How Many Nothings Add Up To Something????


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
It should be true that one quirky situtation or action a candidate is seen as wanting in character.. we should be reasonable and forgiving.

That said Mitten has revealed about two a week for many months. Dozens in all.

OK ... cutting a fags hair in high itself a foolish bully action that we hope he grew out of...

Disguising himself as a Michigan State patrol officer.. a little if not vastly more troubling.. but if we remain calm and steady as observers one would hope that he did nothing illegal or Ted Bundyish in that ruse.

Tying his dog up on top of the roof of his car...Then going on vacation.. Really Mittens...REALLY???

I could go on and on.. Hiding fortunes in foreign banks to avoid financial disclosure and taxes.. Not very patriotic Willard...I must say...

Then there was Bain...Cripes!! that was and will be good for many "nothings"...all by itself..

Refusing to submit tax returns.. and defiant about it... Hey Mittens!!...check it out! Transparency and TRUST is a two way street! So BIG DEAL! you say...

All of these speciffic situations have been poo poo'ed and blown off by the supporters as meaning NOTHING!! individually that is...

Just the last couple of days Romney's gaffes have been at least comical low level international blunders.. and just as predictably his "bots" have turned a blind eye to his snobishness, insensitivity and ineptness in dealing with others.

So I ask.. How many of these "nothings" add up to something???
HomoHUGGY fails again.... Can't find a fauxtrage that America gives a fuck about...

Too fucking funny...:lmao:
I get a thrill up my leg each time he speaks.

And he is soooo handsome!
I just like him. He comes across to me as a caring man who loves his family and is a great businessman who plans profitable things for everyone.

I think he will be a fine president. :thup:

Ok, he looks ok. :)
theres a reason he was the very last choice in the Primaries. I don't know why that is because I don't know how conz think.
Cheer up, Huggy. Your stocks will go up with Romney in there. :) You can retire at the Villages and have fun for the duration. :)
theres a reason he was the very last choice in the Primaries. I don't know why that is because I don't know how conz think.
That may be, Dot Com, but sometimes the unlikeliest horse wins the race, don't you know? :D
You morons on both sides just look dumber and dumber everyday... Rah rah rah, hate hate hate.. If only you numbnuts didn't act like Bush-bots and held Obama accountable maybe people would give a fuck what you have to say about someone who ain't even President.
Besides, 'Dot Com' -

You morons on both sides just look dumber and dumber everyday... Rah rah rah, hate hate hate.. If only you numbnuts didn't act like Bush-bots and held Obama accountable maybe people would give a fuck what you have to say about someone who ain't even President.
Project much?
Cheer up, Huggy. Your stocks will go up with Romney in there. :) You can retire at the Villages and have fun for the duration. :)

Interesting you should bring that up. The DOW has more than doubled in the last three years. The fastest rise in history.

Guess you were not paying attention..

It should be true that one quirky situtation or action a candidate is seen as wanting in character.. we should be reasonable and forgiving.

That said Mitten has revealed about two a week for many months. Dozens in all.

OK ... cutting a fags hair in high itself a foolish bully action that we hope he grew out of...

Disguising himself as a Michigan State patrol officer.. a little if not vastly more troubling.. but if we remain calm and steady as observers one would hope that he did nothing illegal or Ted Bundyish in that ruse.

Tying his dog up on top of the roof of his car...Then going on vacation.. Really Mittens...REALLY???

I could go on and on.. Hiding fortunes in foreign banks to avoid financial disclosure and taxes.. Not very patriotic Willard...I must say...

Then there was Bain...Cripes!! that was and will be good for many "nothings"...all by itself..

Refusing to submit tax returns.. and defiant about it... Hey Mittens!!...check it out! Transparency and TRUST is a two way street! So BIG DEAL! you say...

All of these speciffic situations have been poo poo'ed and blown off by the supporters as meaning NOTHING!! individually that is...

Just the last couple of days Romney's gaffes have been at least comical low level international blunders.. and just as predictably his "bots" have turned a blind eye to his snobishness, insensitivity and ineptness in dealing with others.

So I ask.. How many of these "nothings" add up to something???

It should be true that one quirky situtation or action a candidate is seen as wanting in character.. we should be reasonable and forgiving.

That said Mitten has revealed about two a week for many months. Dozens in all.

OK ... cutting a fags hair in high itself a foolish bully action that we hope he grew out of...

Disguising himself as a Michigan State patrol officer.. a little if not vastly more troubling.. but if we remain calm and steady as observers one would hope that he did nothing illegal or Ted Bundyish in that ruse.

Tying his dog up on top of the roof of his car...Then going on vacation.. Really Mittens...REALLY???

I could go on and on.. Hiding fortunes in foreign banks to avoid financial disclosure and taxes.. Not very patriotic Willard...I must say...

Then there was Bain...Cripes!! that was and will be good for many "nothings"...all by itself..

Refusing to submit tax returns.. and defiant about it... Hey Mittens!!...check it out! Transparency and TRUST is a two way street! So BIG DEAL! you say...

All of these speciffic situations have been poo poo'ed and blown off by the supporters as meaning NOTHING!! individually that is...

Just the last couple of days Romney's gaffes have been at least comical low level international blunders.. and just as predictably his "bots" have turned a blind eye to his snobishness, insensitivity and ineptness in dealing with others.

So I ask.. How many of these "nothings" add up to something???

Rather than "attack dog" everything Romney says. or does.... How about you spend a fraction of that endeavor, and tell everybody what a glowing record Obama has, and why anyone should vote for him? Or are you too busy (like Obama) eating dogs?
I saw the title of this thread and thought it was about Obama. No school records, No voting record, No birth certificate, No real job, no well thought of colleagues or friends.... Wallah! .....President!
I have a simple question for the left why do you spend more time talking about things in Romney's past from 50 year's ago or his taxes than you do talking about Obama's great accomplishments as President?

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