How many members would like to join in a We Are Charlie Hebdo Event @ USMB?

What is the right thing to do? Here is the right thing to do:
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.

That's the right thing to do. Always.

Way to go, Dante'!

Dante is a great social justice advocate.
Day 11

Hip, hip, hooray!

We're still free of fear and celebrating the lives of satirists who dare mock false idols and prophets

While there is a new report that ISIL is organizing fighters in Afghanistan. You are clearly winning the war with radical islam by changing your avatar.

I believe you have seriously missed the point here! I applaud Dante' for standing up boldly for freedom of speech and those who lost their lives to defend the right. You should too!

No you have missed the point as has Dante. You are not "standing up" for anything. You are doing exactly what the terrorists want you to do--react in such a way that you are sending a Muslims Not Welcome message to Muslims in Europe so that they go back home and either be killed as infidels or join the ranks of ISIL or AQ. "Je Suis Charlie" might as well be the terrorist version of a recruiting poster.
Day 11

Hip, hip, hooray!

We're still free of fear and celebrating the lives of satirists who dare mock false idols and prophets

While there is a new report that ISIL is organizing fighters in Afghanistan. You are clearly winning the war with radical islam by changing your avatar.

I believe you have seriously missed the point here! I applaud Dante' for standing up boldly for freedom of speech and those who lost their lives to defend the right. You should too!

No you have missed the point as has Dante. You are not "standing up" for anything. You are doing exactly what the terrorists want you to do--react in such a way that you are sending a Muslims Not Welcome message to Muslims in Europe so that they go back home and either be killed as infidels or join the ranks of ISIL or AQ. "Je Suis Charlie" might as well be the terrorist version of a recruiting poster.

That doesn't make any sense Dekster. Not all muslims are anti-free speech.
Day 11

Hip, hip, hooray!

We're still free of fear and celebrating the lives of satirists who dare mock false idols and prophets

While there is a new report that ISIL is organizing fighters in Afghanistan. You are clearly winning the war with radical islam by changing your avatar.

I believe you have seriously missed the point here! I applaud Dante' for standing up boldly for freedom of speech and those who lost their lives to defend the right. You should too!

No you have missed the point as has Dante. You are not "standing up" for anything. You are doing exactly what the terrorists want you to do--react in such a way that you are sending a Muslims Not Welcome message to Muslims in Europe so that they go back home and either be killed as infidels or join the ranks of ISIL or AQ. "Je Suis Charlie" might as well be the terrorist version of a recruiting poster.

Really? How is that? I'm standing with people who refuse to lay down for intimidation no matter where it comes from. I support any Muslim who desires to speak out against terrorism and violence. I support any Muslim speaking up for Israel and telling the world the Israelis are wonderful people that have been slandered through Islamic propaganda for far too long. There are Muslims out there who have told how Israeli doctors saved their child, gave them medical help or some other sort of assistance. I commend them for doing so. Je Suis Charlie is solidarity with people who believe in free speech. Which obviously does not include you, Dekster. Too bad. You're missing the boat here.
"For the first time in my adult life, I am proud to have known Dante!"--Michelle Obama
Or you could call your Congressmen and Reps. and ask why we are the only ones in the world that aren't going after the sleeper cells in this country. Why not put your energy into something that is actually worth while? A show of solidarity is fine, but demanding action against terror here, would make Charlie happier.....
Or you could call your Congressmen and Reps. and ask why we are the only ones in the world that aren't going after the sleeper cells in this country. Why not put your energy into something that is actually worth while? A show of solidarity is fine, but demanding action against terror here, would make Charlie happier.....

We already know the answer to that one, Irish Ram. They laid down when Eric Holder refused to move forward with the list of un-indicted co - conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Trial - starting with CAIR which is on that list. Been waiting since 2009 and nothing yet. When Holder's replacement is finally permitted to take his seat - perhaps she will pick it back up. Time will tell. In the meantime......when will Eric Holder finally step down and leave? It's been almost 5 months now! The longest non-resignation in history most likely! Time for Holder to go!
We need to be asking:

What's the holdup? No pun intended.
Yep. Time for Holder to go.
Incredibly, we sent Kerry to France for a big hug, and we played a song on a guitar to make them feel better. We are morons.
This last election sent a message to Washington. Now it's time to let Congress know they work for us, not the pres.
Amazing how Netanyahu could make that march for the French Je Suis Charlie and our own President could not make it. Neither did Holder and he was in Paris, France at the time! What good is this man? He should have already packed his bags and left. Where is his replacement? They need to get a move on!
I wonder if France and the rest of us heard the clearly sent message our Muslim president has sent. France, no. Saudi Arabia, you bet. The only question is how much of our paychecks will Obama use to wipe their tears away.....

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