How many are collecting Govt paychecks doing nothing

One does not need to be in the office to do work. This was proven during COVID by both the Govt and private companies.

My brother is an architect, he has been working from home since COVID. He moved once they made them remote a hour north of the city they were in and has 10 acres now. He works, does stuff on the land, does more work....rinse and repeat. When his employer tried to make him come back to the office he said he would leave the firm, so they asked if they could ship his chair to him and gave him a raise to keep him from leaving.

My BIL has been working from home for more than 20 years, he does the same basic thing. He has not had an office to to go during that whole time. He worked for ATT as a telecom engineer. When they downsized they got rid of all of them and contracted the work out. His last day with ATT was a Friday and on Monday he was working for the same person, but was now a contractor instead of an ATT employee. Over the last 20ish years he has had a few different employers, but has never had to go to an office the entire time.
When it comes to government, then transparency is paramount to the voter's, and this is because government funds everything through the tax payer's Dollars. They must be flushed back out into the open, and they must return to work at official government locations that are transparent for the taxpayer's to view it all.
Another thought - If people are on government incomes, and they are working from home, then they are out of sight right ? This leaves to door wide open to the public not truly knowing or seeing who their tax dollars are going too, and how those dollars are being used.

Prior to the pandemic how often did you go to a Fed Govt office and see what the employees were doing?
Prior to the pandemic how often did you go to a Fed Govt office and see what the employees were doing?
Matters not, but if any government rep that represents my district or state, could go into any government facility or institution on our behalf, then the information gathered is then reported back to the taxpayer's in order for transparency to be upheld.

Transparency is paramount for tax payer's, and it's time we get back to that in this country.

Grooming and supporting workers in ways that gain their loyalty in a political way, uhhhhh is totally unacceptable when can be done behind private residence doors.

It must stop immediately.........
Matters not, but if any government rep that represents my district or state, could go into any government facility or institution on our behalf, then the information gathered is then reported back to the taxpayer's in order for transparency to be upheld.

Transparency is paramount for tax payer's, and it's time we get back to that in this country.

Grooming and supporting workers in ways that gain their loyalty in a political way, uhhhhh is totally unacceptable when can be done behind private residence doors.

It must stop immediately.........

Yet you never went by to see if this was happening in the past, but now all of a sudden it is a concern for you?

Since the majority of Fed Govt employees are not customer facing, they could be doing the same thing in the office as you are accusing them of doing at home.

Seems you all are just looking for more reasons to hate
Not a single private sector company could survive if they ran things the way the Feds do. FACT.
The feds aren't in it for profit in the monetary sense, but they are in it to profit their voter base just enough to gain their loyalty in their vote. Of course at me and your extreme expense
Yet you never went by to see if this was happening in the past, but now all of a sudden it is a concern for you?

Since the majority of Fed Govt employees are not customer facing, they could be doing the same thing in the office as you are accusing them of doing at home.

Seems you all are just looking for more reasons to hate
You might as well stop making excuses, and bring the hidden back out into the light.
The feds aren't in it for profit in the monetary sense, but they are in it to profit their voter base just enough to gain their loyalty in their vote. Of course at me and your extreme expense

Federal workers do not give a shit about you vote and who you vote for. They are merely doing a job just like you, if you have one
My reps do that for me.. 👍

Hard to do at a private residence.

You never did it when they are all in the office. Do you think that your Reps made trips to the offices of Fed Govt workers on a regular basis to make sure they were not being groomed in the manner you claim is now happening?
A couple generations ago, the Federal workforce was a giant mass of mediocrity. They were the college grads who took bullshit subjects or barely graduated with minimum QPA's, and couldn't get hired anyplace other than government. I was in the army for three years and a DoD employee from 1975-80. The main reason why my co-workers were there is because they wanted few demands in the workplace, lots of vacation time, and a generous, early retirement. They had no political agenda and rarely talked politics in the office - at least in my 8 years there.

