How many countries can we migrate to and get paid to have babies?

Have not read thread but probably none other than USA
It's OK to let a soft heart blend into your actions but when liberals run things soft hearted becomes soft headed
The USA is not the planets charity stop.

nor the worlds police dept ...
This is a serious question. Are we the only suckers?
We hear Lefties complain nonstop about how folks don’t get enough free shit here...Are they happy with how we ‘take care’ of the worlds poor?
$20 trillion in we keep saving the world?

I guess you'd have to ask our Republican majority in Congress.
Garbage, learn how to spell.
Would you walk 2000 miles to get here?
They have way more initiative than native ignoramuses.
Immigrants have always had more balls and energy than natives.
Always been that way, Germans, Irish etc
Know that Muslims here have higher Ed and pay than our white boys?

So it is OK just to have open borders, and let anyone in who could be criminals, terrorists, MS-13, etc? The fact that we don't know who they are puts American citizens at risk. They are stealing identities, and using people's SS#'s to STEAL benefits.

The Germans, and Irish came here legally, like all the other immigrants, and were vetted even for their health! Get a clue.
Why doesn’t congress pass laws so only citizens can collect?

I'm not sure if you are serious, or not but guessing you are being facetious. We already have laws against it, but the illegals steal people's identites, and SS#'s to get benefits. Guess what? If they have kids, they get more $$$!
Why wouldn't they there's no punishment for the crime
Is it humane for people to enter countries illegally and FORCE the native people to pay for the invaders kids?

the issue comes down to .......<are you ready? > CHILDREN ---or, even just
SICK people. We of the USA are a moral people------we do not withhold food or
medical care from the hungry and the sick
cry me a river
F**K the illegals
if they died of starvation/heat/etc, I would not shed a tear

not nice
---it's not nice for them to come here and screw over American children--and that's what they are doing

Many of them have American children.

It’s not like being illegal is OK. But for the only reaction to be “get the F out” , that can be extreme in many examples.
no --it's time to be extreme--this crap needs to stop
This is a serious question. Are we the only suckers?
We hear Lefties complain nonstop about how folks don’t get enough free shit here...Are they happy with how we ‘take care’ of the worlds poor?
$20 trillion in we keep saving the world?
Is it time to strongly consider a constitutional amendment?

The premise of this thread is false .

How so...explain?

When you immigrate to the US you have a sponcer (usually family via chain immigration) . They are responsible for you and you can’t be eligible for welfare for a number of years .

Nice spin Timmy
Garbage, learn how to spell.
Would you walk 2000 miles to get here?
They have way more initiative than native ignoramuses.
Immigrants have always had more balls and energy than natives.
Always been that way, Germans, Irish etc
Know that Muslims here have higher Ed and pay than our white boys?

So it is OK just to have open borders, and let anyone in who could be criminals, terrorists, MS-13, etc? The fact that we don't know who they are puts American citizens at risk. They are stealing identities, and using people's SS#'s to STEAL benefits.

The Germans, and Irish came here legally, like all the other immigrants, and were vetted even for their health! Get a clue.

You get a clue.
We don't have open borders.
1/2 the undoc are Chinese
And we didn't have immigration laws until the 20s
And immigrants are better inoculated than our locals
When was the last time you were accosted by a MS13?
Total pantywaist paranoia
Try reading
Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
The notion that they do nothing but drain public coffers is a myth.
You do know we have 350000000 people here.
Have an orgasm about 13000000? Most of whom reduce the average age and contribute.
(Do you contribute or suck off your socialist SS Medicare benefits
How many countries have a Statue of Liberty?

Only the right wing wants to "trade it in for the Eiffel Tower".

It would look better in DC than Ellis Island; is that a problem?
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The illegal onslaught is completely incomparable to the decades of effective and orderly immigration
So, Libbies, stop the false comparisons
The EXACT same class of boot licking imbeciles who brought hunger, collapse, violence, chaos, despair and a DICTATOR to Venezuela.....


They claim to be....but they are NO DIFFERENT.

They are born losers who think the world owes them and are more than willing to bring down the entire ship to get what they want.....EVEN IT IT KILLS THEMSELVES IN THE PROCESS.
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This is a serious question. Are we the only suckers?
We hear Lefties complain nonstop about how folks don’t get enough free shit here...Are they happy with how we ‘take care’ of the worlds poor?
$20 trillion in we keep saving the world?
Is it time to strongly consider a constitutional amendment?

Why doesn’t congress pass laws so only citizens can collect?

I'm not sure if you are serious, or not but guessing you are being facetious. We already have laws against it, but the illegals steal people's identites, and SS#'s to get benefits. Guess what? If they have kids, they get more $$$!

Change the amendment to anyone born in the US has to have at least one parent a US citizen to be recognized as a US citizen.

That would get rid of loads of the illegals sucking off our welfare system. Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and they would get nothing.

no----because it is inhumane

Inhumane my ass.

People like you should open up your homes and take responsibility, total responsibility, for any illegal who wants to come to America.

You whip out YOUR wallet, YOUR debit card and YOUR checkbook and pay for their medical, food and housing.

These people aren't the responsibility of the taxpayers of America. Their own country should be paying for them.

Catch a clue you moron.
This is a serious question. Are we the only suckers?
We hear Lefties complain nonstop about how folks don’t get enough free shit here...Are they happy with how we ‘take care’ of the worlds poor?
$20 trillion in we keep saving the world?
Is it time to strongly consider a constitutional amendment?
Melania did OK
This is a serious question. Are we the only suckers?
We hear Lefties complain nonstop about how folks don’t get enough free shit here...Are they happy with how we ‘take care’ of the worlds poor?
$20 trillion in we keep saving the world?
Is it time to strongly consider a constitutional amendment?
Melania did OK

Folks whom aren’t from the disgusting brown south usually do...weird huh?
It’s almost as if those silver tooth thirdworlders are inherently challenged...huh?

Who da _____ said Americans had to pay child support to everyone on Earth who couldn't control themselves?

Bear in mind....@irosie91 is a taker herself. Should we really expect a different opinion from her?

you are projecting,

You’re a dead giveaway....NOBODY truly productive and contributing positively speaks like you do....NOBODY.
You need to work on masking your personal situation a little better...maybe then you’ll gain some credibility. Good luck.
Why doesn’t congress pass laws so only citizens can collect?

I'm not sure if you are serious, or not but guessing you are being facetious. We already have laws against it, but the illegals steal people's identites, and SS#'s to get benefits. Guess what? If they have kids, they get more $$$!

Change the amendment to anyone born in the US has to have at least one parent a US citizen to be recognized as a US citizen.

That would get rid of loads of the illegals sucking off our welfare system. Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and they would get nothing.

no----because it is inhumane

Inhumane my ass.

People like you should open up your homes and take responsibility, total responsibility, for any illegal who wants to come to America.

You whip out YOUR wallet, YOUR debit card and YOUR checkbook and pay for their medical, food and housing.

These people aren't the responsibility of the taxpayers of America. Their own country should be paying for them.

Catch a clue you moron.

Oh no...there you go...using simple logic and all.
LefTards hate logic, reason, economics...all that real world stuff.
They want to disregard all that ‘nonsense’ and be noble as all hell when armed with your checkbook.

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