How many of you support Obabble's peeking at Angela's merkel?

"The memo, dated October 2006 and which was issued to staff in the agency's Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID), was titled "Customers Can Help SID Obtain Targetable Phone Numbers"."

Who was president in 2006?
The capability was noted in a memo in 2006. This level of spying didn't start until 2010. While all nations spy on one another to a degree. They also respect a certain level of privacy. obama just crossed that line. It's like if the government said that Americans have no expectation of privacy when they are on the street in public, so that means they have no expectation of privacy in their homes either. If they can put up a red light camera, they can put a camera in your kitchen to make sure you are eating healthy.

The best thing about this whole debacle, is that there is no kind of argument democrats can make that will badger other nations into accepting obama's outrageous actions. Calling Angela Merkel a racist isn't going to convince many Germans. Same goes for the other 34 nations that obama has been spying on.

Edward Snowden continues to serve his country. The man has passed hero and is approaching saint.
All governments spy on each other .... but to be found out like that ! I mean...the incompetence of the Obama Administration has no limits, they are useless!!!!! Everything they touch turns into shit.
Like the Midas Touch in reverse.

Useless is a perfect description

Who was president in 2006?

Who is president now?

The blame Bush card is as worn out as the race card.

Time to put on your big boy pants and take responsibility. The 35 countries Obama was caught spying on aren't going to blame Bush. They're not going to be intimidated by threats of racism.

When Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union, Eisenhower didn't blame Truman. But then again, Eisenhower was a leader.
You guys are fooling yourselves if you think that Germany isn't spying on us too.

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Why would we spy on our friends genius? Maybe if Obama wasn't so busy spying on our friends, he would have had time to stop the Boston Marathon bombing - which our enemy (Russia) WARNED us about BEFORE it happened.

Maybe if Obama didnt spend 24x7 spying on all 330 million Americans, he would have had time to examine the intelligence to prevent helicopters full of the elite Seal Team 6 members from being shot out of the sky?

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