How many countries can we migrate to and get paid to have babies?

Liberals love to force other people to pay for things and decry them as racist if they are unwilling

Nailed it!
“You listen here you greedy bastard, you’re gonna let 15-40 million illegal wetbacks invade your country illegally and drop their kids in your lap, you’ll let ShaQuita have six children with four baby daddy’’ll allow all of them access to your checking account and if you say one fucking thing about’re a racist fucking bastard!”

Do YOU, of all people, deny being a racist fucking bastard? You try hard to present yourself as one.

I speak nothing but the truth...exposing filth along the way. Ignorant, nutless little bitches like you can’t stand the truth as it relates to ethnicity. You like to oppress the truth by intimidating people with the threat of crying “racist”....that shit doesn’t work with me, I push my balls around in a wheelbarrow...haha

The fact that you can’t communicate like an adult exposes your underlying insecurity about the topic. You haven’t even convinced yourself.

I choose to speak like a big boy...

When? So far you have only mouthed off like some dimwitted 13 year-old trying to hide his insecurities behind juvenile slurs. Gonna grow up any time soon? If you really have something to say, just get to it without all the nonsense. Afraid your ideas can’t stand without the infantile emoting to hide behind?
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the issue comes down to .......<are you ready? > CHILDREN ---or, even just
SICK people. We of the USA are a moral people------we do not withhold food or
medical care from the hungry and the sick

Government taking the property of peaceful people by force and "redistributing" is "moral" ? Does theft magically become moral when government does it ?

If "We of the USA" were a moral people then we'd hold government to the same moral standards that individuals are held to but we don't, because we're not a "moral people" , we're a bunch of sheep gorging ourselves on propaganda and cognitive dissonance.

is moral and constitutional ------as a kid you should have learned the preamble
to the Constitution------"by heart"

That's what the Native American Indians said, but yet the white devils came.

That’s what the cavemen said, but yet the “Native American Indians came”.

How far back should we go?

Till God and Satan fought over the oasis in Heaven.
Why doesn’t congress pass laws so only citizens can collect?

I'm not sure if you are serious, or not but guessing you are being facetious. We already have laws against it, but the illegals steal people's identites, and SS#'s to get benefits. Guess what? If they have kids, they get more $$$!

Change the amendment to anyone born in the US has to have at least one parent a US citizen to be recognized as a US citizen.

That would get rid of loads of the illegals sucking off our welfare system. Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and they would get nothing.

no----because it is inhumane

Inhumane my ass.

People like you should open up your homes and take responsibility, total responsibility, for any illegal who wants to come to America.

You whip out YOUR wallet, YOUR debit card and YOUR checkbook and pay for their medical, food and housing.

These people aren't the responsibility of the taxpayers of America. Their own country should be paying for them.

Catch a clue you moron.
Liberals love to force other people to pay for things and decry them as racist if they are unwilling
unlike the right wing with their, "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron, for the poor; and corporate means tested welfare that even lets you keep your multimillion dollar bonus, for the rich.
I'm not sure if you are serious, or not but guessing you are being facetious. We already have laws against it, but the illegals steal people's identites, and SS#'s to get benefits. Guess what? If they have kids, they get more $$$!

Change the amendment to anyone born in the US has to have at least one parent a US citizen to be recognized as a US citizen.

That would get rid of loads of the illegals sucking off our welfare system. Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and they would get nothing.

no----because it is inhumane

Inhumane my ass.

People like you should open up your homes and take responsibility, total responsibility, for any illegal who wants to come to America.

You whip out YOUR wallet, YOUR debit card and YOUR checkbook and pay for their medical, food and housing.

These people aren't the responsibility of the taxpayers of America. Their own country should be paying for them.

Catch a clue you moron.
Liberals love to force other people to pay for things and decry them as racist if they are unwilling
unlike the right wing with their, "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron, for the poor; and corporate means tested welfare that even lets you keep your multimillion dollar bonus, for the rich.

The left are constantly frustrated that their constant attempts at instigating class warfare constantly fail. Americans are proud, hard-working people regardless of what the far-flaccid left wants. The lefties need to take their failed philosophy of fey fecklessness to Europe where it belongs.
This is a serious question. Are we the only suckers?
We hear Lefties complain nonstop about how folks don’t get enough free shit here...Are they happy with how we ‘take care’ of the worlds poor?
$20 trillion in we keep saving the world?
Is it time to strongly consider a constitutional amendment?
The righties support it also or there would be no funding from the rightist when in power, like now...
They'd rather waste even more money on a wall.
Change the amendment to anyone born in the US has to have at least one parent a US citizen to be recognized as a US citizen.

That would get rid of loads of the illegals sucking off our welfare system. Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and they would get nothing.

no----because it is inhumane

Inhumane my ass.

People like you should open up your homes and take responsibility, total responsibility, for any illegal who wants to come to America.

You whip out YOUR wallet, YOUR debit card and YOUR checkbook and pay for their medical, food and housing.

These people aren't the responsibility of the taxpayers of America. Their own country should be paying for them.

Catch a clue you moron.
Liberals love to force other people to pay for things and decry them as racist if they are unwilling
unlike the right wing with their, "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron, for the poor; and corporate means tested welfare that even lets you keep your multimillion dollar bonus, for the rich.

The left are constantly frustrated that their constant attempts at instigating class warfare constantly fail. Americans are proud, hard-working people regardless of what the far-flaccid left wants. The lefties need to take their failed philosophy of fey fecklessness to Europe where it belongs.
only Capitalists prefer to eschew social morals for free, for capital morals for the lowest market friendly price.
We are pretty much the only developed nation that until recently welcomed ILLEGAL aliens, and gave them incentives to bring kids, have kids, and stay.

No you didn’t and no you haven’t. The reason why you have a high abortion rate among poor people is that you provide no health or come supports for poor people unless the are citizens.

Even poor US citizens have no job protections, maternity leave or job security. We joke in Canada that you can’t fire a pregnant woman. But you can’t - unless she goes postal and harms a coworker and even then, it’s iffy. The standard mantra is once someone is pregnant, you’re stuck with them.

That doesn’t happen in the US. And in the US, when you lose your job, you lose your health coverage, and you have a pre-existing condition. You’re pregnant.

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