How Many Have Died from the ChiCom Flu Vaccine?

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
You can’t find the data. Which says a lot about its safety. Especially combined with the fact the government won’t let you sue for injury or death caused by the vaccine.

Best I can find is Newsweek says 970 died after taking one of two of the vaccines they reviewed. And that was only thru February.

Why are they hiding the data?

You can’t find the data. Which says a lot about its safety. Especially combined with the fact the government won’t let you sue for injury or death caused by the vaccine.

Best I can find is Newsweek says 970 died after taking one of two of the vaccines they reviewed. And that was only thru February.

Why are they hiding the data?

Could be thousands. If you're talking worldwide could be millions. At present, however, making such claims will get you cancelled even by one's closest friends and family members. Give it a year and we'll see how many of the vaccinated are still laughing at us.
Could be thousands. If you're talking worldwide could be millions. At present, however, making such claims will get you cancelled even by one's closest friends and family members.
There are consequences for making things up without evidence. Read what you wrote. "Could be".........
Then tell us how many have been killed or injured by the vaccines, Mr I Know It All.
I dont have the answer to that question. Then on the other hand, I also dont make wild claims either. Like you claiming Newsweek is claiming 970 people died from taking the vaccine, which is false. If you read the story, it is the far right wing rag Epoch Times that is making that claim.

Furthermore, as Newsweek says, the VAERS database that reports deaths does not necessarily mean these people died from the vaccination. The VAERS database reports deaths NO MATTER THE CAUSE. In other words, you could get the vaccine today and get run over by a truck tomorrow and if you were vaccinated, you will count as a death. I cant believe people like me still have to explain this to people like you. But here we are.
This article is from March, so it is not a current event. There have been dozens of threads on this. The article also did not say people died from the vaccine, but died (for any reason) after receiving a vaccine dose and that has also been debated vigorously. Find something more current.
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