But Feds are a new breed now. They go to work for Government because they want to run the world. More than 90% of them are blatant Leftists. They want power without having to run for office, and don't really care what the Administration wants, if it is a Republican administration. Trump has exposed them for what they are, the Deep State, and you better believe they will do everything the possibly can to see to it that he loses the next election. Just like they did in 2020.
Federal workers do not give a shit about you vote and who you vote for. They are merely doing a job just like you, if you have one
Bull shite they don't.... Each administration strategy is to win the hearts and mind's of one the greatest voter blocks in this country, and using tax dollars along with perks and benefits paid (with worker conditions granted), can definitely be a form of grooming for loyalty depending on the targeted character's that it seeks out as being prime candidates for the job positions.

We see it in confirmation hearings and in everything else it engages in, but nothing to see hear folk's, so just keep it moving eh ?
You never did it when they are all in the office. Do you think that your Reps made trips to the offices of Fed Govt workers on a regular basis to make sure they were not being groomed in the manner you claim is now happening?
Yes they did, so how do you think that the voters find out what the government does with their tax dollars ? They do audits, and surveys in order to give accounts as to what is going on, and that's exactly how it should be. In no way should any government job exist at a private residence. Period.

That destroys transparency, and presents a huge problem for oversight.

Hillary should have never had a private server with government business on it in a bathroom in a private residence, but we know what that was all about, and why she got away with it... It was because she is a Democrat where the rules don't apply or they are constantly broken without consequence.
Bull shite they don't.... Each administration strategy is to win the hearts and mind's of one the greatest voter blocks in this country, and using tax dollars along with perks and benefits paid (with worker conditions granted), can definitely be a form of grooming for loyalty depending on the targeted character's that it seeks out as being prime candidates for the job positions.

We see it in confirmation hearings and in everything else it engages in, but nothing to see hear folk's, so just keep it moving eh ?

The vast majority of Fed employees are not part of any administration and are there long after the current one moves on. Their pay and benefits are voted on by Congress, which also is not part of any administration.

Those needing confirmation hearings are 0.01% of the total federal workforce. The rest are just average joes and jills that just want to do their job, provide for their family and do not care in the least how you vote.

My wife is an employee of the VA and I can promise you she and none of her fellow nurses give a shit how you vote
Yes they did, so how do you think that the voters find out what the government does with their tax dollars ? They do audits, and surveys in order to give accounts as to what is going on, and that's exactly how it should be. In no way should any government job exist at a private residence. Period.

That destroys transparency, and presents a huge problem for oversight.

They can do the same audits and surveys now that they were doing before COVID. There were plenty of Fed employees that were allowed to telework prior to COVID and you never whined about it then.

I find it funny you think that your elected Reps were showing up in KC or Des Moines and doing in person audits of those in the offices there. You have no grasp on reality.
Commuting from home is not not working for a paycheck.
"Non-essential" covers a lot of pretty essential things. Custodians are non-essential. But without them the trash piles up pretty quickly.
i was "non essential" during the gingrich shut down, but we had essential equipment to ship to dubai so i worked (got paid later anyway) those little "non essential things" add up very quickly.
Hillary should have never had a private server with government business on it in a bathroom in a private residence, but we know what that was all about, and why she got away with it... It was because she is a Democrat where the rules don't apply or they are constantly broken without consequence.

Correct, she should not have, but to think that applies to every single government employees is just stupid.

Government employees working from home do not each have a server in their home, they are all working off virtual networks, no differently than if they were in office
i was "non essential" during the gingrich shut down, but we had essential equipment to ship to dubai so i worked (got paid later anyway) those little "non essential things" add up very quickly.

Every time there is a typhoon that hits Okinawa all "non essential" members of the military are secured to their quarters and cannot leave till it passes. Using these moron's logic, those 90% of the US military on Okinawa should be fired.
Prior to the pandemic how often did you go to a Fed Govt office and see what the employees were doing?
givernnment installations have walls and ids and security gyards/ what does this idiot want to see? probably diesn;t care that our state sefense secrets are now being shared by our enemies (trump's friends)

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