How many lives did Fauci cost by lying?

Scumbag admits he lied.

We will never know how many lives he cost.

Maybe Fauci is lying now, and was telling the truth before?

We won’t know. Will we?

Government lies. Fauci admitted it.

How fucked up is that?
I will try to get over Fauci lying when I get over Trump lying..
Scumbag admits he lied.

We will never know how many lives he cost.

Maybe Fauci is lying now, and was telling the truth before?

We won’t know. Will we?

Government lies. Fauci admitted it.

How fucked up is that?
I will try to get over Fauci lying when I get over Trump lying..

So you are ok with Fauci lying because you don’t like Trump?

Wow. You are ideologically fucked. Please feel free to ignore my posts.
odd how you ignore the trump will go away this summer...we have done an excellent job....115 k dead....economy is in shambles...etc and so forth and the debt

how much stimulus was mailed to dead people? and now paying interest on the delayed tax refunds...i am still dealing with probate and my mother's estate is owed a large refund and now a shitload of interest?

he seems to hire the best people and fire the worst and they are the same person? hillary should go to jail but not ivanka for the same damn thing?
hillary should go to jail but not ivanka for the same damn thing?
The partisan part of your brain is infecting the rational portion.
There is no proof that Ivanka Trump remotely abused like government email Ma Clinton did when she was running ruining the State Department's security set up.
it was a few months of various nations running tests to determine how well a surgical mask, prevented spread.

We also thought only those with symptoms could pass the virus, much like an influenza virus, but then discovered this new corona virus was contagious before symptoms and with people who do not show any sickness at all, when infected.... when asymptomatic spread was identified is when they determined, masks in the public were necessary....

and, we had a shortage of masks for doctors and nurses which complicated they were made in china....another complication that had to be overcome....
plus the fed were confiscating masks as fast as they could....trump and his pals all are tested daily...if the virus is a hoax why are they testing themselves and their loved ones while letting the majority of americans cant get tested
Scumbag admits he lied.

We will never know how many lives he cost.

And the same can be said of Donald Trump. He opposed the CDC recommendation in late March that the public wear cloth masks, mocked those that did, and refused to wear one himself and still does.

Fauci did not encourage the public to wear masks in early March because the CDC specifically requested that the public not buy masks because of shortages due to public buying up masks and the Trump administrations failure to maintain emergency supplies. What Fauci did was to help reserve supplies of masks for first responders which saved lives.

What Trump has done encouraging his followers not to wear masks and mocking those that do is inexcusable and cost lives for no reason other than his own arrogance and stubbornness. Trump's response to the virus has been so inept and counterproductive that the country would have been far better off if he had taken a leave of absence to concentrate on his rallies and campaigning which is the only real interest he has in the presidency.
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Scumbag admits he lied.

We will never know how many lives he cost.

And the same can be said of Donald Trump. He opposed the CDC recommendation in late March that the public wear cloth masks, mocked those that did, and refused to wear one himself and still does.

Fauci did not encourage the public to wear masks in early March because the CDC specifically requested that the public not buy masks because of shortages due to public buying up masks and the Trump administrations failure to maintain emergency supplies. What Fauci did was to help reserve supplies of masks for first responders which saved lives.

What Trump has done encouraging his followers not to wear masks and mocking those that do is inexcusable and cost lives for no reason other than his own arrogance and stubbornness. Trump's response to the virus has been so inept and counterproductive that the country would have been far better off if he had taken a leave of absence to concentrate on his rallies and campaigning which is the only real interest he has in the presidency.

President Trump doesn't mock anyone for their decision to wear a mask or not.

He doesn't do it himself, but he's just exercising his Freedom of Choice that liberals used to think was so sacred.
Scumbag admits he lied.

We will never know how many lives he cost.

Because Americans couldn’t be trusted to know the difference between a face covering and an n95. N95’s were needed on the front line but everyone wanted one even though they lacked the personnel and other equipment to actually make them effective.
Scumbag admits he lied.

We will never know how many lives he cost.

And the same can be said of Donald Trump. He opposed the CDC recommendation in late March that the public wear cloth masks, mocked those that did, and refused to wear one himself and still does.

Fauci did not encourage the public to wear masks in early March because the CDC specifically requested that the public not buy masks because of shortages due to public buying up masks and the Trump administrations failure to maintain emergency supplies. What Fauci did was to help reserve supplies of masks for first responders which saved lives.

What Trump has done encouraging his followers not to wear masks and mocking those that do is inexcusable and cost lives for no reason other than his own arrogance and stubbornness. Trump's response to the virus has been so inept and counterproductive that the country would have been far better off if he had taken a leave of absence to concentrate on his rallies and campaigning which is the only real interest he has in the presidency.

President Trump doesn't mock anyone for their decision to wear a mask or not.

He doesn't do it himself, but he's just exercising his Freedom of Choice that liberals used to think was so sacred.
A president's freedom of choice and freedom of speech are certainly guaranteed by the constitution. However, exercise of those rights by a president are often not in the the best interest of the nation. The president is a role model so when the president refuses to wear a mask and mocks other for doing so in an epidermic he is setting an example for others to follow. What Donald Trump does not understand is that his words and actions can have serious and often unintended consequences. People ingested disinfectants after Trump uses his freedom of speech to suggest disinfectants in the body as a means of killing the virus. Before a Trump rally, supporters have burn masks. Word have power, particularly when those words come from a national leader.

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