How many posters here are smarter than all the world's scientists?

Bottom line on the AGW horseshit scam.

And yet you can't provide any evidence for that. That's because you're making it all up, proudly committing fraud for the glory of your fascist cult.

You. Are. Lying. Enjoy burning in Hell for that.

Now, go rant some more the "magic negro", you little racist shitstain.
Just to give a taste of the AGW lies: (I could literally give hundreds of other examples)

2004 email: Phil Jones on why he thought the last 20 years was warmer than the Medieval Warm Period: "This is all gut feeling, no science"; warmist Tom Wigley also calls the hockey stick "a very sloppy piece of work"

2004 ClimateGate email
M&M [McIntyre and McKitrick?] are completely wrong in virtually everything they say or do. I have sent them countless data series that were used in the Jones/Mann Reviews of Geophysics papers. I got scant thanks from them for doing this - only an email saying I had some of the data series wrong, associated with the wrong year/decade. I wasted a few hours checking what I'd done and got no thanks for pointing their mistake out to them.... Bottom line - their is no way the MWP (whenever it was) was as warm globally as the last 20 years. There is also no way a whole decade in the LIA period was more than 1 deg C on a global basis cooler than the 1961-90 mean. This is all gut feeling, no science, but years of experience of dealing with global scales and varaibility. Must got to Florence now. Back in Nov 1. Cheers Phil
At 20:46 21/10/2004, you wrote:
Phil, I have just read the M&M stuff critcizing MBH. A lot of it seems valid to me. At the very least MBH is a very sloppy piece of work -- an opinion I have held for some time. Presumably what you have done with Keith is better? -- or is it? I get asked about this a lot. Can you give me a brief heads up? Mike is too deep into this to be helpful. Tom [Wigley]
Prof. Phil Jones
Your quote from Jones is cherry-picked woefully out of context. Jones has mountains of data and we both know it. There were statistical errors in the first MBH hockey stick graph, but they were corrected in later versions and had NO EFFECT ON THE RESULTS. You probably can pull out hundreds of other examples but, unfortunately for you, they would be just like what you've already posted here: examples that have no bearing on AGW and only show that you are desperate to try to refute what hard science says is a fucking fact.
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Your quote from Jones is cherry-picked woefully out of context. Jones has mountains of data and we both know it. There were statistical errors in the first MBH hockey stick graph, but they were corrected in later versions and had NO EFFECT ON THE RESULTS. You probably can pull out hundreds of other examples but, unfortunately for you, they would be just like what you've already posted here: examples that have no bearing on AGW and only show that you are desperate to try to refute what hard science says is a fucking fact.
For a supposedly "rational" person, you sure are getting angry that people are questioning you.
Your quote from Jones is cherry-picked woefully out of context. Jones has mountains of data and we both know it. There were statistical errors in the first MBH hockey stick graph, but they were corrected in later versions and had NO EFFECT ON THE RESULTS. You probably can pull out hundreds of other examples but, unfortunately for you, they would be just like what you've already posted here: examples that have no bearing on AGW and only show that you are desperate to try to refute what hard science says is a fucking fact.
For a supposedly "rational" person, you sure are getting angry that people are questioning you.
That looked angry to you? Let me guess, you work in a nursery school.
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I don't see the tools with which we used to post up polls but we can ad lib.

Just tell us in the comments. How many people believe they are more intelligent than all the world's active climate scientists. In case you were unsure, if you have EVER put up a post that accused all those scientists of lying, of being biased by "donations and bribes", of claiming that they put out results to please whoever pays for their grants, you should post "ME!". Got it? Okay. Can't wait to see the results!

ALL Trumpublicans believe they are smarter than scientific consensus. So they use fake science posted by unqualified trolls, pseudo-scientists and TeeVee weathermen to make their ridiculous case.

It isn't just climate change either. We see them do it every damn day with the pandemic. They are smarter than virologists and epidemiologists so they quote idiots like Trump, Scott Atlas, Dr Phil, Dr Oz and MrPillow.

I don't see the tools with which we used to post up polls but we can ad lib.

Just tell us in the comments. How many people believe they are more intelligent than all the world's active climate scientists. In case you were unsure, if you have EVER put up a post that accused all those scientists of lying, of being biased by "donations and bribes", of claiming that they put out results to please whoever pays for their grants, you should post "ME!". Got it? Okay. Can't wait to see the results!

ALL Trumpublicans believe they are smarter than scientific consensus. So they use fake science posted by unqualified trolls, pseudo-scientists and TeeVee weathermen to make their ridiculous case.

It isn't just climate change either. We see them do it every damn day with the pandemic. They are smarter than virologists and epidemiologists so they quote idiots like Trump, Scott Atlas, Dr Phil, Dr Oz and MrPillow.


You are confused about this Moon Bat.

I am an Engineer that had a career in Environmental Restoration. I have worked on some of the biggest pollution abatement and restoration projects in the country. I have cleaned up more pollution in my 30 career than a million of you Environmental Wackos will see in your lifetimes.

