectively free) if there grades are good enough. It means that kids from the poorest backgrounds or just middle class kids can go to the best courses in the best universities regardless of there economic background.
Those kids leave college with effectively no debt and education which is best suited to them. This is considered the least they can do for the next generation. It is what they received themselves and what they can give to the next generation.
The US has some how got in their heads that what they received for far less (or free) they will charge the next generation.
Is that why the failure rate of the public education system is so high?

According to an article in the New York Times, Duncan has told Congress that more than 80,000 of the nation's 100,000 public schools will receive failing grades this year under the act. The numbers are based on an analysis of testing trends and the current state of the act's pass-fail system used to rate schools.

Why 82% of Public Schools are Failing
Both parties do it but Congress is in session for like 1/3 of the year. That they are holding hearings to see if other people are showing up for work:

View attachment 871079

It does stress the idea of being a public servant that someone can work so little and keep their job. Yes, I know they do work outside of sessions. So do our nurses and doctors, continuing education, training, independent study, etc...

pure hogwash. Closer to 80-90 days per Calendar year. Every MON off, leave early THURS to avoid travel with citizens to go back home to collect donations. Rinse.repeat. But not winter or summer break. Months off.
Why cant the essential personnel pick up their own trash and put it in the dumpster? They are supposed to be working for US, not the other way around..

Well, they can. But then all that time the highly paid "essential" employees will spend doing custodial work will add up. You'll end up having to hire more of them to keep up with the added workload of doing their main jobs, plus all the routine daily custodial work. Eventually, you end up with just as many employees, but now EVERYONE has a higher job title and a bigger paycheck, all so you can have the satisfaction of jabbering about "non-essential" workers.
Well, they can. But then all that time the highly paid "essential" employees will spend doing custodial work will add up. You'll end up having to hire more of them to keep up with the added workload of doing their main jobs, plus all the routine daily custodial work. Eventually, you end up with just as many employees, but now EVERYONE has a higher job title and a bigger paycheck, all so you can have the satisfaction of jabbering about "non-essential" workers.
Again, those essential personnel who are paid 10s of thousands of dollars should be able to pick up after themselves, since we the tax payer are picking up the tab for their paychecks. Why should someone who surfs the internet 6 hours a day get paid 10s of thousands of dollars? Because they are Joe Biden voters....
Things are so far out of control it is impossible to tell? 50% of FED GOVT is redundant, unconstitutional BS?

The entire FED GOVT has to be dismantled as much as possible and only essential functions put back in place. As it is now it is simply a giant on-going socialist Stimulus package like Obidens $1T annual give away stimulus to Unions and Blue cities. So much is not needed or wanted at $33T debt from them. They hide it too. Almost un-auditable now, like the Pentagon. Things only get worse every year. Never better. It grows and grows. Like cancer.
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OPINION, give me facts.
Even if i did, you wouldnt look at them.

I don't get the butthurt over people being able to work from home. Is this some sort or jealousy?

If they can work a job that can be done from home and can do the job what is the big deal?
I don't think they get it...

Non-essential is a lot of things that make the Government work...

The people here that want to fire Government Employees have said for years that Government doesn't work. So they want to strip the Government of the ability to work so they can say they were right.

Here is the problem with their thinking... there are plenty of places in the world where Government not only works but cornerstone of their economies working as well...

Example: Education is one of the best return of Investment a country can make in society. The US is the only major country in the world which has privatised education to the levels. While the rest of the world educated their brightest students regardless of the economic background, they actually invest more money in disadvantaged areas and offer them the best courses (effectively free) if there grades are good enough. It means that kids from the poorest backgrounds or just middle class kids can go to the best courses in the best universities regardless of there economic background.
Those kids leave college with effectively no debt and education which is best suited to them. This is considered the least they can do for the next generation. It is what they received themselves and what they can give to the next generation.
The US has some how got in their heads that what they received for far less (or free) they will charge the next generation.

You left out the part where they don’t admit students into colleges based on race or gender based quotas. You make the grades or you don’t get in. That wouldn’t go over well with lefties in this country.
I don't get the butthurt over people being able to work from home. Is this some sort or jealousy?

If they can work a job that can be done from home and can do the job what is the big deal?
In the 1980's when the Federal budget was around 1.2 trillion dollars a year it was estimated around 25% was waste and corruption. When any cuts were made it was minor and not long lasting. We can only imagine what today's waste and corruption is on the size of the federal budget. And the deficits are mountainous currently compared to then which was considered high.
Seems like a lot of equivocating instead of answering. People need to be fired at the top. Whole govt is waste on a grand scale
Dig deeper, and it's all about grooming dependent voter's, and building a Democrat dependent base off of me and your tax dollars. Yes, a damned good house cleaning is definitely needed in 2024. Look at all the psycho judicial appointments that were in those confirmation hearings. That alone tells us what the Democrat's are all about.

I believe they have become the most corrupted party this nation has ever had.
In the 1980's when the Federal budget was around 1.2 trillion dollars a year it was estimated around 25% was waste and corruption. When any cuts were made it was minor and not long lasting. We can only imagine what today's waste and corruption is on the size of the federal budget. And the deficits are mountainous currently compared to then which was considered high.
Another thought - If people are on government incomes, and they are working from home, then they are out of sight right ? This leaves to door wide open to the public not truly knowing or seeing who their tax dollars are going too, and how those dollars are being used. The same with the pandemic where lock downs or shut in's created a ripe environment for hiding and paying out money to people who might be politically groomed without the taxpayer's knowledge of such a thing as it lay behind closed doors.

Are we as American's looking at one of the greatest political corruption scandal of our lifetimes ? Was this entire thing a planned scheme to take over this nation in the fundamental transformation once declared by a former president once he was inaugurated ????????

An investigation hopefully is in the future that finally puts this grand puzzle together for us to see and get accounting for.
In the 1980's when the Federal budget was around 1.2 trillion dollars a year it was estimated around 25% was waste and corruption. When any cuts were made it was minor and not long lasting. We can only imagine what today's waste and corruption is on the size of the federal budget. And the deficits are mountainous currently compared to then which was considered high.

There is a ton of waste and corruption. Just because someone can work from home doesn't automatically add to that.

This waste and corruption built up by people not working from home.
There is a ton of waste and corruption. Just because someone can work from home doesn't automatically add to that.

This waste and corruption built up by people not working from home.
Both are target's for conversation..
Seems like a lot of equivocating instead of answering. People need to be fired at the top. Whole govt is waste on a grand scale

One does not need to be in the office to do work. This was proven during COVID by both the Govt and private companies.

My brother is an architect, he has been working from home since COVID. He moved once they made them remote a hour north of the city they were in and has 10 acres now. He works, does stuff on the land, does more work....rinse and repeat. When his employer tried to make him come back to the office he said he would leave the firm, so they asked if they could ship his chair to him and gave him a raise to keep him from leaving.

My BIL has been working from home for more than 20 years, he does the same basic thing. He has not had an office to to go during that whole time. He worked for ATT as a telecom engineer. When they downsized they got rid of all of them and contracted the work out. His last day with ATT was a Friday and on Monday he was working for the same person, but was now a contractor instead of an ATT employee. Over the last 20ish years he has had a few different employers, but has never had to go to an office the entire time.

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