How many lives did Fauci cost by lying?

Libs accept Fauci lies.

So weird.

Of course I accept Trump lies because I am deplorable. Liberals are morally superior to my racist butt.

Isn’t that what HIllary told us?
This thread is typical Trumpist schizophrenia. One the one hand we have a Trumper arguing face masks should have been mandated sooner; on the other hand, as evident by many Trumpist threads, face masks are a farce because Covid is a joke.

Get your story straight.

Fauci has been consistent throughout the pandemic given what we knew and didn’t know.

I find it so laughable that Trumpers who have called Covid nothing but the flu are accusing Fauci of underplaying the virus.

I could care less what the hell Trumpers say about Fauci. They have no credibility.
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Libs accept Fauci lies.

So weird.

Of course I accept Trump lies because I am deplorable. Liberals are morally superior to my racist butt.

Isn’t that what HIllary told us?

i would say you are a racist who has gotten over a half black man being in charge..but what really burns your ass is your great white hope is a total loser
Scumbag admits he lied.

We will never know how many lives he cost.

And the same can be said of Donald Trump. He opposed the CDC recommendation in late March that the public wear cloth masks, mocked those that did, and refused to wear one himself and still does.

Fauci did not encourage the public to wear masks in early March because the CDC specifically requested that the public not buy masks because of shortages due to public buying up masks and the Trump administrations failure to maintain emergency supplies. What Fauci did was to help reserve supplies of masks for first responders which saved lives.

What Trump has done encouraging his followers not to wear masks and mocking those that do is inexcusable and cost lives for no reason other than his own arrogance and stubbornness. Trump's response to the virus has been so inept and counterproductive that the country would have been far better off if he had taken a leave of absence to concentrate on his rallies and campaigning which is the only real interest he has in the presidency.

President Trump doesn't mock anyone for their decision to wear a mask or not.

He doesn't do it himself, but he's just exercising his Freedom of Choice that liberals used to think was so sacred.

Trump certainly has the freedom of choice when it comes to wearing a mask even thou it's recommended in his own guidelines for the country. However with Choice comes responsibility for that choice and his decision not to wear a mask is encouraging others throughout the country to follow his example. In Yakima County Washington, where 488 new cases and 4 new deaths were reported yesterday, a local administration says enforcing an order to wear masks will not be a priority citing the president freedom not to wear masks. The local hospital occupancy is now 100% and covid patients are being transferred to Seattle. In Lewis County, the Sheriff refuses to enforce an order to wear masks citing the peoples freedom of choice.

The purpose of wearing a mask is not to protect the wearer but others so I guess it's not surprising that Trump would do this because he has never had any interest in protecting anyone except himself. Voters will hold him responsible for his choices.
Based on the article and recalling the situation at the time the answer to the question is zero. There were not enough masks to go around, first responders complained of the shortage. It sounds as if you suspect Fauci had ability to pull them from out of his ass.
Based on the article and recalling the situation at the time the answer to the question is zero. There were not enough masks to go around, first responders complained of the shortage. It sounds as if you suspect Fauci had ability to pull them from out of his ass.
The major problem at the time was the lack of masks for first responders and healthcare people because the federal stockpile had been depleted years ago and it was never replenished by Obama nor Trump. In January and February masks, reagents for processing tests, swabs, and protective gear was disappearing from producers due to world wide demand. In the US, the policy was as stated by the president, just the common flu so nothing was ordered in preparation for the pandemic that was moving across the globe. We did not start replenishing the federal stockpile of masks and protective gear until April. The Trump administration told states and local hospitals they are responsible for buy supplies and they should do so. Of course by then. little was available and hospitals paid outrageous prices and received only a fraction of what they needed. Our first responders sicken and died and the responsibility lies with the president who declared the virus was just the common flu, a democrat hoax. For nearly a month that became the Trump administration policy, just the flu.
Satan, ie Donald J. Trump, has a financial grip on everything he touches and why God why these sorry mf's on tax payer dimes, bow to the bitch, only God knows. You would think working for the feds is the most lucrious job in the country and finding work elsewhere is just out of the picture.
Libs accept Fauci lies.

So weird.

Of course I accept Trump lies because I am deplorable. Liberals are morally superior to my racist butt.

Isn’t that what HIllary told us?
Are we now blaming Fauci for Trumps lies?

FFS Coyote

Blame Fauci for Fauci lies.

Your hate for Trump is shown in your abundant and 'intelligent' comments....'hate orange man'.

you need to calm down
He also acknowledged that masks were initially not recommended to the general public so that first responders wouldn’t feel the strain of a shortage of PPE.

I said this was why a very long time ago on these boards. They didn't want to compete for PPE because the Medical people needed it first............To try and stop PANIC BUYING....that didn't work anyways.............Executive orders FROZE supplies of PPE..........eventually they priority would go to the right places.

I don't like this guy..........his predictions along with the CDC and the WHO were WAY THE HELL OFF........and our economy is destroyed from it........but I understand why they did this Narrative.........I said this from the beginning.
This thread is typical Trumpist schizophrenia. One the one hand we have a Trumper arguing face masks should have been mandated sooner; on the other hand, as evident by many Trumpist threads, face masks are a farce because Covid is a joke.

Get your story straight.

Fauci has been consistent throughout the pandemic given what we knew and didn’t know.

I find it so laughable that Trumpers who have called Covid nothing but the flu are accusing Fauci of underplaying the virus.

I could care less what the hell Trumpers say about Fauci. They have no credibility.
Master of CHAOS POST............Feed the CHAOS..............Feed the FEAR.........Feed the TDS...........

and nothing more.
It doesn't matter what he's said in the past, the chance of you getting with a mask is much less.
He also acknowledged that masks were initially not recommended to the general public so that first responders wouldn’t feel the strain of a shortage of PPE.

I said this was why a very long time ago on these boards. They didn't want to compete for PPE because the Medical people needed it first............To try and stop PANIC BUYING....that didn't work anyways.............Executive orders FROZE supplies of PPE..........eventually they priority would go to the right places.

I don't like this guy..........his predictions along with the CDC and the WHO were WAY THE HELL OFF........and our economy is destroyed from it........but I understand why they did this Narrative.........I said this from the beginning.
If the assumptions on which predictions are made do not hold, the prediction can not be considered to be false. As Fauci has said many times predictions are always subject to change with changes in the data.
He also acknowledged that masks were initially not recommended to the general public so that first responders wouldn’t feel the strain of a shortage of PPE.

I said this was why a very long time ago on these boards. They didn't want to compete for PPE because the Medical people needed it first............To try and stop PANIC BUYING....that didn't work anyways.............Executive orders FROZE supplies of PPE..........eventually they priority would go to the right places.

I don't like this guy..........his predictions along with the CDC and the WHO were WAY THE HELL OFF........and our economy is destroyed from it........but I understand why they did this Narrative.........I said this from the beginning.
If the assumptions on which predictions are made do not hold, the prediction can not be considered to be false. As Fauci has said many times predictions are always subject to change with changes in the data.
Anyone with half a brain cell they said you don't need the masks because they wanted to buy all they could for the Medical Community............

They knew that and didn't want panic buying...........til PPE got better............and nothing else....

In their predictions.........they do this job for their whole life........and the weren't even close on the death rate.................they need to clean Port o lets after failing that badly...............40 million lost their jobs.......from their predictions........

They need to join the unemployment line.

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