How many of you republicans are rich?

What consequences should there be for speech?

Are you that terrified of words and ideas?
View attachment 326781
Answer the question and stop trying to pretend it's not relevant...because YOU brought it up.

What consequences should there be for speech?
No, I didn't. I simply realized what the other dipshit means by "free speech".
What consequences should there be for speech?
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.
I’m more then willing to protect my self lol hahah hehehjeejjene
Total non Sequitur.

Try again
Look it up.
Look what up? You look it up lol
The Latin phrase "Non Sequitur".

I don't need to look it up, I already know what it means.

I'm not here to educate you, I don't have that kinda time.
I know what it means why can’t you respond to my BB post ?
I don't know what a "BB post" is.
What consequences should there be for speech?

Are you that terrified of words and ideas?
View attachment 326781
Answer the question and stop trying to pretend it's not relevant...because YOU brought it up.

What consequences should there be for speech?
No, I didn't. I simply realized what the other dipshit means by "free speech".
What consequences should there be for speech?
tenor (11).gif
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.
Lol so we should attack black people for racist language? Huh
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

Is this a trick question?
It depends...are you politically insane?
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

It depends on what you call rich. I like to think I'm comfortable and have no needs. Then again I'm not exactly a Republican either. I vote republican largely since I moved here but I'm registered as a libertarian. Actually I'd love to see an end to all political parties and for us to start voting for the best people for a change.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

I'm not rich. But I'm not a Republican either. I take SSI because I have to. I used to work for a living.


I was opposed to SSI when I was in the throes of my naivete years ago. For totally childish reasons.

Now, as for those who don't need it... they can go get a damn job when all of this is over. However, you will still be sitting behind that computer screen imparting your small-minded judgments on those who actually do work for a living.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
Yup, he can. And the government will not tell him he can't.

The folks standing next to him are free to tell him to STFU too.
If you look at red and blue states, the red states are poor and the blue states are rich.

Also look at CEO's who run the world like Bill Gates and Bezos

Yep, all democrat blue.

Hell, conservatives can't even paste on YouTube or Facebook, etc.

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