How Many Of You Listen To Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show?

The only Radio guy I like to listen to is Michael Savage because I think he is a very interesting person. He is just as likely to talk politics as cooking recipes, plants, depression, dogs, you name it. His show went off locally so I haven't listened in awhile.
The only Radio guy I like to listen to is Michael Savage because I think he is a very interesting person. He is just as likely to talk politics as cooking recipes, plants, depression, dogs, you name it. His show went off locally so I haven't listened in awhile.
i do too, and like Trump he's never afraid to broach a subject, he gets all the taboo topics out there in the open air and sunshine..

the exact opposite of hillary who thinks she can be president without talking to the press.

which is fine with me.

we have our plain spoken leader now, he converses easily with any sized crowd, pretty amazing to watch.
I don't listen to his show, never have. Couldn't take more than a segment, 2 at most. I think he's the ultimate partisan hack. Well, Hannity's worse, but that's because he's a dumb hack...Rush isn't dumb, he's a straight up partisan hack.
In other words you don't know what you're talking about. Many like you are the most opinionated.
Speaking of Rush Limbaugh, how many USMBers actually listen to his show?

Why? Why not?

You mean the Rush show that the lefties here recently said was finished, on its way out?

Yes I listen. Why, because he's a fucking genius. I never listened to him until shortly after I joined this board. Anyone who pissed liberals off that much deserved a listen.

I start my morning with a local conservative host until Beck comes in at 9, then after Beck I listen to Rush, and then after that I listen to The Phillips Phile, a left leaning show. After a day of right wing talk, I catch the bull shit from the other side just for fun.
I've listened to Rush since the mid to late 80s. I first ran across him channel surfing the TV late at night. They had him on from 12-3 I think. I had never heard anyone say such things. This was shortly after the Fairness Doctrine was given the heave ho.

I agreed with much of it even though I didn't know I was a conservative at the time or what it meant or what liberalism was. I usually listened to the radio show during the work day at my shop. This is a very liberal area and sometimes one would come in and turn pale. I mostly served other businesses though so most people liked it.

I don't often have the chance these days but still listen in on occasion. There are way too many commercials and he can be very repetitive at times but otherwise he sees the impact of political events before many others.
Speaking of Rush Limbaugh, how many USMBers actually listen to his show?

Why? Why not?

I listen whenever I have a chance. He's the one voice that not only spells out what's going on but backs it up with FACTS. That exactly why the Left hates him.
I listened to Rush for a couple of months a little while after his show became popular nationally about 20-25 years ago I'd guess. I've nothing to say against him, after all it has been quite a while since I've listened, it is just like a lot of things - you try them and decide which to keep and which to toss.

I do miss Paul Harvey. Good day!
The only Radio guy I like to listen to is Michael Savage because I think he is a very interesting person. He is just as likely to talk politics as cooking recipes, plants, depression, dogs, you name it. His show went off locally so I haven't listened in awhile.

Hes' like the Soup Nazi of radio. I think he's a neurotic loon, but he's by far the most entertaining, so he's my second radio show, plus he comes on right after my main fave talk show host , Laura Ingram; I listen maybe 2-3 times a week, and rarely the entire shows, so I'm not familiar with any of the others; they all seem pretty much alike to me outside of the two I listen to. On weekends I listen to the Sat. morning NPR shows, Prairie Home Companion, Car Talk, a couple of game shows, then its music till Monday again.
I listened to Rush for a couple of months a little while after his show became popular nationally about 20-25 years ago I'd guess. I've nothing to say against him, after all it has been quite a while since I've listened, it is just like a lot of things - you try them and decide which to keep and which to toss.

I do miss Paul Harvey. Good day!

Paul Harvey had a great radio voice, one of the best.
I quit listening to Rush when he attacked a 12 year old girl for her 'looks', calling her ugly on a friggin national radio program. That sort of crap is beyond the pale for me, I don't care whose kid it is or what they have done since, and I have punched out assholes for less. Same applies to the creeps stalking the Bush girls around and the cracks about them by faux 'progressive' vermin. His character is total shit to me, so I haven't listened to the fat creep since he made those cracks, don't remember the year.
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I'm surprised Chelsea's daddy, Janet Reno, didn't slap Rush around for that.
I've listened to Rush since the mid to late 80s. I first ran across him channel surfing the TV late at night. They had him on from 12-3 I think.
Sure you did!
His TV show was in the early 1990s and it was an 1/2 hour.
I listened to Rush for a couple of months a little while after his show became popular nationally about 20-25 years ago I'd guess. I've nothing to say against him, after all it has been quite a while since I've listened, it is just like a lot of things - you try them and decide which to keep and which to toss.

I do miss Paul Harvey. Good day!

Paul Harvey had a great radio voice, one of the best.
Amen to that, a true pioneer.
You know what he is going to say before he says it so why bother?
i find just the opposite, rush has been and continues to usually be consistently days ahead of the mainstream media. same for savage.
That is what he tells his mindless skulls of mush, and they blindly swallow it, as your post shows.
seems a bit harsh, since my vote will go to elect the next president. hey remember morton downy ?

I quit listening to Rush when he attacked a 12 year old girl for her 'looks', calling her ugly on a friggin national radio program. That sort of crap is beyond the pale for me, I don't care whose kid it is or what they have done since, and I have punched out assholes for less. Same applies to the creeps stalking the Bush girls around and the cracks about them by faux 'progressive' vermin. His character is total shit to me, so I haven't listened to the fat creep since he made those cracks, don't remember the year.
people make mistakes.

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