How many of you republicans are rich?

How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

Is this a trick question?

It's definitely a baited OP.
I want a 1st and 2nd amendment rally in Boston this summer, I want shit in democrats yards, and piss in your plants and shoot rounds in air.. hehe YEEEEHAWWWWW

dammit Jitss617 !!

It's dumb@ss posts like this ....

yeah, I can tell you're just messing around with people , but many will take you at your 'word' (post)

Besides, Boston Pride overrides common man stupidity. ;)
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Here’s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Don’t be conned by Republicans. Don’t let them use you. Don’t be manipulated.
yeah, well, no.

Many kept asking the OP for it's definition of rich.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
define rich
I may NOT be rich, monetarily speaking, but I am VERY rich in mind and in spirit. I donate to a low-income housing office here in town QUITE often. The irony is that my sister and I would most likely qualify FOR the housing ourselves. We're both on a fixed income, but we live well within our means. And my sister donates to several charities. This kind of burst your bubble, didn't it, ya knucklehead.......

"My Sister and I LIVE together." says bluzman61.
Bless you special lil'man.
Does sis swallow his too?
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Here’s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Don’t be conned by Republicans. Don’t let them use you. Don’t be manipulated.
90% own nothing?

I doubt that.

People own cars, homes, various other things etc etc.

Wealth has nothing to do with what you own and everything to do with your net worth.

And anyone can increase their net worth.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

I own a house and two cars, with no mortgage or car payments, and have a nice, but imo, underfunded retirement fund, which I am focused on growing, fast.

I primarily want policies designed to grow JOBS and WAGES for the Little GUy. I do support a modest safety net, but I don't want it to be a hammock.
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Here’s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Don’t be conned by Republicans. Don’t let them use you. Don’t be manipulated.
90% own nothing?

I doubt that.

People own cars, homes, various other things etc etc.

Wealth has nothing to do with what you own and everything to do with your net worth.

And anyone can increase their net worth.
Then this should surprise you.
Oh hell!



Yes we are. I spend my days and nights counting all of my beautiful green hundred dollar bills. Sometimes I even fill my bath tub full of them and wallow in them for an hour or two. soothing. And it gives me such a wonderful complexion.

Ain't it great to be a Republican?
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
Putin pays me $1,000 a day to post here.

What?! I'm shocked and outraged!

He's only paying me $950.
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Here’s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Don’t be conned by Republicans. Don’t let them use you. Don’t be manipulated.

Hilarious. OP spouts a bunch of talking points he's been ordered to "know" about us, and your dumb ass thinks it's a "gut punch".

The leftist hive mind at work.

And the Democrat Party is only the "logical choice" if the question is "What shall we line the cat box with?"
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

I'm not close to being rich......and the richest Americans are in the democrat party.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
Your entire premise is mistaken. No need to go any further until you fix that.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

What's "rich"?

Well....according to democrats someone is rich if they have one penny more than you do...
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

So you get to pick and choose, but satrebil doesn't? Because why exactly?

Sounds like you are a hypocrite, supporting violence when it serves your partisan purpose, but not being prepared for other people to do the same to you.

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