How many members would like to join in a We Are Charlie Hebdo Event @ USMB?

Awesome, konradv !

Mine is already up!

I just put mine on, but the avie is too big. I have to go back and see if I can fix it.
I had the same trouble. Save the image. Open it in Paint. Resize and crop to whatever will fit.

Kill :Boom2: ALL Radical Muslims...and their children!

I do not know how to recrop and resize an avie. I just went to the google search and found another one, Asaratis. But I have to hand it to Dante'. He has shown an avante garde spirit which I admire. He really surprised me. I had Dante' wrong. He is quite courageous and I like what he did with this thread. Bravo to Dante'. I like what he did. God bless Dante'.
Try this one. It fits better than what you have now.


Tres bien. Merci.
I'm not Charlie. I know better than to tempt fate making fun of people prone to coming after you instead of just making empty threats.

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