I understand real science and can separate it from scientific bullshit.

I would have no problem accepting AGW if it was real. However, AGW is scientific bullshit that has no basis in reality. It is a scam put on by you stupid uneducated Moon Bats that don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about Climate Science just like you are ignorant in History, Economics, Biology, Ethics and the Constitution.

If AGW was real there would be no need for the scam artist to lie about the data, which we have caught them doing numerous times.

AGW has became a religion for the uneducated. A religion designed to destroy technology and to redistribute wealth. Typical Left Wing ignorance. It is despicable and you should be ashamed of yourself for falling for such a blatantly ridiculous lie.

Of course you idiot Moon Bats are the same morons that voted for Joe Dufus and then ignored the fact he stole the election so we all know that you aren't exactly the best and the brightest, don't we?
I am an Engineer

Then you have no excuse for failing so badly at science every single time.

Don't say where you worked or where you went to school, so as not to disgrace them.

So, were you always a lying cult fraudster, or did the Trump cult train you in that art?
I hope you realize that the scientists have predicted the end of the world since the mid 70s.

No, the scientists predicted the warming. Only your crazy MSM allies predicted the end of the world.
They wrote books describing the end; to deny such displays your emotional disturbance.
Show us one.
Ever hear of Google or Amazon?
Either you’re young or illiterate because the 70s had retards such as yourself predicting an imminent ice age.
I am an Engineer

Then you have no excuse for failing so badly at science every single time.

Don't say where you worked or where you went to school, so as not to disgrace them.

So, were you always a lying cult fraudster, or did the Trump cult train you in that art?

Engineers learn to separate fact from bullshit. Something you dumbass Moon Bats have never been able to do.

AGW is bullshit.

If it wasn't then the yokels wouldn't have to lie, cherry pick and make up data, which they have been caught doing many many times.

It is a scam and a religon to the uneducated. Just like you morons think a country will be more properous if we raise taxes and that Socialsm will somehow work in the US this time if we just give it one more chance.
Engineers learn to separate fact from bullshit.

Obviously not true in all cases, given how you only provide bullshit.

Engineers tend to be some of the most belligerently stupid of the deniers. They take a few tech classes, and they assume that makes them scientific experts in every field. I refer to that subset of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome as "Engineer's Arrogance Syndrome".
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Ever hear of Google or Amazon?
Either you’re young or illiterate because the 70s had retards such as yourself predicting an imminent ice age.

Not true. If your cult told you such a thing, your cult lied to you. Naturally, you'll love them more for that.

This isn't a debate. Even in the 1970s, the overwhleming scientific consensus was predicting warming. The fact that you followed the charlatans and hysterical media spin instead of the science only reflects badly on you.
I'm smart enough to know the difference between fact and theory and I'm smart enough to know that there are no academic qualifications to call yourself a "scientist" much less a "climate scientist". I'm also smart enough to know that the guru of MMGW, Al Gore, had no background in science and not all "scientists" are on board with the MMGW theory.
I'm smart enough to know the difference between fact and theory

yes. Gravity and AGW would both be theories theories that are accepted due to the preponderance of the facts.

and I'm smart enough to know that there are no academic qualifications to call yourself a "scientist" much less a "climate scientist".

A Ph.D. in atmospheric physics followed by postdoc work is standard for climate scientists. That's why they placed in the category of "some of the smartest people in the world".

I'm also smart enough to know that the guru of MMGW, Al Gore, had no background in science and not all "scientists" are on board with the MMGW theory.

It's nice that you follow Gore as a sort of guru, but since he's not a scientist, we don't care about him, and we never have. Making it enitrely political is what your side does, not ours.
Most scientists go where the best money is.
Indeed. An example is how government is giving mega bucks to science orgs... all good in the pursuit of learning, yes? No. Biden’s handlers are expanding the size of our government, under the guise of a benevolent dictator, and one that desires greatly the ability to rule over the peons at large.

Expanding the size of government, while simultaneously kicking the multiple debt cans down the road, is about as inept as it will ever get folks. Neither Reps nor Dems are interested enough to actually work together to start moving out of the red. No true interest or it would have happened by now.

Considering the current number of “acceptable governmental errors” that occur, it is beyond questionable as why informed citizens will accept this expansion of ineptitude.

There is little value to a biased government influencing science orgs. Ethically driven scientists stay clear of political connections. It’s a lot about the money without question.
However, the core of her argument is “The climate crisis is a crisis born of injustice, and it is a crisis born of the pursuit of profit at any and all human and ecological cost”

That's how we know she's an idiot.
View attachment 486006

Is this like the COVID thing where hundreds of millions are going to die within a few short months if we don't all wear masks and lock down forever?

Just wondering... Oh wait! Haven't those same scientists you're talking about predicted that the world would be without ice caps within a decade thirty years ago and that we were all going to die?



You sound as if I should put you down for a "YES"

That is why you representing smart people isn't a good idea.

He didn't say yes.

He's questioning the fundamental process.


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