How Many Friends do You Have That Are Not Your Own Race?

What is you socially designated race and what you think your race is?

  • I think of myself as black

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone says I am Hispanic racially, even though it is not a race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone says I am Asian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone says I am Polynesian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think of myself as Polynesian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone knows I am of a mixed race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I know I am of mixed race

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Obama and the Dummycraps want a more diverse demographic.
They think it is problematic that any race is in the majority.
So they want to kill off as many whites as they can....and bring here as many brown, yellow, and black folks as is humanly possible.
Then we will live in a wonderful Utopia where everyone is equally miserable.
While I agree with your observation, I am not really tallking about politics here, but only how one identifies themselves racially and how many friends they have of another race.

How many nonwhite friends do you have (assuming that you are white, which is a poor assumption).

In RL do people think of you as a particular race?

I dont want you to say anything that makes you uncomfortable, so no problemo if you dont want to answer the question.
I hate to break it to you, but how many you have shouldn't matter.
I think it is a ridiculous question.
Anyone who tries to answer it is just virtue-signalling.

No offense.
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I think making a list of your black friends is racist.
I don't need counseling for that.
Is that all you read? Blacks? Are they the only non-whites? Really?
You're projecting into the question, try again.
I don't have friends--I'm not appetizing to look at
I am hard on the eyes, a face made for radio as it were, but I still have friends.

To blame your lack of friends on your appearance might be a psychological crutch and you are just an ass hole.

lol, just kidding, mostly
Interesting topic....

But dollar to a thousand stale doughnuts none of the people aghast with Trumps Muslim ban have ever been out to dinner with a Muslim!!:113::113:

Pretty hysterical when you think about it!

Trump doesn't have a Muslim ban.
This one woman told me that her black American status was central to who she was and the idea of colorblindness threatened her sense of self, which I took to heart and was very grateful to have received her feedback. .

A person should be far more than merely their racial category. That your friend makes her race central to who she is I think is unhealthy and likely inhibits her from fullfilling her full potential as a human being, a child of God.

Of course she is more than her race. She was just trying to help me understand why, to some POC, colorblindness hinders more than helps relationships between the races. Being not just black, but a black American means something to her so who am I to take that away from her? Really it’s a matter of how any one person wishes to be perceived and to know that colorblindness doesn’t work for everyone was valuable information to me. Acknowledging someone’s race isn’t the same as discriminating and that was something I didn’t understand before conversing with her.
Of course she is more than her race. She was just trying to help me understand why, to some POC, colorblindness hinders more than helps relationships between the races. Being not just black, but a black American means something to her so who am I to take that away from her? Really it’s a matter of how any one person wishes to be perceived and to know that colorblindness doesn’t work for everyone was valuable information to me. Acknowledging someone’s race isn’t the same as discriminating and that was something I didn’t understand before conversing with her.

I dont think it is really possible to impel someone to change their view of themselves,

But at the same time we can encourage our friends to think more of themselves by simply sharing our views.
This old US News article is interesting. It says that 40% of white Americans, 25% of blacks and 10% of Hispanics (yes, Hispanics are not a race, but it is in the freaking report) do not have friends of a different race.

This led to a discussion with the wife and she pointed out that many people are more restrictive by what they mean when they say friend, so perhaps a better question would be how many people do you like to interact with socially who are of a different race? I asked her if Face Book friends count, and she said if you spend a lot of time interacting with them or not.

Then we realized how many people we interact with in games and discussion groups that are racially unknown. When she plays LOTRO she has no idea what the persons race is and racial disagreements never come out. (Hmm, wonder if there is something to that?)

Then I thought what about here? How many people do I like talking to here on USMB are not white?

So I decided to do a poll, and ask people what race they SELF IDENTIFY as. Sure you can lie if you want, but I am trying to make this as generic and multiple faceted as possible.

The choices start with what most people think you are racially and what you think you really are to be more precise.

Of course if you dont want to answer, dont it is no big deal, but I am wondering how much easier it is to get along with people when I dont know their race vrs when I do, but then again, I have never asked people what their races are until now.
Every single friend I have are of a different race than me.

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I hate to break it to you, but how many you have shouldn't matter.
I think it is a ridiculous question.
Anyone who tries to answer it is just virtue-signalling.
No offense.
I know it shouldnt matter, but I am curious. I have never asked before, but I wounder if online I am in that 40%.

I have no intention of virtue signalling as I obviously have no virtues.
You'd get a better response if you asked blacks about that......because most of them think about racial issues daily.
And with some, it's all they think of.
Obama and the Dummycraps want a more diverse demographic.
They think it is problematic that any race is in the majority.
So they want to kill off as many whites as they can....and bring here as many brown, yellow, and black folks as is humanly possible.
Then we will live in a wonderful Utopia where everyone is equally miserable.
While I agree with your observation, I am not really tallking about politics here, but only how one identifies themselves racially and how many friends they have of another race.

How many nonwhite friends do you have (assuming that you are white, which is a poor assumption).

In RL do people think of you as a particular race?

I dont want you to say anything that makes you uncomfortable, so no problemo if you dont want to answer the question.
I hate to break it to you, but how many you have shouldn't matter.
I think it is a ridiculous question.
Anyone who tries to answer it is just virtue-signalling.

No offense.
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I think making a list of your black friends is racist.
I don't need counseling for that.
Is that all you read? Blacks? Are they the only non-whites? Really?
You're projecting into the question, try again. I posted earlier....I was thinking about all races.....but I don't like repeating myself, and I also believe in brevity....
Besides.....*black friends* is code for virtue-signalling.
This one woman told me that her black American status was central to who she was and the idea of colorblindness threatened her sense of self, which I took to heart and was very grateful to have received her feedback. .

A person should be far more than merely their racial category. That your friend makes her race central to who she is I think is unhealthy and likely inhibits her from fullfilling her full potential as a human being, a child of God.

Of course she is more than her race. She was just trying to help me understand why, to some POC, colorblindness hinders more than helps relationships between the races. Being not just black, but a black American means something to her so who am I to take that away from her? Really it’s a matter of how any one person wishes to be perceived and to know that colorblindness doesn’t work for everyone was valuable information to me. Acknowledging someone’s race isn’t the same as discriminating and that was something I didn’t understand before conversing with her.
Colorblindness is figurative. Of course we can see what color/race people are. Being colorblind to how we treat people means we don't factor color/race into how we treat people. That does not mean to totally disregard a person's culture which may be linked to race. It means that if I'm renting out an apartment, I don't tell the "people of color" it's already rented.
I have friends and relatives who are hard core right wingers.

I suppose they qualify as a different race.

Or species.
I don't have any friends...
That's why we're all here at USMB. :lmao:

People would say I'm white. But I'm part Sioux as well. One of my best school friends growing up was/is black. Friends with Korean, several Native Americans, HIspanics galore (despite what people say, the mainstay of this demographic are moral, and hardworking, friendly).
I can't answer this line of questioning. Today I feel one way and tomorrow I know I'm going to feel that I'm Asian or maybe Black. Hmmmm, Polynesian, hey......
Glad we didn't get into the gender aspect, I'm all screwed up with that.

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